JoinedPosts by iconoclastic
Why cut back on spending if Armageddon is sooooo close?
by stuckinarut2 inso if the big a is so very very close, why cut back on expenses??.
surely you would spend up big....because there is no point saving the funds for use after the big a right??.
ezekial 7:19 says that "gold and silver will be useless and thrown in the streets".
Very profound and meaning ful question! -
A simple physical exercise leads to great discovery!
by iconoclastic inwhen i was working in a shipping company, captain invited me to his house for his wedding anniversary.
there i was attracted to his father (aged around 80) who seemed to be very healthy.
with me he became very comfortable, and talkative.
Before you call it crazy, is it not bettr first experiment it?
here is a link that gives you details:
A simple physical exercise leads to great discovery!
by iconoclastic inwhen i was working in a shipping company, captain invited me to his house for his wedding anniversary.
there i was attracted to his father (aged around 80) who seemed to be very healthy.
with me he became very comfortable, and talkative.
Dear SafeAtHomeHow we both became a long-time friends was a different matter which I thought is not relevent here.
I just thought of sharing some benefits I derive spending a few minutes--without any cost (something which anyone can experiment with no loss, but with only gain to ensue)
A simple physical exercise leads to great discovery!
by iconoclastic inwhen i was working in a shipping company, captain invited me to his house for his wedding anniversary.
there i was attracted to his father (aged around 80) who seemed to be very healthy.
with me he became very comfortable, and talkative.
When I was working in a shipping company, Captain invited me to his house for his wedding anniversary. There I was attracted to his father (aged around 80) who seemed to be very healthy. With me he became very comfortable, and talkative. When I asked him about the secret of his health, he explained about his simple diet and some simple physical exercises. Two of them I found exceptionally good, and were giving me instant benefit.
1. If you don’t get sleep:
You take a deep breath through your nose for four seconds.
You hold your breath in for 7 seconds.
You then forcefully exhale through your mouth for eight seconds.
Repeat the process 4-6 times.
2) If you feel tired, and feel instant energy
Stand at ease, with legs a feet apart
Contract your anus muscles (like horses do) gently upward 10 times with each breathing in, and release the muscles with each breathing out.
At the tenth time when you contract your anus muscle and breathe in, simultaneously raise your tongue and make it’s tip touch the upper palate, and hold it for a few seconds, and blow it out forcefully.
(repeat the process for 2-3 times).
You feel refreshed instantly as you are taking the vital energy from your genital area, and evenly spreading it throughout your body.
I did not look for any scientific basis for what he said, I just practiced it. To my amazement, I found what he said was true. Since then, I never take things like tea, coffee or any soft drinks to refresh myself.
This made me realize that there are things that we cannot perceive with our sense. (Phil 4:7)
Love is like God.
by The Rebel inneither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
Is there any scientific evidence that love ...exist?
In the case of majority, love doesn’t exist. The days of wine and roses soon devolve into days of whine and neuroses! Relationships are breaking down at an alarming rate. The `love' people in general declare is actually selfishness. People only love themselves. The child or spouse caters to you so you say you love them. When they no longer cater to your demands, love ceases.
Yet as an exception, love exists in very few people. I have experienced a real help from somebody who did not want anybody else to know about. This love is the reflection of the greater love we call God from whom all good qualities flow. This is not a dogmatic view—it’s my experience.
Our experience is that one thing leads to another. Whether an observer should acknowledge it or not matters not. A boulder rolls down a hill. A man stops it and holds it midway. If he takes his hands off, it will roll down again. Here, nothing is moving; yet, something is happening. The man holding the boulder from sliding is an event that is happening. Of course, no change is manifest. Yet,s omething is going on. Cards arranged as a pyramid are still. But a lot is still taking place. Forces act in various directions,n ullifying each other. It is a passive event. Antarctica is mostly still, which is the effect of the equilibrium of the underlying forces heat, gravity, etc and not absolute or independent. Few perceptible changes, yet many imperceptible forces. Ergo, an event may not involve a change perceptible to us. At times, nothing changes, yet an event may be taking place, passively. How does one know there is an event going on when it is passive? Develop senses. Develop devices. Do whatever. But be less sure while saying nothing is going on or a Heavenly Daddy does’nt exist just because it/He is imperceptible. Events have always happened as an unbroken cause: as an effect chain, not always perceptible, from time zero. Perceptibility is but one not the only norm by which to conclude something happened or somebody exists. Eyes of understanding can perceive what is not perceived by the senses.
More rumors, 500 families laid off from South African bethel.
by bohm infrom a recent reddit thread:.
i just received confirmation from a very trusted source in south africa bethel that up to 500 "families" (i imagine couples or singles) are getting let go from that branch.. also confirmed is the special pioneer cull.. what really strikes me about the layoffs is that the south african bethel provides literature and other needs for most of africa, a huge growth area for the org.. .
WT is fading--the inevitable has to happen. Luke 14:9 has to be fulfilled: "Give this person your seat.' Then, humiliated, you will have to take the least important place."
WT came on to the world scene uninvited.
Love is like God.
by The Rebel inneither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
Dear rebel,
When my daughter (9-year old) came from the catechism class last Sunday, I asked her: why do you say God exist? This was her reply:
“You see those cucumbers? Well, one tiny seed becomes a cucumber, and another tiny seed grows into a tomato, and another becomes a banana. Someone is making that happen. Someone is making the difference. That someone must be God.“
Without using those words, she was talking about the DNA of a seed key to the universe in a speck of an object. What she was saying was that God's intelligence and power are encompassed in a single seed, a specially marked, carefully programmed unit, all the more remarkable because of its infinitesimal size.
Seeds are the transcendent stuff of life; our lives come from seeds. Seeds are what enabled life to be maintained from primitive times unto today: every human being ever born came from a seed; so too, all animal and plant life that sustained us as food, all that humans wore on their backs before synthetics, all aspects of shelter, all original tools of culture such as writing, music and art indeed everything that we depended on to continue the generations.
Given the importance of seed, it is not unfair to say that in our everyday lives we tend to take for granted their power and importance. We discard seeds as garbage without a thought of the mysteries they hold; we pay more for watermelons and lemons engineered to be free of those “pesky“ things.
When you hear a piece of music, one can take as a noise, and another can take it a beautiful piece of art. I see in the universe countless things as blessings from a loving Father rather than mere wonders of nature—especially fruit-bearing trees and flowering plants which are there for a reason.
I remember in my childhood what my parish priest said. During church ceremony, there was power-failure during the church choir was singing during the Christmas night. In pitched dark, song continued. The one on the Harmonium played the song perfectly without seeing the key board. Priest said: You can’t see the harmonium player, but you can listen how nicely he plays. So is with God. You can’t see Him, but you can see His hands playing. Fine-tuning things for us. I think he had a point.
Did God create life? Did life have a beginning?
by quincemyles inlife is passed on from previously existing life.
life can not be created but can be destroyed.
this rule has never been broken.
“Current theories of the physical world do not work, and can never be made to work, unless you include consciousness (the observer) in the equation.”— Dr Lanza (who is pioneer in stem cell research and one among hundred most prestigious personalities in the world in 2014 according to TIME Mazazine)
What death teaches!
by iconoclastic indeath teaches that nothing belongs to us.
no other teachings have been conveyed so clearly, powerfully, and globally.
yet this is the one that is not taken seriously by people in general.
Dear Bonsai
BK style is not coming to Forum like this. They invite each sections of the community into their Head Quarters, and give them a week’s seminar. For example, seminar for attorneys, cardiologists, teachers, mariners (the one I attended), defense personnel, artists, business men …… to help them excel in their respective fields.
In these seven days when they stay there, they walk around and see for themselves the visual aids available in the complex. Some will ask for more information, and they are given the knowledge. There is no preaching work, no house-to-house ministry, no conventions ….
When some TV Channel personnel attended their seminar, they offered free service in their TV networks. When Governors attended, some of them gifted them acres of land in the heart of their capital cities for BKs to start meditation centers.
Unlike JWs, they are friends of all rulers, they take part in voting. (JWs have really to learn from them) In the railway station near to BK Head Quarters, you will find Government providing them an office within the Government building which serves like Reception to the visitors to BK headquarters--something the Government wound normally not do. That is the sort of support they get from the Governments.
What death teaches!
by iconoclastic indeath teaches that nothing belongs to us.
no other teachings have been conveyed so clearly, powerfully, and globally.
yet this is the one that is not taken seriously by people in general.
Dear punkofnice
I appreciate your concern.
If I could jump out of JWs before being disfellowshipped by them—that means I am sensitive to organizations that are after money.