Who is the current "King of the South"?
i believe it to be Cornholio from Lake Titicaca in Nicaragua
ever since the ussr fell it seems the jw's have been trying to find anyone to proclaim the king of the south (sorry if thats not how u say it but i'm just directly translating "rey del sur" ) just wondering if anyone knows who is the latest suspect, n korea maybe?
by the way, another example of how elitist the wts is, albeit subtle, why isnt the us the king of the south?
after all geographically speaking the former ussr is further north than the us.
Who is the current "King of the South"?
i believe it to be Cornholio from Lake Titicaca in Nicaragua
duluth, mnmilton jarry, an antique dealer with 29 years of experience buying and selling rare collectibles and furnishings, announced monday that he is sick of estimating the value of smurf collections and other "piles of pop-culture detritus.
"if one more person brings in a 'rare' figurine of smurfette in a jogging suit, i'm going to set it on fire," said jarry, owner of the finer things, a cortland avenue antique shop.
"that goes double for brainy smurf ceramic piggy banks.
do you know where i can get the address for this antique shoppe? i'd love to pay him a visit!
12 + 10(4-2) - 7
once upon a time there was a set of siamese twins, who looked nothing alike, had never been conjoined, had been born to different parents, and in different years.
their albino glow is what held them together, and kept them separate from the world.
the albino siamese twins were put in a travelling freak show.
good christ! (see what kind of influence you have on me!) could you please warn me that i should have some depends handy for such an occassion?
i love the captain scrumpy jack pic--it ROCKS. i think capt scrumpy jack makes a brief appearance in the new winnie the pooh movie--you'll have to watch the previews closely to see what i mean. or perhaps i was just way more hammered than i thought, heehee.
chapter 2? do you think we can all handle chapter 2?!!?!?!
sorry, call me a b*$ch if you'd like but is this really a place for a 13 year old child to be hanging out?
is the chat room really a place for kids?
i know i wouldn't let my 14 year old near this place.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/48684/1.ashx.
not interested--
4 years, 8 months, 1 week and 4 days
what secrets would you like to share with us, that you are keeping inside of you for so long?
i snuck into a movie with jo. i'm going to hell
list of jw phobias ---mediacontreltophobia: fear of hidden congregational sexual abuse being exposed by the mediaapostoangrophobia: fear of raving mad apostatescongopogonophobia: fear of being seen in the kingdom hall with non-approved facial hairrhabdophobia: young jw's fear of proverbs coming true(fear of using the rod)hemophobia: fear of accepting bloodtheolevophobia: fear of being at god's left hand instead of his rightapostobibliophobia: fear of apostate literaturenonjwecclesiophobia: fear of going into a non-jw churchapostoenissophobia: fear of being criticized by apostatesdemonophobia: fear of the demonsheresyphobia: fear of questioning the fdscongopartydipsophobia: fear of drinking at a congregational get-togetherpanophobia: sort of encompasses everything here....fear of everythingmetaphoroptophobia: fear of opening their eyes(metaphorically speaking)doctrinalatychiphobia: fear of their doctrines failing to come truepost-1935 ouranophobia: fear of going to heavenantidikephobia: fear of not getting justice in a judicial meetinggnosioselaphobia: fear of not understanding new light flashing forthhylephobia: fear of materialismanginodoorophobia: fear of not making it through the narrow doorgerascophobia: fear of growing old in this systemglossophobia: fear of giving talks or speaking to people in field servicetheohippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: fear of those long words in the biblememorialoenophobia: fear of drinking the wine passed at the memorial.
ok, some of these prefixes(and middles) are made up, but the overall meanings fit the rule.. go to http://www.phobialist.com for more phobias that you can make up.
i think i experienced number 22 while pioneering
yesterday dear sister eyegirl (of the international sisterhood of apostate albino's, northern branch) was visiting me.
we just finished lunch and were about to rush out and see some r rated movies when the doorbell rang.
rest assured cruzan and big tex, we lived it up yesterday. woke up with the reminder that it was St Patrick's Day!!!! so we made our way to the big city and drank some beer in an Irish pub, then wandered the streets of the city, happily buzzed. later on Not Interested was kind enough to invite us along for his night of festivities and we partied til the wee hours of the morning. so much more fun than some boring elder visit!
yesterday dear sister eyegirl (of the international sisterhood of apostate albino's, northern branch) was visiting me.
we just finished lunch and were about to rush out and see some r rated movies when the doorbell rang.
you're not kidding!
i made it home to find 3 messages on my answering machine since i've been gone. the first was a friend from work asking if i wanted to go out saturday night (ROCK ON!!), the second from some chick from the congregation i went to when i lived at home. good christ, i haven't talked to her in like 3 years. finally, the last message was a second attempt from a local elder (when i say local, i mean local--i think he lives on the next block) to encourage me to attend meetings at the local kingdom hall "and the memorial is just around the corner." **puke** i'm sure we'll be dodging more phone calls/visits when you come up here next weekend. "Quick!! To the batcave, girl wonder!!"
any of my friends that wants to add me to thier yahoo messenger mine is downtowndennybrown@yahoo