well i've made it home and managed to haul everything from my car upstairs to the apartment. WHEW!! that 5 hour drive is just starting to fly by!! of course i didn't take the "Where's Waldo" tour of Wisconsin that Not Interested and Hannibal did. for cripes sakes--look at a map BEFORE you leave home!!
it was such a great time, i'm glad i stayed as long as i did. the hours of stimulating conversation were wonderful.
friday night will forever be the most fun i've ever had in a grocery store. and darn that kid who wouldn't give us a ride on the forklift!!!! and those girls who parked in the "infant parking" spot and they didn't have an infant!!!! and the lady who wouldn't let us buy beer!!!!! oh the horrors!! but the man who sold me the lamp 1/2 off at the hobby lobby, well he made up for them all--weeeeeeeee!!!
i had an excellent time, as always, in green bay. maybe next time we can get even more really fun apostates to come too!!!
oh, and one last thing--MONKEY TOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!