i'll probably be dusting off the catholic school girl outfit again. now if only i can convince joannadandy to go trick-or-treating for shots with me...............
JoinedPosts by eyegirl
What To Be For Halloween?
by Valis ini'm starting early this year cuz i want to have a rockin halloween.
i''ve been the devil, the grim sweeper, medusa, an alien,...i was thinking this year maybe one of those warriors from lord of the rings...and what are you going to be this halloween, or do you even celebrate the spooky day?.
Ticketmaster Bites...
by closer2fine inhttp://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/09/01/tech/main570971.shtml
new world in concert tickets .
cbs) waiting in line won't help you.
that totally bites!!
**rolling eyes with princess at the "convenience charges"**
i do have to say though, the only time i bought concert tickets on an auction, i got a kick ass deal. i treated my sister to the Creed concert last year in St Paul. when i checked ticketmaster, the tickets were obstructed view, crappy seats and with convenience charges, around $120 for the pair. so i checked yahoo auctions and it was there, of all places, i got really great seats (2 rows from the floor and 35' from the stage) for about $130 with shipping.
makes me wonder if they're going to start auctioning off the tickets to the highest bidder...........what will happen to all the contests radio stations usually hold to give away the really good tickets?
How Many are Single? How Many are Looking?
by Robdar ini find myself finally becoming accustomed to the fact that i am single again.
i am no longer thinking in couple terms and i now cook to please only me.
it's fun and scary all at the same time.
yeah...........i have very minimal requirements: a job, your own transportation, having all your teeth is a definite plus. bonus points if you ride a motorcycle.
Back in the meat raffle of life!
by joannadandy inof late i have been rattling on about my new boy toy- .
it was a wonderful summer romance that began with the kick off of memorial day fireworks, peaked on the fourth of july--and fizzled out before labor day.
my offer to saran wrap his car still stands
Back in the meat raffle of life!
by joannadandy inof late i have been rattling on about my new boy toy- .
it was a wonderful summer romance that began with the kick off of memorial day fireworks, peaked on the fourth of july--and fizzled out before labor day.
why is it that we always seem to have this discussion? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. that boytoy is lucky that i don't know where he lives--i could so snap that nerd man in two!!
take solace in the fact that i'm right beside you at the VFW meat raffle. at least we'll always be partners in the squaredance of life. heehee
i love ya girl and i promise things will get better.
If you could have one date with anyone, who would it be?
by obiwan ini've thought about this, the problem is there are so many wonderful choice's, i don't know where to start!
i always had a thing for tiffany, the singer, when i was younger!
lutece, i'm all with you girl. although, i was diggin vince vaughn in "old school". i thought joannadandy was gonna smack me. good christ i could ride that fine piece of man into next week!! yum yum!!
by Englishman inhow do you prefer your escargot's?.
with butter and garlic sauce or without?.
i like them with butter and garlic with a sprinkling of parsley too.. englishman.
how about.............. "Live From the Tub: It's Escargot!!"
Gettin' The Party On Early: Big Tex is 41 Tomorrow (April 25)!!!
by cruzanheart in.
happy birthday, darling!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
South Park?
by dubla inive havent noticed to many references to south park on the board recently.......do we have south park watchers on here?.
if so, did anyone catch the 100th episode last night?
i would reccomend that episode to everyone on this board that has been discussing the war issues.....it was hilarious, and made some great points with humor that both sides could get something out of.....pretty funny stuff.
i love south park!! i started watching the 100th episode last night, but i must've been more tired than i thought.............i fell asleep halfway through i'm sure it'll be on again in reruns.