omg jo! that was hilarious!! however, i think it was also funny because somewhere in there "F*ck you John Mayer!! F*ck you right up the ass!!!" was thrown in. that and the impersonation were almost enough to send me over the edge. however, i do find that whenever we're together we laugh hysterically. i still think our Queen impersonation was better though LOL
JoinedPosts by eyegirl
John Mayer Stinks
by Oxnard Hamster ini can't stand the guy or his songs.
his voice is grating.
what's worse, my local radio station plays one of his songs like every 15 minutes, and every other station is either country or classical music.
tattoos...did you rebel and get one?
by morty inafter i left the "troof" the first thing i did was run out and get a ,some 18 years later i still dont regret it.i even have gotten a couple of new ones in the past couple of years......i mean not that i am covered in them,but i think if a women has them ,there is nothing wrong with that has long as they are not all over,face or lower arms......... i just think it is sexy on a man..( a few....not on the same areas as the women and neck as well.
) but for a women to have them all over her is not attractive....i think for a women to have a couple in a suddle place..( like for your partner to see or is sexy as well...this girl in our town, has them covering her face and arms.i just think she looks scary......(i do also think that they must be done professionally and kept realistic.
)...i know your not to judge a book by its cover but, this girl wonders why, parents will not let children to her house to play with her child?
i got a very small one on my toe the first year i was out. just a small sign of rebellion, but i love it and get compliments on it in the summer. i'm hoping to get a larger one on my lower back sometime this year--one to symbolize my brother, sister and me. we've gotten so close the last couple of years, that one would really be special.
Ex-JW Singles - Post Your Info Here!
by pettygrudger inlots of love connections have been made on this board, and its about time we made a few more!
its been almost a year since there was a thread on this, and i figure its about time for an update.. so, are you single?
if so, post a little about yourself here - perhaps there's a love connection right here on this board!.
oh fer cripes sakes, what the hey.
alrighty, well i'm a 6' blonde hairless albino sasquatch. i hail from the land of cheese and beer. where the men think camo and snow boots are sexy. woohooo! an all around fun finder and trouble maker. very independent and i work to support myself. no kids, no pets, no serious baggage. i do come with one sister joined to me at the hip. i've been out just a little about 3 years now; i'm a fader. so far i've managed to keep my life balanced in order to keep my jw parents in it and still enjoy the rest of my 'wordly' family. i love to drink beer, laugh, have fun, and i'm hoping to get my own motorcycle this next spring. cross your fingers for me score!
Where is everyone from?
by God is Dead ini know some of you are hiding, but i am curious as to how far around the world everyone on here is from.
i am in sask, canada.
i hail from the land we love to call Canada Lite..................Minnesota.
LASIK surgery
by drwtsn32 ini have a pre-op appointment for lasik eye surgery on thursday.
assuming everything checks out ok my surgery will be on the following tuesday.
woo hoo!!.
what i got out of the conversation with my doc is that even though overall your vision may be better, often times the quality of your vision isn't as good. how i understood that is, as an example, i notice a difference in the quality of my vision between my contacts and glasses. often times the quality is much better with my glasses--much more clear and crisp. also along with that, take into consideration halos and glare. my best friend just had her LASIK about 2 months ago. she can no longer wear dark sunglasses because she complains that the glare is so bad she can't drive with them on.
what can be hard to grasp is that there are so many perceptions of "20/20 vision". you can have 5 different patients who can all see to read the 20/20 line on an eye chart, but it doesn't mean they all see it the same way. for some it's an easy task, for others, they eek it out. does that make sense?
we had a busy clinic day, so i didn't get to discuss the study with her all that much and now we're both on vacation til next week.
A Secret about DF'ing that Elders will not tell you.
by Amazing inone of the big issues affecting ex-jws is being shunned by their close relatives.
this can be especially painful for parents, children or siblings.
the jw relative may even make some exceptions to associate in the name of "necessary" business, but then later on their conscience "pricks" them, and they realize that they have pushed the envelope too much and they withdraw their association altogether ... or ... the society comes out with some article or the co comes to town, and manage to ding on some issue that make jws feel guilty about associating with df'd and da'd relatives.
i agree with gadget's earlier statement. they will threaten with taking away privileges. this has just happened this past week with my parents. since i've just faded, no da'ing or df'ing, there hasn't been a problem with keeping up my relationship. however, i've recently been busted for smoking which i don't do anymore. i explained that to my parents when they questioned me about it. my dad went on to say that their local elders had gotten a report from someone who saw me smoking a few months back and that if it were true and/or i was still smoking they would have to cut off contact with me or my dad would be removed as a servant.
LASIK surgery
by drwtsn32 ini have a pre-op appointment for lasik eye surgery on thursday.
assuming everything checks out ok my surgery will be on the following tuesday.
woo hoo!!.
wow, congrats to everyone who's had the surgery successfully. LASIK technology is certainly amazing. Corrective surgery has certainly come a long way. The clinic i work at now doesn't perform any type of corrective surgery, but my previous clinic did. Most of the employees there had the procedure done--it was very inexpensive for us. I would recommend that anyone considering it visit a reputable surgeon who will answer all of your questions honestly. Understanding exactly what is going to happen, what to expect, and possible outcomes is very important. Often times, people had unrealistic expectations for their surgery. Not everyone will see 20/20. I don't know of any doctor who will guarantee you that either. If you read the fine print or the "fine print" of commercials, it states that the goal of the procedure is to REDUCE your dependence on glasses and contact lenses.
My doctor and i were discussing LASIK the other day, there was a recent article in an ophthalmology journal stating that although the quantity of your vision may increase, often times the quality of your vision doesn't match that improvement. It's kind of scary to think about--it's irreversable.
Although we haven't run into any of these cases at our clinic, this is fairly common. Patients who have previously had corrective surgery (RK, PRK, LASIK) and are now coming in for cataract surgery are running into problems. The types of measurements done to calculate the lens implant used in cataract surgery aren't accurate once your cornea has been altered. PLEASE ASK YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT THIS BEFORE SURGERY.
anyway, just thought i'd throw in my 2 cents. i'm not claiming to know everything, just throwing out a little food for thought.
Not Again...And in my backyard...
by joannadandy in.
this is just a small town about 10 minutes north of where i live and go to school...a very sad day indeed around here.... .
jo, i was pretty shocked to hear about it too. hit a little closer to home with brother's best friend, his wife teaches at that school and my cousin is a junior there. they're both ok, but it's very sad day indeed.
Story Time
by joannadandy inhey--i could really use some input from parents and kids at heart.. i am volunteering to do a story time this saturday.
i am supposed to read whatever i want to the kids for an hour.
i left a message that i would take requests for stories, but so far no one has made any suggestions.. i am just wondering what some of you would suggest i read.
you MUST take me to buy Skippyjon Jones this weekend. Mel will be tickled pink!!! i'm not sure i will ever understand that child's obsession with "Chee-wahwahs!", but hey, it's worth it if it makes her giggle
JWD Maps America America
by Lady Lee inwell here is the start .
if your name is not on it then either it wasn't on the old texas map or it wasn't added to the previous list so... .
if you want your name added please say so and let me know what state you are in.
i'm in Wisconsin if you'd like to add another to the cheese state