Good baiting AA. You sound like just the sort of person we like over at OK, so it`s mainly "419" scammers from africa we deal with there, but it`s a great place to hang out and read about what other folk have done to waste scammers` time.
JoinedPosts by WMSheep
Keeping a blog about my new Russian Girlfriend!
by AlmostAtheist inhey all, .
i'm getting scammed by someone claiming to be a russian woman on her way to the us to work in the medical profession.
she contacted me through yahoo personals, where she claimed to be "amanda" living somewhere near by.
Funeral - What can I expect?
by WMSheep inlast weekend my father`s father passed away at the ripe old age of 94.
he was a jw, converted at the door some 40 years ago.
the funeral is next week, with a "service" at the kingdom hall he used to attend (he was an elder), followed by a visit to the crematorium.
Well, there is also the fact that his 2nd wife (hereafter referred to as "The Mad Cat Lady" (TMCL)) is still living and in theory things could be going to her (I think). Having said that, TMCL IS currently in a home, on her last legs and has senile dementure. Not sure what the other members of the family think - I`m pretty sure that my aunt is just going with the flow just to get things over and done with; but her husband hates the JW`s with a passion so he would be an ally. I`ll see about testing the waters when I get down there. WMS
Funeral - What can I expect?
by WMSheep inlast weekend my father`s father passed away at the ripe old age of 94.
he was a jw, converted at the door some 40 years ago.
the funeral is next week, with a "service" at the kingdom hall he used to attend (he was an elder), followed by a visit to the crematorium.
Just found out that my aunt (who is organising things) was asked by the elder who is doing the service if there was anything she wanted during the service; her reply was that she didnt want the congregation (or should that be "The Collective) "to flick through their Bibles at every possible mention" as she had found the sound offputting at her mother`s funeral. What are the chances of that happening I wonder? Also found out that my fathers father has left everything to the JW`s; that`s going to be the best part of £200,000. I`d love to contest that will but I`m not sure I`d stand anything near a chance of winning. WMS
Funeral - What can I expect?
by WMSheep inlast weekend my father`s father passed away at the ripe old age of 94.
he was a jw, converted at the door some 40 years ago.
the funeral is next week, with a "service" at the kingdom hall he used to attend (he was an elder), followed by a visit to the crematorium.
Ewww, looking back at that last post, parts of it sound a bit impolite. That was not my intention at all. SORRY!! WMS
Funeral - What can I expect?
by WMSheep inlast weekend my father`s father passed away at the ripe old age of 94.
he was a jw, converted at the door some 40 years ago.
the funeral is next week, with a "service" at the kingdom hall he used to attend (he was an elder), followed by a visit to the crematorium.
Ta once again for the comments. I dont intend having ANYTHING that resembles an open mind next week; I know my beliefs and I`m happy with them. As for condolences, thank you but please dont waste your breath; he may have been my Father`s father (NEVER my grandfather), but I can honestly say that I have met him less times than the number of fingers I have. I dont know him and I`ll just be there as my Father`s representative. The last time we met was 13 years ago at my fathers funeral where we exchanged something like 2 dozen words over the course of a 7 hour period (it was OK till he started preaching about what an "Evil World we are in" at the wake which hacked off a lot of folk). As regards dress for the service, of course I`ll a dark suit; I`ll get stared at anyway because of my long hair, beard, tattoos, earring and Blood donors badge. BUT I DONT CARE. As for having a laugh after the mourning period, it`s a horrible thing to say but What mourning period? WMS
Funeral - What can I expect?
by WMSheep inlast weekend my father`s father passed away at the ripe old age of 94.
he was a jw, converted at the door some 40 years ago.
the funeral is next week, with a "service" at the kingdom hall he used to attend (he was an elder), followed by a visit to the crematorium.
Ta for that. Thinking back 20 years or so, I remember that for my father`s mother it was a straight trip to the crematorium with the service there. I also remember getting the feeling that the service was not for the benefit of the family, but for the benefit of the JW`s present. Us free thinkers were made to feel that we were only there at the sufferance of the main congregation.
Funeral - What can I expect?
by WMSheep inlast weekend my father`s father passed away at the ripe old age of 94.
he was a jw, converted at the door some 40 years ago.
the funeral is next week, with a "service" at the kingdom hall he used to attend (he was an elder), followed by a visit to the crematorium.
Greetings all. Last weekend my Father`s father passed away at the ripe old age of 94. He was a JW, converted at the door some 40 years ago. The funeral is next week, with a "service" at the Kingdom hall he used to attend (he was an elder), followed by a visit to the crematorium. Now, of the family attending (blood relatives that is), none of us are JW`s (we`re a motley collective of Christians, lapsed Christians, Athiests, Agnostics, and I myself am an unfettered/free Pagan) and I was wondering if any ex JW`s could give me some sort of idea as to the format that the service at the Kingdom hall and then the crematorium might take. Ta WMS