The creation account is confusing to say the least. There are two conflicting accounts. Some events before each
other in both accounts. In chapter 2 god is to make a helper for adam but then creates the animals first, later the woman.
I sometimes think that most of this story is just about the creation of adam and his immediate surroundings. Same as the
flood story, you know the localized thing, and the meaning of the earth thing. There seems to be more and more proof of man
being here more than 6.000 years. To bring every animal from all the earth to be named would be an astronomical
feat . All you have to do is place yourself in adams position and think about how long it would take you. All the bible
seems to deal only with what is called the holy land. I guess my point is that for adam to have named all the animals
it would be only the animals in his immediate area, or the garden of eden. But this is just my sometimes dilusional