Do you say the world is BETTER since 1914 or WORSE?
by hamsterbait 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I ask this, since if disease famine earthquakes and wars were supposed to be WORSE in the time of the end, why is the average life span longer now than in 1914.
Why are so many more diseases curable?
Why is there more food produced?
If so many more people dying of cancer heart disease and AIDS why is the world population increasing exponentially?
Are the WT scare mongering to lend credance to their increasingly doubtful message of doom.
Is the world actually getting better in most ways??
The JW thinking had us thinking times were better in the time before Satan supposedly was cast down.
Personally, I think that the time of plague through Europe and the shortness of lifespans made times in the past worse by comparison.
Sure, there are people with rough conditions, but there seems to be less starvation than 100 years ago, despite the growing population. -
The Almighty Homer
Absolutely all you have to do look at the advancements in science and technology
that have resulted the lengthening of the life span of the general population by more than 10 years in most countries.
There has been an increase in living conditions in most countries, violence has decrease steadily as time has progressed
in spite what the JWS have said. Thats not to say there aren't things that need improved upon.
Thankfully there is now in place a progressive social awareness that certainly was not present 100 years ago and funny as it is it has nothing to do with religion.
Be assured the world is better than it was since then and it will even better another 100 years from now.
In England we recently had a programme on TV called Casualty 1909 which dramatically showed what medicine and hospitals were like 100 years ago. It was a real eye opener to many I am sure as it showed the massive difference between then and now. The very fact that the population is increasing so fast is because now most children don't die early and people are living much longer through better health care. I have asked several witnesses why they think there has been such a population explosion. They hate it as they have to admit that things are so much better now as regards peoples' health and well being.
A better comparison would be, is the world in its worst state ever? The Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger wants us to believe that the world has never been in this bad a condition--giving us an easier mark to compare with. All I have to do is find one period where things were unequivocably worse than today, and they again have a bad doctrine.
And, anyone looking at the period shortly after the Catholic church formed, and for about a thousand years after, will find times that are worse than now. That was the First Dark Ages. Back then, knowledge was suppressed and punished by burning at the stake. Superstition was supreme. You were owned by Lords, who didn't have many of the things we common people take for granted. (Yet they owned everyone and everything.) Everything you did was what the Lords told you to, and they were controlled by the Catholic church. As for crime, you almost expected to be robbed, and even castles with moats (and crocodiles in the water) got burgled. People were more likely to die in wars than today, and the Plague dwarfed our Spanish flu outbreak (by comparison, Spanish flu was a sniffles).
No wonder the witlesses pay attention to the absolute numbers--they do not pay attention to the percentages. Otherwise, they would have to admit that the First Dark Ages were worse, and the members would have to be afraid of being plunged into the Second Dark Ages (so we can return to the abysmal conditions, or even worse).
Psychotic Parrot
They will point to things like the legalising of homosexuality in the western world, lesser emphasis on marriage, looming climate change & the problems of over population, etc... as proof that life is worse now than 100 years ago.
Yunno what i say?