I like the part about offering a bible study and then they should determine which publication to use. Bait
and switch .
again..please do not ask for a pdf scan as the only copies i have are the interbranch electronic copies from the us branch to our local branch.. .
november 3, 2009 .
to all bodies of elders .
I like the part about offering a bible study and then they should determine which publication to use. Bait
and switch .
as they get older many loyal jws find it hard to get to the meetings due to poor health and disability , my mother falls into this category.
there are also others who are disabled or unable to physically be at meetings from time to time.
for many years our congregation taped the meetings and distributed these tapes so all could enjoy the spiritual food of the meetings.
They definitly treat the older ones like crap. My wife visits many of the older ones. As far as the tapes and the
phone, they are a big joke. My wife used them for a while and it was like pulling teeth to get them.
The relatives of the big shots would get them first and most of the time would never bring them back.
They would tape over the wrong tapes. Lose the tapes. And the things sounded like crap.
It was bad enough to listen in real life, but listinening to the tapes was pure torture magnified by 10.
In this hall there was always a kid screaming right next to the camera. I mentioned that they
could hook the sound up directly to the sound system but in several years it never happened.
My wife has to constantly remind the elders to remind people to visit the older ones. The witnesses
prove themselves to be nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.
take a look at www.aspartame.org they said it is not bad for you.
i am confused.
Just research it on google, you will never put the crap in your mouth again. I was having all kinds of
health problems , dry mouth, bad breath, very frequent urination, unbelievable thirst, and many more.
Came across information on aspartame by accident, stopped using it , started to improve within
three days, symtoms completed gone in one week. I now use stevia which is a natuaral product.
It has no glycemic affect, is great for diabetics.
for those who need a refresher, here is the latest redefinition of "generation" from the 4/15/2010 wt:.
understand jesus words about this generation?.
he evidently meant that the lives of the anointed.
I really think the society is going down . I had been in the organization all my life. I am 63. I keep up with the
literature now just to see the changes. What is going on now is beyond belief. The bible does not
even enter into these new ideas or what ever you want to call them. They are starting to sound
like the 'finished mystery book' . They are definitly trying to gain total control. In my opinion
they are working up to something big. Something like asking everyone to sell what they own
and go ministering throughout the world. They will use the example of Jesus when he sent out
his disciples. Of course what money you get you would send to the society. I know this sounds
stupid but everything they do now doesn't make sense either.
i went to the meeting for the first time in months tonight.
during the announcements the presiding overseer mentioned that the "find a brother" arrangement was being moved from wednesday nights to saturday afternoon.
what in the name of god is a "find a brother" arrangement?
In this day and age and in the united states you would have to be and idiot to go to the
door and ask a woman if the man of the house is in.
last night during the service meeting a letter was read indicating that more money was needed by jehovah's witnesses in order to expand the world-wide work .
it was suggested that each publisher take a piece of paper and write down the amount of money they would be willing to give and hand it to the elders.
it seems to be a cleverway to gather "seed money" by the organization while not calling it a "tithe.
They can call it what ever they want, it's just another way of passing the plate. The society does
everthing differently but it still amounts to shearing the sheep.
There are alot of differences, one is the black lines in the back are gone.
march 15, 2010 watchtower, p. 27, par.
16 ("one flock, one shepherd"):.
"paul also helps us to understand that those with an earthly hope do not partake of the memorial emblems.
The problem has always been that the society just plainly does not know what the crap they
are talking, writing about. With some research of the literature you find that the society
has jumped all around the arrival, the taking the throne, the future comming for judgement and the
years have changed. I don't even think their writers even know what each other writes.
As the old saying goes, there are too many cooks in the kitchen.
I have been reading the older literature, it's like several different religions. The two groups thing is
biting them in the butt big time. I don't think jws today even know what the heck they believe
in, but they are in the truth.
i know a lot of people were upset when mash ended.
i never was a big fan of the show, probably because it was on a meeting night, but it was a very popular show.. i loved hill street blues, taxi, all in the family, the rifleman, even superman!
i wished those shows never stopped!.
Everyone probable knows this already, but just type the name of the program into you tube search,
and you can watch many of these episodes, I just watched some twilight Zones.
utterly embarrassing.
how many jw's honestly believe these daft interpretations?
hard to believe these are actually held out as current truth lol.
I remember when we were studying that particular section that I thought it was ridiculous and there
were no scriptures to back it up, so I downloaded a perpetual calendar and matched all the dates
for those amount of days , nothing matched , later on I found that others had done
the same thing. I thought Rutherford was pretty stupid
to not have timed all the literature and conventions etc. to match. Of course he probably
figured that no one would actually check it out.