Yes,I think so.
Just look at how strange many JW´s are.They think that anyone not JW is a slave of Satan so they fear most people around them but they also despise them and enjoy the thought that these friends of Satan will all die in the big A.Isn´t that a strange way of thinking?
There is such a pressure on a JW- You feel you never do enough,you feel guilty about stupid things like the books you enjoy to read or the music you like to hear- giving a gift to a friendly neighbour at her birthday-and the list of "bad things" goes on and on and on-watch out-Satan is tempting you...It would make anybody strange.
Isn´t it crazy to feel guilty when you spend time with your family and skip FS?
Or they ask where you were last sunday as you were not in the hall?Like you have to explain... Once,a friday afternoon, I was driving from Denmark to Holland as I wanted to visit some family for the week -end- when a sister called me. I was somwhere in Germany and she wanted me to come to the hall with her on sunday.I told her I wasn´t coming home before sunday evening and the woman started to tell me how important it was to go to the meetings and blablabla. She wanted me to come home sooner and attend the meeting in my own hall.I hung up on her.(sorry there´s a tunnel her...blip blip)
I think she felt she was doing the right thing and wanted to keep me "strong" but what I realy needed was some time out. I needed the company of my family without thinking of the WT. Looking back I can see that I wanted to be "normal"
there is always judgement hanging over your head -from the old sister sitting beside you to Jehovah himself-judgement and demands.
The result for many JW´s is very often tress or depression or burnout and way to often: all of these together.The clever ones realize that what should be the corner stone of their lives- in reality is a mill stone around their neck -and get rid of it.