Joe: You somehow got AC to jump through all your hoops. But I'm not going to. Partly because I have seen Christians ask you questions time and time again which you completely ignore. Can you say HYPOCRITE?
God has done an awful lot of important things, including creating the universe, in which he did not make certain that we received a completely accurate description of. Some of the things you say are so important that if God did them he would have HAD TO explicitly make known to us I don't see as so important. These things include whether the flood was local or global, whether we are all descended from Noah and whether God gave those who died in the flood a chance to repent and get on the ark or whether he did not.
Your statement that God has kept the fact that the flood of Noah's day was probably a local flood a secret from everyone but AC and three unnamed Bible scholars is ridiculous. There are probably millions of Christians who believe this and thousands of Bible "scholars" who do. Much has been written about this way of understanding Genesis. Maybe you oughta come out of your JW/Fundy/Bible critic cave and read some "liberal" Christian periodicals and reference works.
Your constant criticism of Bible believers for anything and everything is ridiculous. You criticize AC for speculating that Noah's building a giant boat might have helped spread his message that God was soon going to judge the land because he said that boat was probably far from any body of water big enough to hold it. Well, DUH! It was 450 feet long and 45 feet high. Any boat built that size today is built in a shipyard at a seashore. Most local flood advocates say Noah's flood occurred in the Tigress/Euphrates River Valley nowhere near any sea shore. You criticize him for assuming that Noah told people why he was building a giant boat like that. But it is perfectly all right for you to assume that Noah would have wanted to or could have managed to keep the whole thing a secret. Something much more difficult to believe.
Now I'm done talking to you. Who's next? Waiting? LOL
PS. Joe, if the "earth" spoken of in the Genesis flood account was really the "land" as in the land of Noah or the land of Mesopotamia then God's covenant with Noah to never again destroy all life in that land has been kept. For historians tell us that, though Mesopotamia may have been completely flooded several thousand years ago, it has not been completely flooded at any time since then.