GOD Jehovah knows where all the Gold , Precious Gems , Silver ,Diamonds ,Opals ,etc are in the earth why not just let his organization know where to dig for these much needed funds instead of putting a burden on his flock that causes them so much hardship giving him money .?
Posts by smiddy
Giving money is thrilling?
by punkofnice inwatchtower study edition nov 16 pg 19. classic............................ .
In praise of Randall Watters
by nicolaou inexjw's of a certain age will remember randy's site well.
freeminds was instrumental in waking me up along with ray franz's books.
if net soup and armageddon okies mean nothing to you you're probably under 30.. whatever caused randy to post what he did recently is something i can only guess at but it won't be what i remember him for.. randy, i wish you well and thank you for all you've done over the years .
Randy and free Minds was one that i came across in my early days that i an gratefull for .And thanks for the reminder Lou Bou to of jan Groevelde from Australia Qld who had a big part in my ealy exit from the cult.
New year, new resolutions. Feels strange being out after so many years but wonderful at the same time!
by kpop inmy first time posting here but i have seen links to this site and clicked when i was doing research about the jw's.
i don't think you want to hear about my long boring story how i was raised a jw in south korea and moved with my family to the usa before i turned 16. like most of us ex-jw's and faders and dis-fellowshiped jw's we all have about the same story.
the only difference is now how i living my life.
Welcome Kpop glad to have you on board I look forward to more of your posts here.
Take care.
Translators left without guidance!?
by anointed1 inif good news is to be preached in all nations, translation becomes a must, and translating is as important as original writing.
hence logically speaking, god should ensure that translation of the bible is done with utmost care.
but evidence suggests that god showed no interest in translation.. here is one example of luke 23:43. this is very significant in view of the importance of the subject:.
So that translation belief interpretation all comes down to a comma.that defines what one believes.
And people believe that Gods Holy Spirit is responsible for the Bible ?
Why do some Jehovah's Witnesses choose to be atheist or agnostic?
by Cassaruby in"traumatic as the initial transition may be, it can lead to the development of a truly personal relationship with these two greatest friends [the father and the son] .
.. "whatever sense of 'belonging' that membership in some religious system may create, it can never compare with the power and beauty and strengthening benefit of the intimate personal relationship the scripture presents .
from reading joseph campbell i've come to understand that there are functions to religion or mythology.
Coming to the conclusion that JW`s didnt have a clue what the Bible taught because of their many false predictions ,changes in organizational procedures etc, I decided to examine the Bible and what it said more closely without the WT influence .
Doing so I found absurditys ,scientific inaccuracies ,contradictions in scripture,and that the accepted Bible Cannon of today was determined by Apostate christians of the 3rd Century or if you like" Christians" so removed from being an eyewitness by 3 centuries .
Yet Christianity is based on these series of books that make up the Bible of today all determined by imperfect humans and not by any input from any God,
No wonder I`m an Atheist.
The day after Armageddon
by Pronger1 injws are scattered across the globe.
a few million people left, pretty isolated from each other.. telephone lines and power goes down since the people who supported the infrastructure are dead.
communication across town, state, country, etc is cut off.
Jehovahs Witnesses just DONT THINK period. The greatest magician that ever lived Jehovah will fix it all just like that
Common sense problems that would exist as those mentioned by previous posters doesnt enter their heads.
Jehovahs witnesses in third world countries shut off from the rest of the world , how would they fare ?
Isolated witnesses scattered throughout the world , how do they think they would cope ?
No radio ,no TV, no satellite coverage no communication with the Governing Body ,no Watchtowers printed ,no electricity ,no gas ,no water on tap ,no sewerage ,no food chains ,no clothing stores ,no JW.ORG and the list goes on and on and on.
Who is Gog/Magog?
by Cold Steel inezekiel spends two chapters (38-39) describing a war that either will never take place, or which has yet to take place.
according to the prophecy, the warlord gog, of magog, will 1) sweep down on israel, covering the land like a cloud.
this will happen in 2) the latter years when israel will 3) be a people “gathered out of many nations” and peoples.
Every negative event that happens in the Middle East especially where Israel is concerned is confirmation to a JW that the Bible prophecies are true.
Irans declaration that they will wipe Israel off the map and their intent to produce Nuclear weapons is at the forefront of the average JW
Could that be Gog of Magog in their mind ?
Governing Body Discontinues the New World Translation as 'OLD Light'???
by Ruby 1976 ini just saw this posted on a facebook group.
anyone know if there is any truth to this?.
by midnight inwhat happens if you openly declare you are an aethiest, i don't mean go round forcing my view on everyone , but when pressured to go to the kingdom hall etc you stated you are an aethiest and no longer believe in god , surely you can't be accused of apostasy as you simply don't believe in anything ?
anyone experienced this ?.
Midnight ,your married your the head of the house ,take charge ,you dont owe anything to anybody no power to Elders , unless you give it to them , you dont owe them anthing .
Dont meet with them ,you and Jah will work it out in your own time.
How strong are you or how weak are you.?
Its your call.
by midnight inhi i am posting for the first time although i've been looking for a few years , i was born into a witness family left when i was 12 with my parents went back at 22 pioneered became ms started to have major doubts around 2002 when there was a lot of talk about blood fractions etc have been hit and miss since i'm extremely mentally confused as to wether or not this really is jehovah's earthly organisation , i find life hard facing up to mortality etc not having the new system hope , what nailed your decision to leave ?
how did you cope with world problems on news etc ?
how did you fill the void ?
Welcome midnight ,I`m glad you decided to take the plunge and post on this site , it takes time to adjust to question the organization without being hauled before a JC meeting .
You can ask questions here with no fear of being hauled over the coals.