Thats just a very very young child reacting to the music she is hearing nothing more.
Posts by smiddy
Free Topic -Write What You Like
by tepidpoultry inwhen i was exiting (clawing my way out) i read a tremendous amount of personal.
accounts on the jw recovery page which sadly closed, .
i would like to offer an opportunity for any who would like, to say a few words on .
Free Topic -Write What You Like
by tepidpoultry inwhen i was exiting (clawing my way out) i read a tremendous amount of personal.
accounts on the jw recovery page which sadly closed, .
i would like to offer an opportunity for any who would like, to say a few words on .
I read in the paper today that The Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxys will colide but it wont happen until 4 or 5 thousand million years , so I dont think I will lose any sleep over it. NASA
All I can say is watch out Governing Body .The sheep have found a voice./action.
2.16.2017 NJ Star-Ledger Ad: "Were you sexually abused by the Jehovahs Witnesses?"
by breakfast of champions inmy wife found this 1/4 page ad on page 2 of yesterday's nj star-ledger, probably the biggest newspaper in nj.
pretty telling.. .
I am computer illiterate and could not send this lawyer Ad to anybody ,however if anybody can send it to the Saturday paper here in Melbourne Vic.Australia ,there is a Journalist here who has published some good articles against JW`s over the past year or so .
I am sure he could get some good mileage out of this ad and also if possible the TV ad shown in NY ? while covering the Australian Open Tennis Tournament about Child sex Abuse Among Jehovahs Witnesses.?
Barbara Anderson is aware of this guy as she alerted me to it in one of her posts.
All the more exposure all over the world the better I say.
I hope you can help.
Jesus is in Jehovah Reference NWT
by NikL ini wish i could say i found this but i saw it in a vid from watchtower examination....
in it he points out that in the reference bible used by jws they admit that jesus and jehovah are the same thing.. so i looked it up online on
yep it's there.. 1 peter 3:15. but sanctify the christ as lord* in your hearts,+ always ready to make a defense+ before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you, but doing so together with a mild temper+ and deep respect.*.
The Bible is like a musical instrument you can play any tune on it you like .
That doesnt say much for a God who is supposed to preserve his word does it.
Hospice and JW
by Terry Clees ini am a bereavement coordinator with a hospice company.
i have noticed that most often jw patients decline chaplain care and also the family ends up declining bereavement care.
where i work our chaplains do not proselytize at all...they merely walk with the patient in their faith at the end of life.
I believe steve2 has summed this thread up quite nicely and other posters have offered good counsel .As steve 2 said maybe terry is new to his proffession or young and naive or just doesnt have a clue about JW beliefs .
Which I might add would have been well covered in the preceeding threads
Terry Clees you no doubt had good intentions with your post however the religion of Jehovahs Witnesses are not your average Christian Religion they are a high mind control cult that views all other christian Religions as Apostate /Babylon The Great The World Empire Of False Religion that Jehovah is going to destroy at Armageddon being the most reprehensible of false religion with their claim of representing Jehovah God and Christ Jesus and then there giving support to the United Nations Organization the counterfeit Kingdom Of God on Earth as opposed to Jesus Christs Heavenly Kingdom as prophesised in the Bible.
Thats what they believe. so they will not entertain interfaith of any sort.
Old people ask ... questions ... no answers
by Lostandfound injust random questions for the book questions old people ask.
when can i stop donating my last penny every month to the wt?.
when can i have sex with no guilty conscience due to wt teachings?.
How big is this fricken corner that Armageddon is just around ?
The Bible writer of revelation said Jesus is coming soon , we are now 2000 years later , how soon is soon ?
The Bible says that in the day Adam and Eve ate the fruit that was forbidden they would die , they didnt ,did God lie ?
Has Satan been cast as the bad guy when he actually told the truth that Adam and Eve wouldnt die on that day but know good and bad ? as he said .
Who did David kill with a stone from a slingshot was it Goliath or was it someone else (check your Bible )
If "the Truth" is the truth, why are witnesses so scared of research?
by stuckinarut2 init is an often asked question i know, but it perplexes me.. if witnesses are so convinced that they have "the truth", why is the act of researching information from external sources so taboo?
didn't the bible itself tell people to "use their powers of reason" and also praised ones like the boreans for researching things they were told??.
seriously, if there is no doubt about the organization being "god's channel" on earth, and it alone having the "truth", surely researching would only enhance such 'facts'?.
The truth is...... Jehovahs Witnesses cant handle the truth ...... and thats the truth.
Edit to add : Jehovahs Witnesses have been conditioned to not think for themselves , they have been conditioned to only believe what the GB tells them to believe .
They claim they only believe the Bible ....,nonsence ,....why else would they change what they believe the Bible says when the GB says they have new light on a belief .....and then they change what they previously believed the Bible said.
Thoughts on African Americans and Slavery
by Simon inlet's start by saying that slavery is of course a terrible thing, one of the worst crimes imaginable, and that "slavery" rarely implies good treatment, anything noble or defensible.
nowadays, even god doesn't escape judgement from our enlightened views with passages about slavery in the bible usually glossed over because they are shameful.. but not all slavery was equal.. because of the media, movie industry, racial tensions in the us regularly shown on the news and our taught history, i think most people's knowledge and idea of slavery is that of the north atlantic slave trade where white people took africans to work in cotton fields.
this idea is probably also re-enforced because the largest group of descendents of slaves we see today are african americans (usually in the us or places they subsequently migrated to).. but it's incomplete.. it's only when you look into it more that you discover that there was much more to the slave trade than that, otherwise it would have been just called "the slave trade" and not "the north atlantic slave trade".. some 12.5 million slaves were taken from africa to the us with just under 11 million surviving the trip so it obviously took a terrible toll immediately, even before any maltreatment once they landed in the americas where conditions and treatment were truly awful.
Thanks for this topic its very interesting and informative.Another aspect I find about slavery is the treatment of women in the Muslim world , isnt this another form of slavery ?
The subjection of women to be less than 2nd class citizens having little or no rights in their own society , the genital mutilation that is rife against young females in their own lands and performed illegally in most other countries with inadequate laws enforced to end this abuse , yet condoned by their own culture and sadly by their own women.
And it always puzzeled me why the Bible never condemned slavery and actually condoned it.
Are baptized Witnesses that are no longer in the "truth", but were NEVER DF'D, now to be shunned and treated like disfellowshipped ones?
by Dunedain ina relative of mine was telling me, that in his, and a few neighboring congregations, there is a little confusion amongst some of the jw's about this "issue".
some families are having a hard time about whether certain relatives will be attending certain family functions, because some family members that are no longer in the "truth", might be invited to these functions.
mind you, these persons were never disfellowshipped.
Isnt marking a person in the congregation a form of shunning anyway ? and thats been going on for decades so I dont see anything really new about it.
Then again confusion about how to apply counsel JW`s are given has also been around for a long time it makes a mockery of "they all speak in agreement" BS.
One person is stumbled by some action or dress on your part but another one isnt one will mark you the other one wont.
Marking one is similar to shunning one., whats the difference.