I think I could accomodate a Gort type AI but I dont think I want to see a T-1000 type AI to be unleashed on the world.
Not that any of it is going to happen in my lifetime.LOL
what does this mean for us as individuals and our civilization?
harris, kurzweil, and musk among others have some interesting thoughts on the subject.
as do shows like westworld.
I think I could accomodate a Gort type AI but I dont think I want to see a T-1000 type AI to be unleashed on the world.
Not that any of it is going to happen in my lifetime.LOL
there's a beautiful sky this morning.
it's my birthday, today i'm 64 and look every inch of it, but i appreciate my life and feel fortunate to be cult-free.
also very fortunate to have a purposeful and entertaining existence here in gorgeous north georgia (in the usa).
Happy birthday to you Iown Mylife I will think of you when I down a VB later today
it would go a long way in having a law that prosecutes anybody sexually abusing a child or even an adult that encompasses all states with the same laws the same consequences and the same penalties in the country.. this system that has different laws ,different penaltys , different outcomes depending in what state you live in is ludicrous.. one country should have the same judicial system no matter how many states their are in that country.. this state has mandatory laws this state doesnt and the outcome can be so demoralising for those involved ..
It would go a long way in having a law that prosecutes anybody sexually abusing a child or even an adult that encompasses all states with the same laws the same consequences and the same penalties in the country.
This system that has different laws ,different penaltys , different outcomes depending in what state you live in is ludicrous.
One country should have the same judicial system no matter how many states their are in that country.
This state has mandatory laws this state doesnt and the outcome can be so demoralising for those involved .
some that come to mind for me.. seven brides for seven brothers.
schnell that is one of my all time favourites along with west side story ,two different eras that are clsssic in their own right.
some that come to mind for me.. seven brides for seven brothers.
Some that come to mind for me.
Seven brides for seven brothers
Singing in the rain.
Li`ll Abner
West side story
How far back can you go and what impressed you the most.
where a few of us here on the forum live is in an emergency situation.
the main spillway on oroville dam -- the tallest dam in the usa -- is damaged.
the emergency spillway, never used before in the 48 years the dam has operated, is eroding.. major confusion and panic occurred when the order went out sunday, late afternoon: this is not a drill!.
According to the GB ex JW`s are damned no matter where they live.
just read some of this latest awake on the org's webshite.. it begins by talking about the 'supernatural' - wizards, witches, vampires, etc.
- their popularity and why they might appeal to people.
then it goes on to state the wt belief that someone is 'behind it'.. now, i like a few horror/scary films - when i was a kid, i always actually liked being a bit scared by them, tbh.. the silence of the lambs, a nightmare on elm street (1984), the ring, the witch, the thing (1982) and a few others are all great, imo.. they are just genres and subgenres of film, that's all.
Doesnt Sparlock come into that catergory ?
That looks very interesting ,something for me to look at later .
so this is from a couple of years ago but i happened to have found it in the podcasts from abc radio national in australia.. i thought it was an interesting interview and am passing it along in case it has not been posted here in the past.. http://www.abc.net.au/local/stories/2015/08/21/4297526.htm.
Thanks for putting this up I will listen to it later ,Paul was also interviewed on TV some time ago that is also worth watching ,whether it is the same interview or not I`m not sure.
Highly reccomended , he is very well composed and not bitter in his presentation of his experiences and family fallout of his leaving the Jehovahs Witnesses .
let's throw a hypothetical.
let's say that a body of elders is looking for someone in a different congregation, but don't know what kh he attends, how do they go on about it?
how long do you guys think it'll take?
Its really not that hard to find anybody you are looking for : telephone books ,Electoral roles ,to name just two in OZ
The law in Australia is that all over the age of 18 are to register to vote even if they choose not to for a variety of reasons , so JW`s do so obeying Rom.13
I have found old associates using the telephone book also .
I dont know what the situation is in other countrys.