Maybe this is another area the ARC should be looking at also
Posts by smiddy
3.(e) By Charitable Works for the Relief of Poverty
by Lostandfound inlooking at the australian wt memorandum and articles of this line took my attention.. when did they ever undertake works to relieve poverty, some discarded bethelites facing poverty would laugh at this, more like charitable works for the extension of poverty.
but no poverty facing the ultra heavies and gb members replete with obscene displays of the means of telling the time..
Anyone read the latest Awake (on the supernatural)?
by LoveUniHateExams injust read some of this latest awake on the org's webshite.. it begins by talking about the 'supernatural' - wizards, witches, vampires, etc.
- their popularity and why they might appeal to people.
then it goes on to state the wt belief that someone is 'behind it'.. now, i like a few horror/scary films - when i was a kid, i always actually liked being a bit scared by them, tbh.. the silence of the lambs, a nightmare on elm street (1984), the ring, the witch, the thing (1982) and a few others are all great, imo.. they are just genres and subgenres of film, that's all.
The Old Testament covers 4000 years of jewish history/religion and their on again off again relationship with the Almighty God Jehovah , yet in Jewish theology their is no concept of a fallen Angel named Satan that was misleading Jews in their 4000 years interacting with the Almighty God Jehovah /Yahweh.
None of the Bible writers in the Old testament whether they be scribes minor prophets or major Prophets that have actual dealings with GOD or his Angels ever allude to a fallen Angel named Satan as a cause for their falling out of favour with God.
It is a completely new out of left field view that is new to the New Testament with no basis in the Old testament.
What are some of the best movies ,musical catergory you have seen .
by smiddy insome that come to mind for me.. seven brides for seven brothers.
Fiddler on The Roof was great , i will have to seek out Across the Universe and also Life on The Road
Movies I'm Watching
by ILoveTTATT2 ini have, for about 6 months now, been trying to watch every single movie that was "cool" or interesting since started out with a desire to watch as an adult all disney movies.
then it morphed into all bond movies (except for the non-canonicals).now it's turned into pretty much any and all movies.
here is my list, scratched out are ones i have seen, green are recent next-in line.turns out there was a lot i had never seen before, about 70% because of the cult restrictions!
Pans labrynth is great , how about North by Northwest?
The original "The Thing"
The bedford Incedent
Fail Safe
The Ox Bow Incident
Dr. Strangelove.
The Philladelphia Story ?Incident ? About an aircraft carrier that gets caught up in a timewarp.
The beast with Five Fingers
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers with Donald Sutherland.
JW Society Make Another Huge Sale
by Disassociated Lady 2 inhave you seen this?
$88 million?????
:-o x.
How can this religion that has been estimated to have made more than a Billion dollars this past decade in Real Estate sales to be classed as a not for profit religion.that takes advantage of being tax exempt because they are a religion.?
Mr Trump their is something seriously wrong with this system that is in place.and it needs fixing.
Living as Christians: Help your Children Develop an Unhealthy Confirmation Bias Against Science
by Saethydd increation declares jehovah's glory.
however, the devil's world promotes god-dishonoring theories about the origin of life.. .
wow, how did i once not see how crazy this crap sounds?.
I look back now when I thought in my ignorance that the "Life Did It get Here By Evolution or Creation" was a fantastic work that proved beyond all doubt it had to be creation.
I look back on those years now and find it hard to believe that was me.How could I spend 33years believing this crap and worst of all convincing my wife and bringing up two children in this fantasy .?
Thankfully everybody are all out now ,except for one niece who I encouraged to adopt the "lie"
AI on the cusp of tremendous breakthroughs
by azor inwhat does this mean for us as individuals and our civilization?
harris, kurzweil, and musk among others have some interesting thoughts on the subject.
as do shows like westworld.
I think I could accomodate a Gort type AI but I dont think I want to see a T-1000 type AI to be unleashed on the world.
Not that any of it is going to happen in my lifetime.LOL
Happy Birthday to Me!
by Iown Mylife inthere's a beautiful sky this morning.
it's my birthday, today i'm 64 and look every inch of it, but i appreciate my life and feel fortunate to be cult-free.
also very fortunate to have a purposeful and entertaining existence here in gorgeous north georgia (in the usa).
Happy birthday to you Iown Mylife I will think of you when I down a VB later today
The fact that different states have different laws about child sexual abuse is ludicrous it should be looked at pronto.
by smiddy init would go a long way in having a law that prosecutes anybody sexually abusing a child or even an adult that encompasses all states with the same laws the same consequences and the same penalties in the country.. this system that has different laws ,different penaltys , different outcomes depending in what state you live in is ludicrous.. one country should have the same judicial system no matter how many states their are in that country.. this state has mandatory laws this state doesnt and the outcome can be so demoralising for those involved ..
It would go a long way in having a law that prosecutes anybody sexually abusing a child or even an adult that encompasses all states with the same laws the same consequences and the same penalties in the country.
This system that has different laws ,different penaltys , different outcomes depending in what state you live in is ludicrous.
One country should have the same judicial system no matter how many states their are in that country.
This state has mandatory laws this state doesnt and the outcome can be so demoralising for those involved .
What are some of the best movies ,musical catergory you have seen .
by smiddy insome that come to mind for me.. seven brides for seven brothers.
schnell that is one of my all time favourites along with west side story ,two different eras that are clsssic in their own right.