So can anybody give us an update on the figures that are involved here about how many Phillipines will be deported ? and what that effect it will have on their partners?
Posts by smiddy
Article: Pinoy Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia face deportation (About Philippine JWs in Russia)
by AndersonsInfo in
pinoy jehovah’s witnesses in russia face deportation.
philippine daily inquirer / 05:40 am february 24, 2017. .
jehovah witness elder molest his daughter ... Lynn Gardner
by jaydee in
Lynn Gardner suggests abuse victims go to the authorities by inference either child sexual abuse authorities or the police. and not just leave it up to the congregation Elders to sort it out.
Has lynn Gardner done either of these options herself ?
Hopefully she has taken her own advice
If she hasn`t done so I would ask why not.?
She has come on this public forum making these claims ,I would hope she has also made these claims public to the appropiate authorities to get justice for the abuse she claims have been made against her.
I have attempted to make lynns case and appease those who question her integrity.
I wish you well Lynn Gardner in your recovery and peace of mind.
Becoming the average JW (and what I found out about the average 'Joe Witness')
by Skepsis inuntil a couple of months ago i was an uber-spiritual pioneer, only having association with other pioneers, elders and others who would fill in the category i classified as "spiritually acceptable" friends.. but since stopping pioneering and having more time to think about my doubts and what i really believe (or better said, what i no longer believe), i have started getting to know other less spiritual brothers and sisters of the area.
in fact, my old friends are starting to forget me quite quickly, i must say.
so, i guess my next move in fading is becoming what i call the average witness.. and what did i discover?
I would consider ourselves as being on the fringe of the "in" club of the congregation I was a MS with two well behaved kids that Elders respected
A couple of Elders and MS all got together for camping excursions ,resturants ,and associating at each others home for scrabble or sporting events that would come up generally a real social group.
We were all quite liberal in the sense we always had beer or whiskey as was one elders favourite drink however it was all in moderation but certainly a lot more than what conservative JW`s would consider as moderate.
Actually they were good times.But you cpould never have discussions about the "truth" or religion at these gatherings the consensus was "we get enough of that at our 5 meeting attendances and witnessing" these were times for socialising and a break from religion.
This congregation was the exception to all the other cong.we were ever in and it was the one we stayed in the longest in our 33 years of activity as JW`s.
Do JWs Regard You As An APOSTATE?
by minimus ini doubt people consider me an apostate but you never know.🤓.
I disfellowshiped them with my DA letter ,so I guess they would judge me as an apostate.
I now live in another state so do get them at our door from time to time and I just give them an anti-witness
JWs leaving the cult, here is a story of one family.
by Crazyguy inso a friend of mine will start with him.
he's a typical jw goes to meeting helps out a lot uses his truck to move stuff around for the cult etc.. his wife gets bored with life and goes on a fornication spree and then gets dfd.
he didn't like the way it was handled and himself during this time of emotional chaos has a minor indiscretion and gets privately reproved.
I couldnt agree more carla , I too hope they all go on to happier times and more fruitfull lives
It can only be a plus exitng JW`s couldnt it ?
Article: Pinoy Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia face deportation (About Philippine JWs in Russia)
by AndersonsInfo in
pinoy jehovah’s witnesses in russia face deportation.
philippine daily inquirer / 05:40 am february 24, 2017. .
The Governing Body of JW`s will probably wash their hands of these people stating they are not employees of JW`s , they are only volunteers who do so of their own accord.
The organization of jehovahs Witnesses has no obligation to these people as they are not in the employ of the JW organization.
jwleaks ,the JW organization has no fear of a financial impact of the deportation of 8000 Jw`s back to the Phillipines for the reasons I stated above.
What is your opinion of the news media?
by minimus into me they have an agenda and they really don't care about professional journalism.
most are untrustworthy and that's a shame.
The news media now is first and foremost about entertainment and nothing more ,its about ratings.thats where the money is.
$$$$$$$ are what counts.
A Little Girl's Coins . . .
by compound complex inshe could have bought an ice cream cone .
Spoletta , could you imagine Arts and Creativity in a paradise (?) earth with Jehovahs Witnesses ?
The mind boggles.
I think I would rather be in hell ,how about you.
ARC report released today.. and phew!
by zeb in"the response of the jehovah’switnesses and watchtower bibleand tract society of australialtd to allegations of childsexual abuse".. this report is 110 pages.
it is imperative to look it up on the arc website each and every one of you..
Call me a cynic , I wont hold my breath for any real sanctions against the religion only a token slap on the wrist and minor "apparent" changes to take place.
Why ?
Both in the state of Victoria and New South Wales it is and was a criminal offence not to report child sexual abuse of a minor .
Elders in both states according to the Australian Royal Commission failed to do so with Vincent Toole a witness and legal representive of the Watchtower religion claiming in effect ignorance of that requirement.
To date nobody has ever been charged with a criminal offence .
And you may wonder why I am a cynic .
When you were an active WT door knocker... How did you knock?
by LoisLane looking for Superman inon the door frame, on the door, door knocker, bell.. loud, very loud, regular, soft... gentle... or just pretended and never knocked at all?
we just had a city worker come a knocking on our front door and my responce after she left was, she should go down to the local kingdom haul and give lessons.
her knock was so loud, she could raise the dead.
I used to use a coin to knock on the doors ,that way you didnt have to knock very hard
I reasoned if I had to go through the stress of going out and the effort to do so I may as well talk to as many people as I could.
At the same time relieved if no one answered the door.
I think I had a problem