zeb If i understand it correctly only Elders & MS are required to undergo working with children checks is that right ?
I would like to see every adult publisher going from D2D being required to have a WWCC ,I believe salespersons , carpet cleaners etc,etc, all have to get the required check so why not all people who go from D2D including religious people who have a shocking record of abusing children in their institutions.?
I`m a bit disapointed that it will be another 11 months before it applies to religious institutions.
JW`s still recognise all baptised one`s as being a minister of religion dont they ? even young children ? Do they then have the same responsability or culpabillity of an adult baptised JW ? and are subject to the same sanctions as an adult ?
Young people are naturally curious about their sexuallity and pedophiles take advantage of this and exploit it to their own devious means .
However children can innocently get involved with each other out of nothing but curiosity and coming to grips with their own sexuality and should in no way be judged like a sexual predator or as an adult.
I dont believe The GB of JW`s can see or appreciate the difference between the two or even comprhend the complexity of child abuse.
I welcome your response to these questions.