Didnt Jesus and his disciples wear a dress and sandles ? They wouldnt be allowed out in FS with a dress code like that.
Not to mention they all had beards.
in this wt literature illustration from a german kingdom hall, one can see that the two nonwestern jw's on the right are featured as needing to improve on their choice of clothing and become more american like the gobo wishes them all to be.. .. .
Didnt Jesus and his disciples wear a dress and sandles ? They wouldnt be allowed out in FS with a dress code like that.
Not to mention they all had beards.
book of zechariah chapter11.
16 for i am letting a shepherd rise up in the land.
he will not take care of the sheep that are perishing;+ he will not seek out the young or heal the injured+ or feed those able to stand.
A very good post yoko N ,you get a g for applying scripture to your post.
i have been told that there is to be a special talk linked via video hook up all around australia this saturday april 1st?
a 3 hour program apparently?.
someone said it was a governing body speaker?.
My 2 cents worth would be the expected negative report to be delivered by the ARC has to how Jehovahs Witnesses respond to child sexual abuse .And how they are going to put a spin on it.
publication, that is?.
i just found all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial in storage.
i enjoyed studying it, as well as make sure of all things, hold fast to what is fine.. our thinking has changed, of course, but, back then, did you have a wt publication you especially liked?.
Two come to mind "Equipped For Eveygood Work" a commentary on each of the bible books and the green book "Your Will Be Done" book on Daniels prophecys.
since the angels that followed satan could take on human form and even have sex and bear offspring to females of earth why would satan not have used this avenue instead of talking through a snake .?
which really makes no common sense ?.
why wouldnt eve question how a snake could talk?
StudyBuddy , you do have an imagination I`ll give you that
.However you fall into the same trap that all believers do ,instead of taking the scriptures on face value for what it actually states you endeavour to interpret what the scriptures mean according to your own understanding of things .
In other words you dont believe GOD can convey with words what he really means You have to decipher his meaning for us,
Is your GOD that stupid he cant say in words what he really means ? or do you think he doesnt mean what he actually says.?
Which is it ?
Welcome to the forum Studybuddy and dont take offence at my response to your post.
according to an article in the herald sun tues.march 28 2017 ,australian children were abused in more than 4000 institutions new data by the child abuse royal commission has revealed.. male clergy were most commonly perpertrators of the abuse followed by teachers and residential care workers while boys aged 10-14 were the most common victims.. the arc started its 57th and final case study yesterday ,chair justice peter mcclellan confirmed that after four years the $500 million commission was on track to deliver its final report on december the 15th (2017).
"survivors have waited too long for an effective response to their suffering and the future protection of australian children must be given the highest priority "he said.. end of article..
According to an Article in the Herald Sun Tues.March 28 2017 ,Australian children were abused in more than 4000 institutions new data by the child abuse royal commission has revealed.
Male clergy were most commonly perpertrators of the abuse followed by teachers and residential care workers while boys aged 10-14 were the most common victims.
The ARC started its 57th and final case study yesterday ,chair justice Peter McClellan confirmed that after four years the $500 million commission was on track to deliver its final report on December the 15th (2017)
"Survivors have waited too long for an effective response to their suffering and the future protection of Australian children must be given the highest priority "he said.
End of article.
i know i am, to me its a bit of a peculiar anomaly that the wts is still around and functioning in reflection of its decades and now complete century that the wts has been bullshitting to people .
organizations like the church of god have shrunk dramatically from its heyday of the 1980's, this too was another organization that spread and grew by publishing its own magazine proclaiming a armageddon soon doctrine and its main publication was called " the truth " .
i'm guessing some of this has to do with the fact that people who get lured into this cult aren't aware of its past, its doctrines, the people who started it and so forth.
No i`m not because of the many reasons already noted about the WWCOG ,Adventism ,Mormons ,even the Berean Bible Institute Inc. that a then P.O told me in the early 1960`s that they were an offshoot of C.T Russell`s teachings with their HQ in Rosanna Vic.Australia they still advertise in the Readers Digest.( how true or not what he said I dont know)
E.G. : "Israel and the Middle East" "After Armageddon Gods Kingdom" Free booklet and DVD is offered .
The very fact that the JW leadership can re-write their own history and the R&F dont give a stuff doesnt say much for their integrity for the truth does it .
today a main point in the wt was a guess game.. the study elder asked: .
what's wrong on the picture?.
before i share the local conclusions here, i would like to hear the comments made in your congregation 😎.
Tight pants and haicuts that are worldly on the two bros.on the right.And the two righteous bros on the left dont want anything to do with those on the right they are weak and bad associations,
· if religions were immune to division.
· if scriptures were immune to scientific errors.
· if religious leaders were immune to hypocrisy.
Atheism has appeared simply because no GOD has ever come out to defend himself/herself against unbelievers.
Their are over 40,000 christian sects that claim to believe in GOD/JESUS many of which claim to be the truth
Most of which contradict each other over doctrines and interpretations of what the scriptures actually say or mean.
Apart from that their are thousands of non Christian religions that promote myriads of GODS to their believers from all over the world.
And this is not something that has just sprung up in just this last Century it has been ongoing for many centuries past.Thousands of years.
Where has GOD been all this time ? Why has he/she not stepped in to defend itself ? against all this negativity agaist its existence ?
This is why ATHEISM exists.
i have heard rumors and anecdotes of j.f.
rutherford calling women "a hank of hair and a stack of bones" but i never thought it was documented.
well thanks to jwfacts i finally found the quote in print.. this j.f.
What amazes me is the amount of women who embraced this cult in those early years with statements like these .