Is she going to stay a muslim ? or renounce it .
Is cat Stevens still a Muslim ? or has he renounced his faith or just gone back to calling himself CS.?
guess she is a muslim now, golly..
Is she going to stay a muslim ? or renounce it .
Is cat Stevens still a Muslim ? or has he renounced his faith or just gone back to calling himself CS.?
we all love apostates because it is apostates that expose the cults for what they are.
few people should know this better than we do!
interesting video of mosab yousef at jerusalem conference sept 2016. yes, he really says that "muslims do not kill in the name of jehovah..." which i found interesting.. please, please listen to the whole thing before making a comment.
Jehovahs Witnesses do not kill others in warfare however, the not "eating" of blood /animal sacrifices interpretation completely misses the point and has not relation to blood transfusions.
So the Governing Body does sanction killing in the name of Jehovah against their own members.( in the thousands now since this policy was introduced in the 1940`s/50`s )
Fathers ,mothers sisters brothers children ,no one is exempt.
Whether it is self inflicted or by another person death is death .
Apparently the shedding of Jesus blood in his sacrifice at his crucifixion/death on a torture stake was not enough for Jehovahs Witnesses they want more blood shed.
Islamic people kill not only themselves but also innocent bystanders Muslims or not randomly in the name of Allah
Again ,fathers mothers sisters brothers children ,no one is exempt from their slaughter
mrs phizzy and myself will be eating out, sure in the knowledge we will not have jw's using the same restaurant.. i may have a cigar along with my brandy at the meal's end to celebrate my (our) freedom..
I`ll have a couple of beers during the day then a few wines during the evening topped up with maybe a steak and chips for dinner .
I can do whatever I want I`m batching,and even if I wasnt we would both be doing something similar.
just reading a posting about relive a day for one year of your live... .
getting older, i am so sad thinking about years ago and missing my family members.
am i the only one believing they would never die?.
Hi Gorby your parents have reached the biblical three score and ten years of their life .hopefully they will go on for much longer .
I was told my children would never have to go to high school one is now 55 and the other 49 (both out of jw)
Hopefully it will still be a long time before they see both parents pass away LOL
i guess at this point in time and space i'm ok if there's an indication of things going in the right direction.. my jw father, who joined the jws in 1973 when i was 8, has always had all the characteristics of the stereotypical brainwashed born again weirdo.
as a jw he always felt the need to show that he was more devoted than the rest of the crop.
to him, life became very easy from that point on: "the bible", interpreted by the millions of wt publications, along with the information in the meetings and getting involved in all jw activities, were the answer to everything and anything in his life".
When I first saw this post I thought too long to read .
Then I read a paragraph here then their, then I read another paragraph and another here and their,and finally I read the lot.
A lovely post ,well done , your humanity shone through .
Take care.
He was very funny
greetings, word lovers:.
in my job, i work with words and wrangle them into shape, well, in a manner of speaking.
one word might be mistaken for another, a word with either a similar or identical sound.
My wife chided me once for pronouncing Gestapo as Jestapo in a talk I gave once .(does that count ?)
How about chow (food )
Ciao (hello/goodbye )
both pronounced the same
Ok that doesnt count,
Their /there
Hear /here
Slaughter / laughter
daughter /draught / draft
what i don't get about the russian petition action:.
watchtower launched at march, 21 the petition action.. in the instructions they write it can take 14 days for postal arrival in russia.. on april, 5 they expect legal clarification from the supreme court.. so, conclusion: the letters will arrive just around the day of clarification.. conclusion: this action is planned for media impact only.
if it was to make judges think, (what they don't do on a petition cry), .
It could be effective when there were made concessions. Like between China and the Watchtower during the 90's, when the Watchtower changed their definition of the word "Kingdom", for negotiation with the government.
Sorry Gorbatchov i`m not aware of this could you please elaborate on it ?
who are more gullible, believers in santa or the ones in "the serpent"?
an old man that delivers gifts?
quite possible, grandpa does it all the time!
OK I admit I was the more gullible ,I believed in the talking snake though I dont think I ever really believed in Santa Clause .
What does that make me ? Now I would say stupid.
But at least I have been cured ,or have I ?
i've been thinking about this the past few days and curious what the honest consensus is here just for fun.. show of hands,.
is the governing body.... a: completely sincere.
they really do believe what they teach.. b: somewhat sincere.
I dont think any of them are now sincere believers , however they have invested so much time and effort into promoting the JW brand ,pride/loss of face is preventing them from ever giving it up.
Its a lifestyle they and their wives have become accustomed to and they are reluctant to give that up given their age and what else could they do now.
And so they will keep the the farce up as long as they can knowing their is no Jehovah ,no Jesus that is ever going to ask an account from them.