Sorry ,your "looking on the bright side of life " good for you.
Humour is the best medicine in such situations.
my therapist inspired me to start looking on the bright side.
even though i've pretty much given up listening to the bs and usually tune out the meeting by playing on my phone/tablet, i find the local needs talk oddly fascinating.
probably because it's the only part that doesn't seem outlined to death (at least at our hall), and you truly don't know what you get.
Sorry ,your "looking on the bright side of life " good for you.
Humour is the best medicine in such situations.
as we know, witnesses teach that adam and eve were perfect and then committed the first act of sin and rebellion.. they in turn were cursed,and we all declined as their offspring.
humans supposedly lived shorter and shorter lives, and became more imperfect and sinful.. the further away in time humans go then, they should be getting worse.
so why is it then that as a society, humans have actually improved in so many ways?.
Why are we more moral ? Because we dont commit incest and havent done so for thousands of years ,and we dont just send murderers away to a land of fugitives in exile .
Apparently their was a lot of immorality going on back then in cains day to have a land of fugitives.
Were the first family Adam and Eve and their offspring moral ? Of course not they practised incest for hundreds of years .
One of the first offspring of Adam and Eve namely Cain murdered his brother Abel ,was that a moral act ?
Lets not get started on the GOD these people worshipped designated by the 4 hebrew letters .
He was a bloodthirsty vindictive jealous war mongering GOD that was responsible for millions if not billions of deaths up until the end of the fourth century BCE.and then miracoulasly became the GOD of love wanting to save all mankind.,while for the next 2000 years he sits back and watches millions if not billions more die due to his indifference to their plight.
Why are we more moral ? because our intellect is not hampered by superstitious religious dogma of any persuasion
evil bastard!.
can't link, but quick thinking and acting on the part of mcdonald's employees led to his demise.. sylvia.
Instead of taking it out on innocent bystanders why dont they just take it out on themselves.
Its cowardice : Because you get upset over something and then decide to kill x amount of innocent people ?
"Old Light JEHOVAH--- New Light YAHWEH"
as we know, witnesses teach that adam and eve were perfect and then committed the first act of sin and rebellion.. they in turn were cursed,and we all declined as their offspring.
humans supposedly lived shorter and shorter lives, and became more imperfect and sinful.. the further away in time humans go then, they should be getting worse.
so why is it then that as a society, humans have actually improved in so many ways?.
Morality has nothing to do with religion and religion has nothing to do with morality .
Lets get that straight.
just viewed a documentary about north korea, on netflix, called the propaganda game.. interesting: .
- north korean people have a kingdom smile;.
- the jughe doctrine is made that way that it can't be understanded.
W/T Feb.2017 ,So why are their many christian religions today that have far greater numbers than JW`s ? Isnt GOD blessing them more than us ?
All religions can claim they have called upon people who have been praying for help in their time of need .
Jehovahs Witnesses cannot and more importantly do not claim to be any more favoured /blessed by any God than any other christian religion and back it up with concrete facts.or evidence.
And I will gaurantee any evidence /fact they provide can be matched by any other Christian religion.
should jackie robinson's widow, rachel robinson, go to estadio latinoamericana in havana on tuesday, she'll see a game at the same site where her husband played 69 years ago just before breaking baseball's color barrier.. rachel robinson and her daughter, sharon, traveled to havana sunday aboard air force one for president obama's historic visit to cuba, including tuesday's exhibition game between the tampa bay rays and the cuban national baseball team.. jackie robinson's groundbreaking 1947 major-league season began with spring training in cuba as a member of the brooklyn dodgers' class aaa montreal royals farm team, playing games at what was then called el gran stadium.. as a kid growing up in cuba in the 1940s and '50s, my father, cesar, attended games there, watching his favorite team, almendares, one of havana's four professional baseball teams that played in the cuban league every winter.. the cuban league, which debuted in 1878, had been integrated since 1900 with white major- and minor-league players having negro league players and black cubans as teammates every winter..
it was the reason then-dodgers' president branch rickey relocated the team's spring training base from jim crow-era daytona beach, fla., to havana in 1947 as he prepared to elevate robinson to the majors.. .
my father didn't get the chance to see robinson play in cuba, but he saw many others, including future hall of famers ray dandridge, monte irvin and tommy lasorda and a then-little known dodgers minor league player named kevin connors, who would go on to find more fame as hollywood actor chuck connors in the rifleman.. when i was a kid, i would listen to my father's stories about the different american players — both black and white — who would play in cuba each winter.
Thats a very interesting post hecce ,when did rachel robinson and her daughter sharon actually go to Cuba ?
What year ? It must have been a big event ,how come nobodys commented on it yet ?
And they travelled aboared Airforce One ?
Your post is two days old where are all the American baseball fans hiding ?
I`m an Aussie and dont know much about BB except what I`ve seen on US movies ,The game is played over here though not big from what I can tell.
-little known Dodgers minor league player named Kevin Connors, who would go on to find more fame as Hollywood actor Chuck Connors in The Rifleman
That was interesting also.going back many years now in Aussie TV shows.
just viewed a documentary about north korea, on netflix, called the propaganda game.. interesting: .
- north korean people have a kingdom smile;.
- the jughe doctrine is made that way that it can't be understanded.
I will look out for it thanks Gorby.
That reminds me of a wiered elder we had at our hall who seriously stated " that you could pick out JW`s in a crowd by their Kingdom smile "
That was over 30 years ago .
i switched on the tv the other night late.
there was a lady preacher joyce?
who said there are four things that prevent us becoming fulfilled in our lives.. fear guilt insecurity worry.
Joyce Meyer ? She is probably more than likely aiming those words to her USA audience and the western world who dont live in a war zone ,and have the same suffering and concerns you so rightly mention rebel 8.
The Bible she preachers to her captive audience are all under that umberella of fear ,guilt,insecurity and worry if they dont measure up to the standards of the christianity she preaches.
Just my 2 cents worth.
nobody likes to be wrong.
so after being taught that they have "the truth" for so long, is it that jws just don't want to admit that they are wrong so they'll keep going in the same direction rather than reversing course?
this is different from indoctrination when you truly believe what you're saying.
I think its a combination of both .
Older people who have been in it for many years have invested so much time and effort in it find it very hard to admit they have been wrong all those years.
In this case it is the investment of time and energy ,monetary value they have put in all those years that they cant back down and admit even to themselves that it is not the truth. So they keep deluding themselves.
And they keep defending it.
The other case I think is a different kettle of fish ,these people have gone out of their way to promote JW`s to all and sundry that Jehovahs Witnesses are the only true religion on the planet .
So their ego now gets in the way they have been so vocal promoting the JW religion and now they cannot go against what they have been so vocal for it would be humilliating for them to admit they have been so wrong..
So they keep deluding themselves.
And they keep on defending it
And as I said I believe it is a combination of the two indoctrination and insistence on being right that both parties can have a mixture of the two .