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Posts by smiddy
Children in classroom
by ollied28 inhello.
i was wondering if someone could tell me where i might find the example of a young jw standing in front of the class to (boldly) defend creation vs. evolution.. i would like to contrast it with the example from the "bible teach" book about the student challenging the teacher,.
i believe there was an illustration of a young boy standing up in the classroom for his "beliefs".. thanks..
Another family goes down in flames.
by dogon inmy wife's mother has alzheimer.
it is progressing to the point that she is writing things like she wishes she was dead and does not want to live.
if you know my mil you would know this is not her at all.
I think the Governments everywhere would be very interested in just how many Jehovahs Witnesses were dependent on social welfare .I personally knew quite a few who were on one welfare or another in the many congregations I was in over 33 years.
Some even pioneering while on welfare with no intention of ever finding employment.
They condemn the govts. as Satans tools yet have no qualms about sponging of the same govts.on social welfare.
I think they rationalise it by calling it "theocratic warfare "
Parasites is how I define them.
Most Common USA County Names
by snowbird inwashington, jefferson, franklin, jackson, lincoln .... does your state have an above-mentioned county?.
alabama has every one, except lincoln.. inspired by a sweet poster.. sylvia.
Maybe you should have posted it in USA Today LOL
The Catholic Register: Russian Catholic official criticizes court ban on Jehovah's Witnesses
by AndersonsInfo in
russian catholic official criticizes court ban on jehovah's witnesses.
by jonathan luxmoore, catholic news service.
LOL JWleaks.
OUTLAW ,its ironic isnt it that the R.C.Church is sticking up FOR the JW`s over the ban? Given the history of JW`s STICKING IT UP the Catholic church the past 100 years.
Thanks for that Barbara , of course they are looking out for their own interests , however I could never see the JW`s giving any support to the R.C.Church under any circumstances.
Hang on , I never thought they would ever be a part of the UN organization either ,or giving support in a law court to a Tele-evangelist organization either. , or the double standards that existed in Malawi and Mexico ,hell I better stop their in case I stumble some still in brother or sister.
Does the Average R&F JW understand what grace is in Christianity ?
by smiddy ini`m showing my ignorance here , not being an active member of any church before joining jw`s as a 19 yr old ,whenever i was ever confronted with the question of "grace" i was always at a loss to give an effective answer from a jw point of view.. was it just me ?
or did anybody else have a similar experience ?.
(ps , i dont think i ever heard the expression " grace" in a religious sense in all my 33 years in the borg.studying the wt.).
Thanks everybody for your enlightening comments ,to me anyway.
It could be a good question to ask the next JW who knocks on my door ,watch their reaction and at least now I know what to say to them .
( I learn something everyday here , I could never get this spiritual education in the 33 years I attended at a KH.)
Deflated after realising my inactive friends are POMI
by Isambard Crater ini'm going through an extremely hard and dark time right now and really yearned for the support of people i know in the flesh, and i really thought revealing my serious doubts and frustrations to a few close friends who became inactive several years ago would help.
they attend the memorial and no more than 2 sunday meetings each year, and haven't preached for several years, so are still technically baptised-but-inactive.. it broke my heart or at least left me feeling very alone when they all (they don't know each other and live in separate areas) told me that they can sympathise but reckon i should stay with "the truth" (their words, still) as it's the best thing there is.
it's like i'd discovered a new group of people, not pimo (physically in, mentally out, like me) but pomi (physically out, mentally in).
I can understand your frustration with these type of people.
I discovered this decades ago and have made comment on it before.
"ManyJehovahs Witnesses leave the "truth" but the "truth" never leaves them"
or in other words
"many religious people leave a religion but the religion never leaves them"
These jehovahs witnesses are no different from their counter-parts in Christendom who claim they are Catholic or Church of England for example and never set foot in their respective church or participate in church activities or attendance,
Except for special occascions like marriages ,funerals ,baptisms ,xmass or easter.
And in the case of a JW the memorial or "Special talks" or the CO or Do`s visit.
They are R.C , / C of E, or JW in name only .
They are the ones to be pitied
It is not a religion to them based on knowledge and reason it is based solely on feelings ,emotion. and not on an accurate or even an inaccurate knowledge of what they think they believe.
Today's W.T on GB not being inspired is having ZERO impact on most J.W's
by Isambard Crater inthe congregation i attend had it's watchtower study on thursday night because of l.d.c work this week-end, and another congregation i have some not very spiritual friends in had their watchtower study on wednesday.
from what i have delicately prised out of people, the congregations loved the watchtower study this week, saying it was so encouraging and all the usual stuff, with no-one seeming to realise the g.b.
said they're not inspired, so the spirit int he past has moved them to teach wrong things, and all the other ideas excellently summed up on reddit.. today's watchtower will wash over the heads of most j.w's like it never even happened, the all remaining as loyal as ever, and it makes me so, so sad..
The mind boggles how they/our brain can switch off what we dont want to hear and keep deluding ourselves with what we want to hear.
Frightening really
Great News in the EX Jehovahs Witness World!!!
by Christian Gutierrez inwe are so overjoyed with what is happening in the exjw community!
it is places like this forum where many can have a place to interact anonymously and be felt like they are understood.
you guys are awesome!
Actually JW Gonebad I find it happyfying that baptisms are so far down in numbers and the only onezeez or twozeez are poor children of the brainwashed JW. parent.
How humiliating this must be for the elders assigned to give the baptismal talks at these venues!
And ro me I think that is great news ,hopefully that will wake a few more up out of their delusion.
( I know what you meant though LoL}
Its good to see Christian and Katja ? his wife interacting with this community now than when they just promoted their own videos and never commented further
Kudos to you both for your humility and sharing not only your vids but also contributing to discussions taking place
I wish you both well
My 89 year old father will be standing by a cart tomorrow.
by longgone inyes, that's what he just told me.
this cult had no shame.. 😞😞😞 .
longgone while I feel your frustration given his age ,I dont think anything would be accomplished by bursting his bubble.
Not that i think you would try to do this
However I know it sucks to think he is doing it believing he is serving the Lord.
Take care , my thoughts are with you.
Does the Average R&F JW understand what grace is in Christianity ?
by smiddy ini`m showing my ignorance here , not being an active member of any church before joining jw`s as a 19 yr old ,whenever i was ever confronted with the question of "grace" i was always at a loss to give an effective answer from a jw point of view.. was it just me ?
or did anybody else have a similar experience ?.
(ps , i dont think i ever heard the expression " grace" in a religious sense in all my 33 years in the borg.studying the wt.).
I`m showing my ignorance here , not being an active member of any church before joining JW`s as a 19 yr old ,whenever I was ever confronted with the question of "grace" I was always at a loss to give an effective answer from a JW point of view.
Was it just me ? or did anybody else have a similar experience ?
(PS , I dont think I ever heard the expression " grace" in a religious sense in all my 33 years in the Borg.studying the WT.)
In contrst to that I wouldnt be surprised if many nominal Christians didn`t understand the terminology of Watctower speak .
JW`s just had to be different from mainstream Christianity