You might have something their MrHappy
Posts by smiddy
Is this the JW great tribulation?
by greenhornet in
in russia it is.
now there going to say its coming to you!
Doesnt babylon the Great false religion have to go first before the attack on JW`s ?
What about the King of the North and the king of the South to-ing and for-ing ? for world domination ?
Who is the king of the North according to the GB at this point in time ? As far as I know they havent got a clue who the King of the North is.?
Religion today is as strong as it ever was around the world and especially among Islam/Muslims that are now making inroads in more and more western countrys .
And no other religion is anywhere near going into decline such as the non Christian religions.they are all expanding.
Also JW prophecy said that the annointed would be dying off as Armageddon drew near ,what do we see ? the annointed are growing from about 8000 to more than 15000 now.?
,JW`s clutch at straws to validate what they think they believe ,cherry picking this belief or that belief wherever and whenever that suits them .It doesnt seem to matter that it doesnt fit in with what the GB has taught them in their official magazine the Watchtower.
They seem to believe what they want to believe in spite of the facts.
Remember the wife of Lot
by stuckinarut2 inso it seems that the 2017 convention will be showing a 3 part video series on lot's wife:.
perhaps they missed an opportunity to show the real story!:.
I`ll have to watch these later .
wt exposer makes jw's flip out in fs
by JunkYardDog ini forgot my wallet and went back home to get it.
i see 25 yr old jws working the door next to me.
i attack shaking my head at them.
When you put something down in print it doesnt always portray how things actually went down .I give JYD an out of jail card here for that reason.
I hope he was a lot more calm and reasonable than his post might indicate.
Then again I could be wrong .
I agree with sparrowdown JW`s should expect to be challenged and hit with some hard home truths about their religion.
Jackson's rose colored watch only cost $399, don't use it as an argument.
by Bad_Wolf ini looked up that watch and see it for $399. if the original gold cost a lot more or not, but if told somebody that rose watch is 17,000 and they see it's $399, it'll look like an 'apostate lie'.
Their is no way in the world I would pay $399 for a watch and I bet the GB get their suits made by a talor and not off the rack (whereever) which are not cheap either.
And none of them have jobs ,so its the contributions that pay for their livelihoods.{ clothing ,food,accomodation ,Air travel to conventions around the world ,did I say accomodation,pinky rings , watches ,etc. and not only for them but their wives also.,think about that .}
I remember going back over 30 years ago somebody commenting on the new facilities of JW`s and how it had a grand staicase and it looked like a million dollars ,and the official respose back then was something like ,false religion spends big money on their institutions so the true God deserves the best that we provide outshining them.or words to that effect.
Mass walk out during convention
by rebel8 injust dreaming this will happen at a convention.
It will happen when the Jehovahs Witnesses opt out of the redress scheme implemented by the Australian Royal Commission into paying compensation to those who were sexually abused by molesters in the religion , and the exposure that the ARC comes out and publicly names them for their lack of concern for children either in the religion or outside of it in their door to door evangelizing..
Hey , I can dream too cant I ?
Counting Field Service Time
by Sour Grapes insomething that always drove me crazy was when the jw's would say after the meeting on sunday, "i have to go out this afternoon to get my time in.
" in the car group after service someone would always ask, "so how much time did we get?".
it the watchtower company said that turning in time is no longer required because jehovah knows what we are doing to serve him, there would be a tremendous drop in the door to door activity and the coffee cart work.
Jesus only preached for 3.5 years at most when he was 30 years old. ,From 10 years old till he was 30 he never preached at all according to the Bible .
So I dont think he could boast many hours preached in service compared to some JW`s today ,who started their witnessing as young teenagers, and continuing well into their 60`s ,70`s and even 80`s .
And where did Jesus say you have to report your hours of service in the ministry he gave his disciples anyway ?
Humourous reactions to beards worn at the kingdom Hall
by UnshackleTheChains inis this the reaction you get when you walk into a kingdom hall sporting your new beard π.
Confusedandangry I would be interested to know which KH you are referring to and is this something thats gone on recently ? Or was it sometime in the past.
Why I ask is that I was in Melbourne in the 1960`s and was taken to task for growing a beard and was pressured to take it off .
Some years later In Qld I tried to grow a beard and i was again pressured to take it off.
Admittedly this all happened more than 25 years ago and i find it hard to believe the Australian JW`s would have relaxed that ban today.
PM me if you prefer
Has the Bible been redacted so that YAHWEH can be promoted to EL's position as Almighty God?
by I_love_Jeff infor background, read:, the section, "iron age i: el, yahweh, and the origins of israel.
" "el and his sons made up the assembly of the gods, each member of which had a human nation under his care, and a textual variant of deuteronomy 32:8β9 describes the sons of el, including yahweh, each receiving his own people.
"el, the kind, the compassionate,' 'the creator of creatures,' was the chief of the canaanite gods, and he, not yahweh, was the original 'god of israel'βthe word 'israel' is based on the name el rather than yahweh.
So Jehovahs Witnesses are witnesses of a a God who was never named Jehovah ,yeah that makes sense.
The name Jehovah only being given to the four Hebrew letters by a Spanish monk in the 13th Century of our common era no less.
I wonder how many JW`s are aware of that fact.
Laws in the 1000 year kingdom?
by CitizenofEarth inhello there.. tried to bring this up with my family.
didnt go well - they cling on to the utopia that the org paints, so i am gonna put this topic to your attention.
i would love to hear what you guys/girls think about this - god or no god i find this interesting.
IF ,and I stress a big IF ,the 1,000 year rule of the Kingdom did come to pass and the G.B. was still dispensing spiritual food to those living on earth ,
All I can say is GOD help them.! GEEEZ , can you imagine what life would be like ? It would be HELL on earth .
Well the official excuse is that he wants to prove that He is the best at ruling... But i have never been ruled by Jehova, only Satan (as the Bible proclaims)
So rightfully Jehovah is responsible for all the woes we now experience.Rom.13: 1-7