the appeal court’s decision is of interest to “other Church and religious organizations that must discipline their members and now must worry that the Courts will reach in and review those decisions.”
I dont think anybody here denies the right of any organization to sanction or expel anybody of a mature age within their organization who breaks their rules/sin belonging to the said organization.
However the shunning /disfellowshipping of minors or teens/ostracising them, who are baptised Jehovahs Witnesses is a different matter altogether.
Young adults,teens or even pre-teens who are baptised should not be subjected to the same judgements (and that is what they are ) that would be handled down to adults that may have committed the same sin .
Young adults/teens/pre-teens ,have not had the maturity ,life experience that adults have had ,so should not be treated as such and have the same judgement handed down on them.
It is cruel,unjust and downright evil to treat young ones in that way.