I hope the guy turns up OK with no dramas.for him and his familys sake.
Posts by smiddy
JW Uber driver missing, feared dead in NC
by sir82 inhere are links:.
latest: http://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/uber-driver-reported-missing-after-not-returning-home-police-say/525016105.
here is an older story which provides the info that he is a jw: http://www.wbtv.com/story/35488894/cmpd-we-believe-missing-charlotte-uber-driver-is-in-grave-danger.
Canadian Article: Disfellowshipping is Hard to Do (Randy Wall case)
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=0b84577c-6c04-4259-af99-669a0ca6e41a.
disfellowshipping is hard to do .
drache aptowitzer llp .
the appeal court’s decision is of interest to “other Church and religious organizations that must discipline their members and now must worry that the Courts will reach in and review those decisions.”
I dont think anybody here denies the right of any organization to sanction or expel anybody of a mature age within their organization who breaks their rules/sin belonging to the said organization.
However the shunning /disfellowshipping of minors or teens/ostracising them, who are baptised Jehovahs Witnesses is a different matter altogether.
Young adults,teens or even pre-teens who are baptised should not be subjected to the same judgements (and that is what they are ) that would be handled down to adults that may have committed the same sin .
Young adults/teens/pre-teens ,have not had the maturity ,life experience that adults have had ,so should not be treated as such and have the same judgement handed down on them.
It is cruel,unjust and downright evil to treat young ones in that way.
Gas or Electric Stove
by just fine ini am getting new appliances.
i have decided on black stainless for the finish.
the house is stubbed for gas and electric for the range.
This post is a gas.just fine in fact its electrfying .
gas wins hands down for control and quickness .
Elder told me that they are required to report to police.
by CitizenofEarth inyesterday i had my weekly "mandatory" study with an elder, and i brought up child abuse and the whole issue with reporting it to the police.
he told me that they are required to report to the police immediately, and that they never deter people from reporting anything.
may i remind you that i am from denmark.. i find this interesting, as everything i find elsewhere states quite the opposite, or atleast provides statements that does not agree with his statements.
Your correct Incognito ,my bad.
Are there terrorists amongst us ?
by Chook interrorists come from all walks of life and religion.
terrorism has very broad terms , eg saddam hussain was a friend to the us for years but when it suited us to land grab mr hussain had weapons of mass destruction.
even though he was a terrorist by nature, politics can be cruel.. with these radicals that believe that taking innocent life is gods will , it is the highest form of cult behaviour, dying for the cause.
Bungi Bill
Search"Jehovahs Witnesses beheased" In the Phillpines six JW`s were kidnapped and two males were beheaded and the 4 females were rescued ,this occured some years ago now
Please tell me: what is a relationship with the "person" Jehovah like?
by Maryo indoes anyone out there know of any jws that have talked about what their personal relationship with jehovah was like?
for example, hearing his voice, a certain feeling?
an intellectual understanding?
Jimmy Stewart had an invisible friend called "Harvey" I think he was more real than God.
JW.ORG Child Sexual Abuse Resources
by konceptual99 inhere's the wts bolting the stable door.... https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/activities/help-community/safeguarding-children-sexual-abuse/.
Obviously its designed to arm the faithfull with ammunition to anybody who challenges them at the doors or in cart-work .( probably with ex-JW`s in mind ) that they do inform and protect children fom sexuall abuse.
However steve2 points out some excellent comebacks to any "justification" the JW`s might try to defend themselves with.
Just because something is old, does not mean it is "Special" or "Sacred" or "Valuable"
by stuckinarut2 ina thought occurred to me that simply because something is old does not make it valuable or worthy of sacred reverence.. the bible is held up as sacred just because it is "old" and apparently preserved.. but, that does not make sense.
if in thousands of years someone finds a notebook of my scribbles or sketches that i threw away, that doesn't elevate them to "valuable status" simply because they survived.
they were thrown away because they were worthless.. or if an archaeologist finds an ancient broken bit of pottery that was used for garbage disposal, it doesn't change its status from what it once was - a garbage bin.. i guess what i am trying to ask is, why is it that we as humans give value to writings just because they are old?.
I guess what I am trying to ask is, why is it that we as humans give value to writings just because they are old
Maybe its because humans overall aren`t really very bright being made in Gods image. Obviously God cant be very bright judging by the state of the world of mankinds relationship to each other starting with Cain & Abel.
Creating Satan according to Christianity or God having an evil side according to Jewish thought.
And the Bible full of contradictions absurd stories and scientific errors .
Are there terrorists amongst us ?
by Chook interrorists come from all walks of life and religion.
terrorism has very broad terms , eg saddam hussain was a friend to the us for years but when it suited us to land grab mr hussain had weapons of mass destruction.
even though he was a terrorist by nature, politics can be cruel.. with these radicals that believe that taking innocent life is gods will , it is the highest form of cult behaviour, dying for the cause.
With these radicals that believe that taking innocent life is gods will , it is the highest form of cult behaviour, dying for the cause
Jehovahs Witnesses believe in dying for a cause ,admittedly not physically taking someone elses life in doing so ,however they will lose their life their love ones life including the life of their children for a cause whether it`s by refusing to take blood transfusions or even on the pain of death denying their faith and converting to Islam as an example that occured some years ago .
One case that comes to mind was in the Phillipines and I am pretty sure their have been other occassions around the world.
I encountered JWs in street a couple of weeks ago.
by Chook ini was at my brother in laws house and seen them on opposite of road so i went and sat on brick fence ahead of their route, as they walked pasted they asked is this your house to which i responded no.
i asked what are you selling, then they showed me a tract.
my first question was to this middle aged couple was " what is the youngest age someone in your church gets baptised?
A happy wife makes for a happy life , I know I`ve been married for 56 years.
Well done Chook you never know the seed may take root someday