Thanks for your post WWW ,is this brother Novik and his family just the average JW`s family ,I mean just average publishers and he has no "privelidges" in his congregation ?
This may be an excuse for them when they realise from posts like yours and others how hypocritical they are in holding this up as a good example of a witness.
Accepting a pagan religious symbol from a leader of a country that is under the control of Satan the Devil ? 2Cor.4:4
We will forget for the moment that they,the Govts. that is , are their by Jehovah Gods arrangement according to the Bible Rom ch.13
Is that a Bible contradiction ? Sorry off topic.
Jehovahs Witnesses condemn the Governments political /religious systems around the world as being under the influence and control of Satan the Devil ,yet they have no qualms about recieving awards from these governments when it suits them ,even holding up pagan religious symbols they condemn as proud recipients of them.
Jw`s can be honoured and recieve gifts like an award by Govt officials for various reasons , but hey a JW cant have a birthday party or recieve a gift ,on the other hand married couples can be honoured on their wedding anniversary and also recieve gifts.
As I said on another thread these children are young , wait till they go through there teen years ,most of them will have abandoned the religion as being a cult by the time they are in their twenties.
Getting back to your OP ? LOL