Ruby456 Of course muslims have their own motives for committing these atrocitys but are they justified ?
Are those that retalliate against them with the same barbarism are they justified ? I dont think so in either case.
In both scenarios innocent men women and children are either killed or maimed moreso than the armed combatants.
Whether you agree with the war against Muslim extremism / ISIS /Taliban or not ,a war against armed forces ,the Isis /Daesh have taken it to a new level in targeting civillians among the Coalition of Nations
This is unprecedented in warfare targeting civillians specifically .And I just think its a human response that some might think its right to to fight back with the same tactit.
The sad fact about warfare is that their have always been civillian casualties when targeting millitary goals.
Think of Dresden germany Hiroshima ,Nagasaki,Japan the blitz of london etc,etc.
I dont have an answer to this problem I`m just putting my 2 cents worth in for all its worth and for other like yourself to comment on.