My congratulations to you both DK757 ,hopefully everything will turn out alright and your lovely daughter Izabella will be with you at home in no time.
Take care and stay positive
so as of july 2nd my wife delivered by c-section our little one pound, three ounce daughter izabella.
it was a very scary night that started with a decel and turned into multiple decels that greatly concerned the doctors.
by early morning they felt the need to take her for her safety.
My congratulations to you both DK757 ,hopefully everything will turn out alright and your lovely daughter Izabella will be with you at home in no time.
Take care and stay positive
why did ancient israel go to war?.
what some people say.
the israelites worshipped a bloodthirsty “tribal war god.”.
It has surprised me why the established Christian religion under constantine didnt just discard the " Old Testament " as irrelevant to the christianity that was now emerging.
Thankfully he didnt however as we would have little ammo to show the hypocricy contained in the whole bible.
I dont think Russia is a good example of any Nation banning anyone....,period.
Its not exactly a free democratic nation with freedoms the west still enjoy. It has its "freedom" problems still.
Didnt Vin Toole under oath ( a JW himself , Legal representive ) state something to the effect that "shunning was something he has heard about but didnt know what it meant ?"
Under oath mind you at the ARC into Child sexual Abuse in Australia.
How do these lying S.O.B.`s get away with what they do under oath in a governmental inquiry sanctioned by the Government.?
Isnt it giving the finger up the ass of the government and getting off scot free ?
They should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
However religions seem to be given a get out of jail free card ,whereas "normal " citizens feel the full force of the law.
i was at a mall trying on shoes and this old man is in a wheelchair near me.
says how he thought those shoes were sharp and he had never worn brown shoes before and that he is 104 years old.
i said no way and asked what year he was born.
According to JW teachings and their Bible interpretations ,the wages of sin is death ,right ? the Adamic death .OK?
Lazarus died he paid the price for Adams disobedience ,sin.
He was resurrected to life ,so by all accounts he should be free of the Adamic sin that condemned all of humanity to death so he should still be alive walking around among us right ?
And lazarus wasnt the only one resurrected was he according to the Bible.
Just saying.
this story shows the sad reality of being a jw in a medical emergency, and how incredibly difficult it is to make an informed, free choice about medical care.
it also shows that for jw's, obeying watchtower leaders is more important than marriage or even the life of your child.
very sad indeed: .
A thought just occured to me though I may be completely wrong and please correct me if that is the case..
While the baby is growing in her mothers tummy dont they share the same blood ?
And if so what could possibly be wrong with a mother giving the blood that they both shared before her childs birth could be wrong for the mother to give her child the same blood after her childs birth ?
Its just a thought that came to me .
Regardless of the above the wife is far better off without the husband and the religion (hopefully) and she has her daughter for life whom she saved despite her father by his actions sentencing the child to death. .
"breaking news: the state of victoria, australia, changes onus of proof in child sex abuse cases..." .
Am I missing something here ? Jw victims .org is an anti JW site is it not ? Why the absence of posts ?
Isnt this something to crow about even though it is only a small victory ?
or as I said am I missing something here ?
The second link seems to relate to things back in 2015 , however the first link refers to just a couple of days ago .
Is that the confusion here ?
Why are their no comments .posts ? (I always worry about that )
pale emperor
A woman can't even pray aloud in the company of men without putting a dishcloth on her head.
Yet surprisingly enough she can sit on the right hand of Jesus as a co-ruler with Jesus Christ for a thousand years
So she has no say or authority in any congregation and certainly not in Bethel and no way can she be a Governing Body member ,heaven forbid a woman as a Governing body member ?
And yet she can rule with Jesus Christ in Heaven for a thousand years ? by being one of the annointed here on earth where she is not appreciated because she is a woman ?
The mind the logic of Jehovahs Witnesses.
on threads about 8 or 9 months ago, i put up some detailed data from the 2011 and 2006 australian censuses.
data from the 2016 census is becoming available in stages, and i mentioned recently that i would do an update.
finally, as of about today, some data of interest is available, and i have started to look at this, but it is time consuming, and i am time-poor.. anyway, the first search i have conducted is just a simple breakdown of the number of people describing themselves as jw's.
In a census when people are asked their religion relatives who are not now practicing their religion will still identify themselves as JW`s ,even ones that are DF`d are still likely to identify themselves as JW`s .
Many that have just drifted away without going to meetings anymore and have not definetely decided they dont want to be associated with JW`s are still likely to identify themselves as a JW on a Census form.
Many people that no longer associate with the JW religion are ones that I describe as persons who have left the "truth" but the "truth" has never left them
They may never go to a KH meeting for the rest of their life but they will still identify themselves as a Jehovahs witness (just in case it is true the indoctrination/ hedging their bets I would say.)
So I would take what a Census says about the population of jehovahs Witnesses in Australia with a grain of salt.
it is obviously overstated.
Food for thought :How many Jw`s are their in peak publishers in the yearbook in a given year and how many are reported in the same yearbook for memorial attendance ?
A big discrepancy I believe.
The indoctrination/superstitions that many people have
singapore is a tiny, beautiful and economically powerful country in se asia.
all religions are allowed there except the jehaovah's witnesses and another christian denomination.
jws are banned because they don’t serve the military and all singapore citizens are required to serve in the military for a while.. the jws are banned in singapore since 1972. .
Thank you EverApostate I didnt know that or if I did I had completely forgotten about it
42years have passed since the great 1975 expectation delivered nothing.
blame for the expectations laid at feet of the faithful, 'it's your fault , you believed us so you are responsible for the let down'.
i have asked this previously and repeat the point, where were the current members of the governing body, 43 years ago.
Thanks for that info Dreamerdude ,that just shows how corrupt and dishonest these people really are , its all about power .
Rationalising what they formerly believed to what they now believe to stay in power.