V.I. One of my most favourite movies I hope its not a prophecy of Trumps reign.
Posts by smiddy
Being a Rude Jerk, It's Awesome!
by Simon inmaybe it's a british thing, but we tend to be polite.
too polite.. even if someone is inconsiderate, we apologize as though we did something wrong.. prime offenders?
people in supermarkets, specifically costco.. they have nice wide isles and yet somehow, for some reason, some idiot will find a way to put their trolley sideways and keep a hand on it while reaching for something, thus blocking the entire isle.. or another favorite ... you're going through the entrance and someone just stops, maybe to answer their phone.. how about you wait in a queue at a checkout for ages and when it's their turn, then they start looking for their purse.. how many times have you thought "idiot" or muttered under your breath?.
People on the phone when the poor check out chick is just trying to do her job.
People get to the check out chick and then decide to fumble to get their purse or wallet out to pay.
Your in a hurry but the person in front of you decides to have a parley with the check out chick about any and everything but what she is buying . (its never a he )
Friends who meet in the aisle block it and carry on a coversation oblivious to anybody else trying to get past.
Evolution is a Fact Series Index So Far.
by cofty ini will resume this series soon.. #1 protein functional redundancy comparing the sequences of amino acids in ubiquitous proteins confirms the relationship between all living things..
#2 dna functional redundancy comparison of the dna that codes for the amino acids of ubiquitous proteins predicts the tree of life with an astonishing degree of accuracy..
#3 ervs endogenous retroviruses that infected our ancestors are found in the same place of the genome of our closest primate cousins..
I am going to have to fully study this work thanks cofty for your dedication to this subject.
Who was/is the promised Messiah ? Jesus or Immanuel
by smiddy inin isaiah 7:14 "therefore jehovah himself will give you men a sign look the maiden herself will actually become pregnant and she is giving birth to a son and she will certainly call his name immanuel".
this scripture is attributed to the virgin birth of jesus from his mother mary to become the messiah.
the problem is the name of the messiah isnt jesus its immanuel .
In Isaiah 7:14 "therefore Jehovah himself will give you men a sign look the maiden herself will actually become pregnant and she is giving birth to a son and she will certainly call his name Immanuel"
This scripture is attributed to the virgin birth of Jesus from his mother mary to become the Messiah
The problem is the name of the Messiah isnt Jesus its Immanuel
Their is no prophecy in the old testament that states the name of the messiah would be called Jesus from a virgin birth
Whereas the opposite is true. , Isa.:7 14 Immanuel
Hospice and JW
by Terry Clees ini am a bereavement coordinator with a hospice company.
i have noticed that most often jw patients decline chaplain care and also the family ends up declining bereavement care.
where i work our chaplains do not proselytize at all...they merely walk with the patient in their faith at the end of life.
Terry Clees , you might ask yourself why are aged Jehovahs Witnesses in aged care facilities operated by Christendoms religions who they condemn as apostates destined for destruction by the hand of God/Jesus and not in an aged care home operated by the WTB&TS. ?
Simply because the JW /WT does not care for their aged , or infirm people who have served them for decades they are told to use the options that the government or religious institutions provide whether it be healthcare , pensions ,or hospice.,and age care facilities.Even though they condemn all these as under the influence and part of Satans system of things.
The hypocricy of the Governing Body of Jehovahs Witnesses knows no bounds.
Free Topic -Write What You Like
by tepidpoultry inwhen i was exiting (clawing my way out) i read a tremendous amount of personal.
accounts on the jw recovery page which sadly closed, .
i would like to offer an opportunity for any who would like, to say a few words on .
Thats just a very very young child reacting to the music she is hearing nothing more.
Free Topic -Write What You Like
by tepidpoultry inwhen i was exiting (clawing my way out) i read a tremendous amount of personal.
accounts on the jw recovery page which sadly closed, .
i would like to offer an opportunity for any who would like, to say a few words on .
I read in the paper today that The Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxys will colide but it wont happen until 4 or 5 thousand million years , so I dont think I will lose any sleep over it. NASA
All I can say is watch out Governing Body .The sheep have found a voice./action.
2.16.2017 NJ Star-Ledger Ad: "Were you sexually abused by the Jehovahs Witnesses?"
by breakfast of champions inmy wife found this 1/4 page ad on page 2 of yesterday's nj star-ledger, probably the biggest newspaper in nj.
pretty telling.. .
I am computer illiterate and could not send this lawyer Ad to anybody ,however if anybody can send it to the Saturday paper here in Melbourne Vic.Australia ,there is a Journalist here who has published some good articles against JW`s over the past year or so .
I am sure he could get some good mileage out of this ad and also if possible the TV ad shown in NY ? while covering the Australian Open Tennis Tournament about Child sex Abuse Among Jehovahs Witnesses.?
Barbara Anderson is aware of this guy as she alerted me to it in one of her posts.
All the more exposure all over the world the better I say.
I hope you can help.
Jesus is Lord...as in Jehovah god...in Reference NWT
by NikL ini wish i could say i found this but i saw it in a vid from watchtower examination.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vk7ertncbsk.
in it he points out that in the reference bible used by jws they admit that jesus and jehovah are the same thing.. so i looked it up online on jw.org.
yep it's there.. 1 peter 3:15. but sanctify the christ as lord* in your hearts,+ always ready to make a defense+ before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you, but doing so together with a mild temper+ and deep respect.*.
The Bible is like a musical instrument you can play any tune on it you like .
That doesnt say much for a God who is supposed to preserve his word does it.