This guy is still on the run and not been caught yet ? unbelievable.!
When was the last Wanted poster put out for his whereabouts ,what date ? Are those links current ?
Is he really one of the most wanted ?
for information leading to the arrest and imprisonment of.
This guy is still on the run and not been caught yet ? unbelievable.!
When was the last Wanted poster put out for his whereabouts ,what date ? Are those links current ?
Is he really one of the most wanted ?
i have been faded for years and years.
no one cares about my standing in the christian congregation any more.
so one day, my husband came up with this won-der-ful idea for a jdub button.
I can believe your sentiment that it is so much more satisfying helping others help themselves effect their own exit from the Borg. Well done .
I know I`m a bit dense at times but the JDub button ? does it mean.... brothers have all the answers so ask them ,sisters dont know s#@*t so you have to tell them what to do .
OK I think I have worked it out.
It sounds like you and hubby are in a good place mentally/spiritually
Take care.
i have a relative who is a "dyed in the wool true blue jw" and yesterday he sent me this link with the jw method of evaluating the news " more to come !.
sounds like they're grasping at straws now to put meat on their failed prophecy bones..
Why did Paul refuse to waste precious time on the “social gospel”? Because he knew that Jehovah God through his kingdom in the hands of Jesus Christ would blot out economic, industrial and social slavery at the war of Armageddon
So generation after grneration after generation of Christians and others would not have been helped if it was not for the likes of those religions who put their hands and money into the social gospel works.
i saw a post the other day on another forum (think it was reddit) that put forward the idea that god should have created multiple couples, not just adam and ever.
this idea was so simple and brilliantly logical, that i wish i'd thought of it, but i cannot claim credit!
but it really got me thinking of the practical implications and benefits.... if god had simply created multiple couples instead of one, he would in one foul swoop have solved the problem of incest, as well as have prevented 6 thousand years of human tragedy and a ransom sacrifice being needed etc.
Wonder Woman and the Invisible man were making out on the beach,it just so happened Superman was flying overhead looks down and see`s the naked Wonder Woman ,being the man that he is he thinks I`ll just go down their for a quickie .
Wham ,Bang ,Thank you man an then he flys off.
The Invisible man : GEEEZZZ what the F**#k was ,that ? what a pain in the arse !!
sorry if I went off topic.
"if the angels are gender neutral why were they only attracted to the women ?"Why did not some not materialise as women to have relations with men ?
The bottom line is the Bible was written by men influenced by mens thinking which usually originates from their penus.
this article was in the herald sun thurs.march 2 ,2017 (
"the commission for children and young people will oversee the new scheme and monitor how organisations respond to claims of child abuse and misconduct.. "any abuse allegations will have to be centrally reported under the changes".
"child safety is everyones responsability.this scheme is the next vital step in keeping victorian children safe and improving organisations responses to allegations of child abuse and misconduct " families and children minister jenny mikakos said.. "schools and government services will have to comply from july 1. other institutions providing services to children will follow in january.".
zeb If i understand it correctly only Elders & MS are required to undergo working with children checks is that right ?
I would like to see every adult publisher going from D2D being required to have a WWCC ,I believe salespersons , carpet cleaners etc,etc, all have to get the required check so why not all people who go from D2D including religious people who have a shocking record of abusing children in their institutions.?
I`m a bit disapointed that it will be another 11 months before it applies to religious institutions.
JW`s still recognise all baptised one`s as being a minister of religion dont they ? even young children ? Do they then have the same responsability or culpabillity of an adult baptised JW ? and are subject to the same sanctions as an adult ?
Young people are naturally curious about their sexuallity and pedophiles take advantage of this and exploit it to their own devious means .
However children can innocently get involved with each other out of nothing but curiosity and coming to grips with their own sexuality and should in no way be judged like a sexual predator or as an adult.
I dont believe The GB of JW`s can see or appreciate the difference between the two or even comprhend the complexity of child abuse.
I welcome your response to these questions.
remember this?
it was one of my first assignments, at bethel:.
LOL steve , I remember the calendars of the 60`s as glossy works of art or is my memory failing me that bad.
sparky1 we should keep bringing this calendar up like a bad penny ,interesting their is a Jehovah month but not a month named after Jesus ,well its not surprising I guess given their history.
the following is an extract from something i wrote 16 years ago soon after leaving the watchtower.
i am posting it because it may help honest jws consider how far their beliefs are at odds with new testament christians.
if they have "the truth" then their attitude to jesus ought to reflect that of the apostles.
The tetragrammaton does not appear in the Kingdom Interlinear the word for word translation of the Cchristian Greek Scriptures published by the WTB&TS
Therefore the name Jehovah should not appear in the New Testament (NWT)
In the same publication at John 1:1 the word for word translation says," In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God"
As you point out their are heaps of scriptures of Christians witnessing to ,for,or about Jesus Christ..( approx.30 ?)
Their is not one that I know of that says Christians are to be witnesses of Jehovah.,not one.
this article was in the herald sun thurs.march 2 ,2017 (
"the commission for children and young people will oversee the new scheme and monitor how organisations respond to claims of child abuse and misconduct.. "any abuse allegations will have to be centrally reported under the changes".
"child safety is everyones responsability.this scheme is the next vital step in keeping victorian children safe and improving organisations responses to allegations of child abuse and misconduct " families and children minister jenny mikakos said.. "schools and government services will have to comply from july 1. other institutions providing services to children will follow in january.".
This article was in the Herald Sun Thurs.March 2 ,2017 (HERALDSUN.COM.AU)
"The Commission for children and young people will oversee the new scheme and monitor how organisations respond to claims of child abuse and misconduct.
"Any abuse allegations will have to be centrally reported under the changes"
"Child safety is everyones responsability.This scheme is the next vital step in keeping Victorian children safe and improving organisations responses to allegations of child abuse and misconduct " Families and children Minister Jenny Mikakos said.
"Schools and Government services will have to comply from July 1. Other institutions providing services to children will follow in January."
Wes Hosking.( Journalist)
Will Jehovahs Witnesses see a loophole here and say it doesnt apply to them as they dont specifically hold childrens services ?
judge sanctions jehovah's witnesses.
imposes $4000-a-day penalty for not producing documents in sex-abuse case.
by dorian hargrove, june 24, 2016. a san diego superior court judge has ordered the church of jehovah's witnesses, also known as the watchtower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, to pay $4000 a day for every day that it fails to produce documents requested in a civil lawsuit brought by former parishioner, osbaldo padron, who claims a church elder sexually abused him when he was seven years old.. in a june 23 ruling, expected to be made final today, judge richard strauss admonished the church for willfully ignoring a court order to produce all documents associated with a 1997 body of elders letter that church leaders sent to parishes around the world in a quest to learn about sexual abuse of children by church leaders.. over the course of the past year, the watchtower society and its lawyers have fought hard to keep the letter confidential, claiming that turning over the documents would infringe on the privacy of those mentioned in the letter that were not associated with the case.. in march 2015, the church turned over a heavily redacted version of the letter.
Yet still it drags on .and on and on.
I know legal matters take time , nothing happens overnight in a legal sense does it .
latest date just published for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower.
the public hearings will commence friday 10 march 2017 at the child abuse royal commission's hearing rooms in sydney..,-march-2017,-sydney.
the scope and purpose of the public hearing is to inquire into:.
Thanks for that update jwleaks
Apart from all the obvious things the religion needs to adress before the ARC
1. I believe their should never be a time when a JW male or female goes on his or her own in the D2D ministry ,that would help in curbing a sexual predator from potentinally endangering a child in the general community.
2. I also strongly believe that every adult male and female should have a working with children check before they can engage in the D2D ministry and not just restricted to Elders and Ministerial servants.( as if to say they are the only ones who can molest children)
And what may I ask is 5. Any related matters ? Who can contribute to this ?