biblexaminer you started this thread and I commented on it then you accuse me of highjacking the post and of me being a JW apologist ? Come on now.
After 16 years being active on this site ,knowing TTATT you still engage in FS ? Who`s the JW apologist here.?
I can understand people on here who because of close family members still attend some meetings and hope by their exampl they can extricate them from this religion , but still engaging in FS after 16 years ? my mind boggles.
When you knock on a door and a householder answers do you just stand their and not say anything ? or do you give out WT propaganda .or do you tell the HH that the religion your representing is a false religion/cult and dont listen to any others who come in Jehovahs name....?
Or would you have us believe you work with another Bro,or sister and you never have to talk with the HH.
I`m just asking., you have got away with it for 16 years.