LOL jwleaks
Posts by smiddy
Anyone Heard Any Good DEMON Stories Lately?
by Cold Steel ini saw this recent account on youtube recently and wondered if anyone had any good spook stories?
haunted books?
ouija boards?
Would This Be Adultery?
by FedUpJW ini just happened to read a news article from some months ago about doctors having performed a successful penis transplant.
the recipient lost his due to cancer, and doctors expect him to gain full use of his "new" penis, including sexual activities.
considering some of the more goofy interpretations of doctrine that the gooberning body trots out that the rank and file must obey under penalty of shunning i wonder if a man had this surgery, would he and or his wife be df'd for adultery?
LOL steve2 , however think on the bright side a recpient might get a bigger one.
Field service even when parts of town are flooded.
by StephaneLaliberte inyes, you heard right.
this morning, jehovah's witnesses in gatineau were preaching door to door when parts of their city are under water.1500 volunteers (not jws) showed up to help their fellow citizen in need.
meanwhile, jws were knocking on the doors in areas that were not flooded talking about how the weather is messed up and how it is a sign of the end.
Jehovahs Witnesses never engage in community relief to help non witnesses in natural disasters why not ? because they are part of satans system of things ,helping them is paramount to helping" Satan the God of this system of things who is blinding the mind of unbelievers."
However they have no qualms about taking advantage of the monetary assistance that Satans world Govts. gives to them in tax incentives for religions , dole money for unemployed ,medical benefits ,.even provisions given by church groups to afflicted ones in time of need.
Their hypocricy knows no bounds.
Would You EVER Go Back To Being A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus ini could never understand why some people who know the truth about the "truth" ever go back.
once you understand all the hypocrisy and negatives, i would think it's almost impossible to go back!.
Who the bloody hell is Jehovah ? A made up God by a catholic spanish monk no less.If you are talking about the God of the first 5 books of the Bible ,which one ? There appears to be many apart from the tetragrammaton.
And their are obvious other Gods /peers of the one who stated " Here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad " Gen.3:22
How much time and money did we waste traveling to meetings alone?
by longgone inquick answer: way too much!.
this is something that really gets to me, all the way back to my childhood.
twenty minutes each way, three times a week.
You can add to that money spent on accomadation at various Conventions over anything from 5-7 days in another city and some poor buggers losing their jobs by putting the conventions first over their employment.
This is a txt message I just had with a JW
by joe134cd inthe following is a txt message i just had with a jw about why i decided not to attend meeting.
i fully realize that this will get me blocked.. jw : you dont want to answer me why you dont go to the meetings.. joe : ok.. (1) the 2 witness rule in the handling of a accusations of child sex abuse.. (2)the covering it up and out of court settlements that they are making to victims of sexual abuse.
unfortunatley the brothers and sisters are totally unaware of what is going on and the magnitude of it.. (3) the comments of geoffrey jackson when testifying before the australian royal commision on its handling of child sex abuse.
joe134cd , good for you ,you can only take their mind control BS for so long .I only hope your strong enough to stand up to the inquisition that will follow,
Remember the only power they have over you is the power you give them,
You dont have to answer to them for anything.
How did we get from singular ha-Elohim (God) to plural ha-Elohim (judges)?
by I_love_Jeff inread exodus 22:6-8
jps tanakh : 6 when a man gives money or goods to another for safekeeping, and they are stolen from the man’s house if the thief is caught, he shall pay double; 7 if the thief is not caught, the owner of the house shall come near (נקרב) to god (האלהים) that he has not laid hands on the other’s property.
8 in all charges of misappropriation pertaining to an ox, an ***, a sheep, a garment, or any other loss, whereof one party alleges, “this is it” the case of both parties shall come before god (האלהים): he whom god (אלהים ) declares guilty (ַיְר ִשי ֻףן) shall pay double to the other.
This is definetely one for a person of jewish faith to comment on or a hebrew scholar ,david jay should be able to give a satisfying answer.
Just got back from Field Service
by biblexaminer ini had to work with an elder in fs today.
there was no way out.. this elder is from africa somewhere, right off the boat.
how do they view children?.
biblexaminer you started this thread and I commented on it then you accuse me of highjacking the post and of me being a JW apologist ? Come on now.
After 16 years being active on this site ,knowing TTATT you still engage in FS ? Who`s the JW apologist here.?
I can understand people on here who because of close family members still attend some meetings and hope by their exampl they can extricate them from this religion , but still engaging in FS after 16 years ? my mind boggles.
When you knock on a door and a householder answers do you just stand their and not say anything ? or do you give out WT propaganda .or do you tell the HH that the religion your representing is a false religion/cult and dont listen to any others who come in Jehovahs name....?
Or would you have us believe you work with another Bro,or sister and you never have to talk with the HH.
I`m just asking., you have got away with it for 16 years.
Just got back from Field Service
by biblexaminer ini had to work with an elder in fs today.
there was no way out.. this elder is from africa somewhere, right off the boat.
how do they view children?.
My question to you biblexaminer is : How can you be on this site for 16 years and still support the WTB&TS by participating in D2D activity , going to meetings etc.?
Would This Be Adultery?
by FedUpJW ini just happened to read a news article from some months ago about doctors having performed a successful penis transplant.
the recipient lost his due to cancer, and doctors expect him to gain full use of his "new" penis, including sexual activities.
considering some of the more goofy interpretations of doctrine that the gooberning body trots out that the rank and file must obey under penalty of shunning i wonder if a man had this surgery, would he and or his wife be df'd for adultery?