I'm not really interested in the day to day stuff about this cult but I would like to know if anything drastically changes as my siblings and their kids are still trapped.
I know where your coming from X ....,I just think you have to come here either week to week or even month to month and just sift through the posts to see what interests you. and go from there.
I have been out since 1993 and I am really only interested in what latest garbage they are spewing out.though admittedly their have been some gems that posters have brought out that I would never have known about if it wasnt for this site.
I have learnt more about JW`s on this site than what I knew about them in the 33 years I was a JW ,what does that tell you apart from the fact I was a dumbass .
You need to keep coming here for the sake of your siblings and their kids.and your own peace of mind.The Borg is not going anywhere anytime soon ,so you need to be here when something does arise you can help your family members with.