I can only relate to my time as a JW from the 1960`s to 1993 ,
JW`s do not engage in supporting a nation in war because we only have allegiance to one govt./King under Christ Jesus.And you cannot serve two masters
Jehovahs Witnesses are neutral to the affairs of the politics of the nations because jesus is our king and we owe our allegiance to him alone.
On the other hand it has been stated in WT publications during this time that if a JW household was targeted in a crime they have every and any means available to them to protect their family from harm ,in doing so they are not violating their neutrality as regards Govts or loyalty to Jesus kingship but simply protecting their family from homegrown violence.or crime.
In other words if some criminal died invading a JW home in a home invasion he could very well be wihin his rights and no sanctions would be against him for protecting his family
And no law of the land would hold him accountable either.
justifiable homicide
So he`s not a pacifist.