Invisible rulership ,Invisible blessings ,Invisdible benefits ,invisible expectations..
Actual realisations ? Zero , actually.
having now been out of the cult for a few years, it really shocks me about some of the nonsense i used to believe in.
like for instance, christ ruling in the midst of his enemies, but doing so invisibly.. let's let that one sink in for a minute.
you've supposedly got a king who is ruling for a kingdom, but it is an invisible rule.
Invisible rulership ,Invisible blessings ,Invisdible benefits ,invisible expectations..
Actual realisations ? Zero , actually.
presenting the order of parental gloryon the eve of international children’s day, vladimir putin presented the order of parental glory to parents of large families.
the recipients included families from astrakhan and yaroslavl regions, the republics of karelia, buryatia, north ossetia-alania, perm and primorye territories, and khanty-mansi autonomous area – yugra.the order of parental glory was established by a presidential executive order signed in may 2008 and is awarded to parents (or adoptive parents) raising 7 or more children and ensuring due care for their health, education, and physical, spiritual and moral development.
Are /were they a family in good standing ? if not they certanly are now in the organisations eyes.
Was /is brother Novik an Elder ? ministerial servant ? or just another ordinary publisher with too much time on his hands,and more interested in pushing out babies for Mother Russia and the accolades he would get from Vladimir Putin.
i thought this forum was for people who were ex jw`s and pro jw`s and the like to debate ,discuss and reasonably talk about our differences ,and sometimes drift off into politics world events and whatever.. however over a period of time i have come across cold steel `s many posts which are nothing more than promoting his mormon religions point of view./beliefs what has that got to do with jehovahs witnesses and the concerns many have with the jw religion.?.
it seems to me he is using this forum to promote his religion and is getting away with it over a long period of time.. how long before other cult religions see this as a springboard for promoting their own religion such as .
sda`s ,christian scientists , christadelphians ,beroean bible students ,etc.etc.. where will it end if he is able to keep doing this ?.
I thought this forum was for people who were ex JW`s and pro Jw`s and the like to debate ,discuss and reasonably talk about our differences ,and sometimes drift off into politics world events and whatever.
However over a period of time I have come across cold steel `s many posts which are nothing more than promoting his Mormon religions point of view./beliefs What has that got to do with jehovahs Witnesses and the concerns many have with the JW religion.?
It seems to me he is using this forum to promote his religion and is getting away with it over a long period of time.
How long before other cult religions see this as a springboard for promoting their own religion such as
SDA`s ,Christian Scientists , Christadelphians ,Beroean Bible students ,etc.etc.
Where will it end if he is able to keep doing this ?
sad case in honington, devon, uk..
It will be interesting to see what connections if any, their were between the two..
Regardless of that my condolonces to the victims family ,their is no excuse for this type of crime.And hopefully the perpretator gets his just deserts.
for kingdom hall and branch closings, leaked documents and videos, number of baptisms at assemblies, news articles on child abuse and other.
thank you.
nowwhat do not be discouraged , your idea sounds good ,keep posting
You just might have to be more selective in choosing what posts you look at .
This still is the best site I have come across despite its minor faults.
Take care.
sent the following to my jw friends and contacts.
thought you might enjoy the read!.....
anyone who is willing to have 8 kids deserves a medal!.
Thanks for your post WWW ,is this brother Novik and his family just the average JW`s family ,I mean just average publishers and he has no "privelidges" in his congregation ?
This may be an excuse for them when they realise from posts like yours and others how hypocritical they are in holding this up as a good example of a witness.
Accepting a pagan religious symbol from a leader of a country that is under the control of Satan the Devil ? 2Cor.4:4
We will forget for the moment that they,the Govts. that is , are their by Jehovah Gods arrangement according to the Bible Rom ch.13
Is that a Bible contradiction ? Sorry off topic.
Jehovahs Witnesses condemn the Governments political /religious systems around the world as being under the influence and control of Satan the Devil ,yet they have no qualms about recieving awards from these governments when it suits them ,even holding up pagan religious symbols they condemn as proud recipients of them.
Jw`s can be honoured and recieve gifts like an award by Govt officials for various reasons , but hey a JW cant have a birthday party or recieve a gift ,on the other hand married couples can be honoured on their wedding anniversary and also recieve gifts.
As I said on another thread these children are young , wait till they go through there teen years ,most of them will have abandoned the religion as being a cult by the time they are in their twenties.
Getting back to your OP ? LOL
it's been 8 years, but i am back.
my health has returned.
what did i miss?.
Welcome back preston,glad to hear your in good health. As LLLFS says a lot has happened and the powers that be in the Borg have got crazier ( I bet you didnt think that was possible)
We still have some great informative posters here(present company excepted)
ever since i had become an atheist and started to listen to podcasts such as the one by sam harris or shows like the atheist experience, i began to think that it is my responsibility to believe as many true things and as few false things as possible.
in order to ensure that my beliefs are rationally justified, i started to follow logic, reason, and evidence.
i cannot say that all my beliefs are true, but i can definitely say that i make the efforts to ensure that they are at the very least reasonable.. i also became willing to debate people.
An unbaptised publisher who disassociated himself. I'm not sure whether the term "disassociated" is applicable to me, but this is what the elder called me, so that's what I'm going with.
I dont see what the problem is here ,if you were an unbaptised publisher and you dis associated yourself from the JW religion
Thats what you are ?! Whats the big deal.?Why does it even matter ?
apparently going to the kingdom hall and getting out in the door to door ministry is the best way to get over the loss of a loved one.
who'dve thunk it?.
stash: /
A way for the article writers to help underscore their attempt to identify the biblical Hannah with their fictitious "Ann" in the readers mind.
When I saw the girl being helped was named "Paula" I left off reading looking for some mention of Paul and BAM. Yep theres the reference to Paul. LOL
Thats a great find I would never have picked that up.
The deceptions the WT articles go to and decieve their readers is evil and knows no bounds.
you dont notice all the little "tie ins" and cross overs they are throwing at you.
thanks for bringing this to my attention millie210
,i`m sure others will also.
when i suffered some loss what jesus said came to my mind: “if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also.” (mathew 5:40) principle behind this statement made flash to me: ‘here shirt is only a symbol of material things/comfort.
if you suffer a loss, have the mind-set that i have no problem even if i suffer some greater loss,’ and my worry immediately disappeared.
whether jesus was a historical figure or not matters not if what he (supposedly) said happens to be of great practical help..
So what you are actually saying venus is that you can take the sayings of any mythical character in literature and apply it to yourself so long as its of benefit to you or anybody else.
That might be well and true to some extent ,however you wouldnt mould/build your whole life around that mythical character in literature would you ?
Their are plenty of authours who write about mythical characters that come out with pure gems in how to live ,be moral ,altuistic .and spend there life in the interests of others.
We dont worship them,or waste our life following such ficticious characters do we ?
Maybe your/our life would be more enhanced if we moulded our lives on the wise sayings of real life people that have ever lived. Without idolising them or worshipping them .
Just saying.
Edit to add : If I havent welcomed you before I do so now