: That is not how all molesters operate.
That's not what he said.
i seem to remember something on the board about leo greenlees being removed from bethel & the gb.
can anyone give me information about this.
is he still allive and where?
: That is not how all molesters operate.
That's not what he said.
suspect in alaskan school stabbings ignores judge.
anchorage, alaska, may 8 (reuters) - a man arrested for allegedly slashing the throats of four anchorage children outside their school refused to answer a judge's questions at a court hearing on tuesday, then urged onlookers to kill themselves and their children.
jason pritchard, 33, was arraigned in state superior court on four charges of attempted murder and four charges of first-degree assault.
:According to the document, Pritchard had been a practicing member of the Jehovah's Witnesses but was excommunicated for visiting massage parlors.
"Practicing member?" What is that? A baptized publisher, or non-baptized publisher? Once baptized they ALL go somewhat psycho with WTS regs. and laws and unspoken laws and hidden laws and local congregation laws and laws that aren't really laws, but "conscience matters" and all sorts of confusing things like that. It's enough to make any sane person insane.
It's interesting to try to wonder that tie is between "visiting 'massage parlors'" and slitting children's throats.
Are they related? I hardly think so.
The guy was a nut. Dubs get their share of nuts, but so do Catholics, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews and just about any other kind of religion. I suspect that the guy was a nutball long before he decided he wanted to be a dub, and the fact that he was a dub doesn't really mean much. In all fairness to dubs and in my experience with them as a primo cultist, THEY didn't do anything to make him the nutball that he was.
This is not true in every case, IMHO. But from what I've seen of the evidence, one cannot blame Jehovah's Witnesses for the fact that a jerk happened into their midst.
: Where ya'll goin'?
To "Moron Land(tm)", I hope.
below are various quotes from essies "finals observations" on her "am i unwelcome here" post :.
(please read the thread in it's entirety for context pusposes as space does not allow here) .
essie - from "final observations".
Well, you both wanted to get some attention and you both got your wish, so what's the problem, dummy?
* http://www.witnessesonline.com/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/witnessesonline/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=21&t=000024
So now the world knows what the "good" news of God's dub Kingdom is REALLY about!
bethel has responded to dr muramotos recent article in the british medical journal about the watchtower societys ridiculous teachings about blood abstinence.
this response comes in a letter to the editor of bmj from the director of hospital information services in great britain, one paul wade.
the reply is not only embarrassing for all thinking jws, it is disgraceful!
If you are really using you true name, then I tip my hat to you, sir! (Well I would, if I actually HAD a hat!) I personally know only one other elder who has personally confronted the society about their ridiculous blood policy face-to-face, squarely, unambiguously and without sucking up to their vanities and overblown pride in themselves and their positions. I'm not saying that other elders don't write the society and question certain things, because I'm certain many do. What I am saying is that few elders would use the phrases you did in your response to the spokesman from the HLC. The Governing Body has never taken too kindly a lowly elder calling their doctrine "ridiculous." Once again, my hat is off to you sir!
You wrote:
:I do not understand why leaders of my chosen religion take such umbrage at the dissemination of sound information, as Dr Muramoto has suggested.
Because Watchtower leaders have rarely been interested in facing and dealing with facts unless 1) they are losing large amounts of members, and/or 2) revenues go way down, or and/or 3) they are so embarrassed by a false prophecy/doctrine (e.g. 1975, "this generation", organ transplants are "cannibalism", the "heart is the seat of emotions," "vaccinations are filthy animal pus", a woman can't scripturally divorce her husband if he enjoys having sex with a donkey, a female who doesn't scream while being viciously beaten and raped is guilty of fornication, and a host of other embarrassing and outlandish things the society has claimed came directly from God and that they've later had to deal with and change.)
I urge you continue to fight the good fight. There is no doubt the society will relent on blood, but the question is when, and more importantly, how long will the blood ban still remain in the collective consciousness of the rank and file JW? My mother would not allow me to be vaccinated for polio in 1955 even though the society had dropped its ban on vaccinations by then. She thought it was still unscriptural. There was a worldwide polio epedemic in those years. I easily could have died.
I have absolutely NO respect for you religious masters in Brooklyn, but I have a LOT of respect for people like you who doesn't mince words nor cower in fear when you see something is wrong.
Keep up the good work.
she was a fine sister with a history that went back six generations with jehovahs witnesses.
her family boasted well over 1000 jw family members, many of which had high station within the organization.
this proud heritage was marred by another fact in the familys history this sister had not disclosed.
: So sad a story, yet one that has been repeated hundreds of times by elders who use Watchtower Policy to hurt children while protecting the “image” of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Yes. As I've said so many times, "Jehovah's Witnesses are the only religion I know who shoot their own wounded."
that thread about "will you be protected?
" promted me to write this.
we have been doing research on estacolgy (sp?
:Ok so WHAT is Armageddon???
Simple! It's a perpetually occuring spiel from a perpetually psychadelic Bible book made by a perpetually spieling religion about a perpetually close event which perpetually never occurs and which is to be conducted by a perpetually blood-thirsty and perpetually vindictive God and has perpetually made its originating promoter's a wealthy religion so that they can perpetually build stone monuments to themselves.
In otherwords, it's a perpetual pile of dog shit.
a very good friend of mine whos also a professor of english literature and humanities at a large, well-known university is also a libertarian!
he is quite a remarkable person, who has written extensively on many and varied subjects including a book on the titanic disaster, ayn rand, jehovahs witnesses, and isabel paterson, a contemporary of ayn rand.
he knows more about jws than even most informed apostates, although he has never been a jw.
: I love those quotes, are they printed in any book form, do you mind if I use some of those quotes???
Most of the quotes that I slightly altered dealt with politics and politicians. The one about the half-wits was originally referring to Hitler. I only changed a word or two here and there to show how easily those thoughts also apply to the JW religion. I'm sure Isabel Paterson won't mind if you use her quotes, either. Unfortunately she's dead now. Those quotes are taken from many of her writings and as the professor who cited them said, quotes like that from her would take an entire book just in and of themselves.
Uncanny Autie,
:As for an ageing ex-JW like me, I am trying to make every moment count.
Great for you. It's a shame that some would (and have) make us believe that God wants it any other way.
:But as the library is closed, I think I'll just have to re-read what's here!
Do a search on the net. There is much material on Paterson, and much more an Ayn Rand and determinism. They were good friends and mutual admirers for years until they finally had a falling out.
one of the most important techniques in manipulating people is to get control of their guilt.. all totalistic movements, religious or political use this method.
few organizations are better then the watchtower society in mastering this.
the religious cults have the advantage over the political that they can use the ultimate authority, namely god.. a typical example of such manipulation can be found in the january 15, 1997 issue of the watchtower.
Greetings Norm,
: It doesn’t give us any clue whatsoever to why “God” permit wickedness. It tells us absolutely nothing about the future apart from some insane and utterly failed predictions of some “end”. As a source of knowledge about God, it gives us a picture of a sick, perverted, homicidal maniac god, with a horribly short temper, who enjoys ethnic cleansing, homicide, rape, murdering and pillaging.
Yeah, but he LOVES us.