"There's never been a kingdom given to so much bloodshed as that of Christ."
This reminds me of a bumper sticker that says "Jesus called and wants his religion back."
i don't know who said this one:.
"there's never been a kingdom given to so much bloodshed as that of christ.".
i think that statement is beyond dispute.. farkel.
"There's never been a kingdom given to so much bloodshed as that of Christ."
This reminds me of a bumper sticker that says "Jesus called and wants his religion back."
my mom is pretty cool.
81 years old and still going fairly strong.
my older sister was the first one to leave the dubs in our 3rd gen jw family.
Blondie, your mother does not deserve to be called your mother, just the lady who gave birth to you. I actually fault her more than her sick husband, because as your mother she should have protected you first and foremost. That's not a mother, that's a sick, selfish woman. I am deeply sorry for what you have had to endure at the hands of those monsters. I am deeply impressed that you recognize their toxicity and have cut them out of your life.
My mother is very much indoctrinated, but she is glad to hear from me every so often. I finally am at a point in my life where it doesn't cause me great pain to think of her. I love her, but I realize she is not, nor will she ever be, a role model, or the mother I want and need her to be. I am a role model for her. It's almost like I'm the parent and she is the child. She is so incapable of thinking for herself, so fearful of opening her mind lest Satan take it over. I am sad for her, but also believe she has been this way for so long that it would kill her to realize it was all for nothing. Part of me hopes she lives out the rest of her days believing the JW's are true, so that she doesn't have to deal with the pain of all the unnatural things she has done in the name of Jehovah.
She has been downright cruel many times, not motherly at all, because she thought that is what Jehovah would want. But I'm finally at a point in my life where I don't fault her for it. I fault the men in charge of this horrible religion, who continue to mislead vulnerable people like my mother. They are bloodguilty, as far as I am concerned. They should be hoping there is no God, because that day of reckoning is not going to be pretty!
alright, with my last post it should be obvious i'm in conflict...if it's not, then yeah.. my boyfriend is not a witness.
he understands that witnesses can't marry or date non witnesses.
but i guess could say we've been stalling...looking for a solution a gray area to that black and white situation...but with time getting as it is...stalling doesn't work anymore.
Congratulations, you have guilt-tripped him into learning "The Truth," which you don't even know well enough to explain to him (the funny thing about truth is that it is straightforward and simple, you don't need a publication to explain it, it stands up for itself, so if you have to find an article or ask your grandma why something is, that could be a red flag as to its truthfulness, just a thought).
He still is saying he will be your friend no matter what. Friend. Not boyfriend. Take him at his word. Males always tell us what they think, and we females tend to morph it into what we want to hear. It's a bad habit of ours, and will never get us anywhere worthwhile, trust me.
By the way, do you wonder why you are seeking "worldly" friends in the first place? It may be for a different reason than you think. Perhaps a part of you has to be suppressed as one of Jehovah's Witnesses? Maybe it would be vital for you to spend some time exploring why you do the things you do, and who you are as a person, and let the rest take care of itself? Have you ever spent any time exploring yourself, and what makes you you?
What do you want out of life? How do you envision your life to be? One of the greatest things about being a human is our power of imagination. Why not imagine what you would like your life to look like in the next five years, and then work toward making that vision a reality?
What does Hikaru want?
What does Hikaru want? (And I don't mean her possible boyfriend to convert to her religion. Though it looks as though you may be able to nag him into studying, he is obviously capable of thought, and the Jehovah's Witness teachings are not going to appeal to him.)
I challenge you to truly learn about your religion and see if you can stand behind its teachings. How can you agree with something if you don't even know what it is!?
alright, with my last post it should be obvious i'm in conflict...if it's not, then yeah.. my boyfriend is not a witness.
he understands that witnesses can't marry or date non witnesses.
but i guess could say we've been stalling...looking for a solution a gray area to that black and white situation...but with time getting as it is...stalling doesn't work anymore.
He sounds very capable of thinking for himself, and he sounds like he has broken off your relationship.
alright, with my last post it should be obvious i'm in conflict...if it's not, then yeah.. my boyfriend is not a witness.
he understands that witnesses can't marry or date non witnesses.
but i guess could say we've been stalling...looking for a solution a gray area to that black and white situation...but with time getting as it is...stalling doesn't work anymore.
Hikaru, do you honestly not know why you can't date or marry a non-JW as a JW? Or do you just not want to tell them? I don't get it. Why would you so adamantly insist on something and not even know the reason why you do it? To me this is a strong indication of not being ready for a relationship anyway.
Reading through this it seems to me you are only trying to manipulate your "boyfriend" into doing what you want. Manipulation, no matter the motivation, is never a good thing in a relationship. It's a poor foundation for one, and it will only end in intense heartache. You say you are in pain over this matter now, and you haven't even met him in person! You are in trouble deep, girl. If you would just take what we are telling you seriously, you would get out now, before you exacerbate the entire thing!
i'm beginning to keep a bowl of fresh fruit, cup of peanuts, raw baby carrots and ranch dressing, and water by my computer desk at home so when i need a snack between meals, i can graze.
i find it difficult to eat too much when it is clean food.. clean food: naturally occuring food that you can recognize..
Thanks for the site, beks.
I try to eat real food as much as possible, and stay away from all those nasty thigns beks mentioned. It's hard to do, but very rewarding.
has anyone read this book?.
i figured i had to comment because everyone was telling me oh tim, youre going to love this book.
she went to the same assemblies as you, she was raised in a similar household, she did poetry slams as well.
The "He can't relate to it, that's why he didn't like it" to me seems somewhat ridiculous. I can't relate to being a superhero like Spiderman but I still enjoyed that movie. I can't relate to being a female bounty hunter who has a crush on a criminal but I still enjoyed Janet Evanovich.
How is it a ridiculous reason given for why you might not have liked it when it's the reason why I do like it?
I'm confused as to what about my statement made you feel defensive. I was simply giving a theory as to why you might not have liked it. No harm or ill will meant. Just a thought, a possibility. My apologies if it was offensive to you.
I get so confused when a thread says it's a discussion, but then I leave it feeling shot in the foot for opening my mouth and posting my thoughts.
I guess that's why I mostly end up staying away from these boards.
(I still liked the book.)
my mom is pretty cool.
81 years old and still going fairly strong.
my older sister was the first one to leave the dubs in our 3rd gen jw family.
Your mom sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing your family experiences.
has anyone read this book?.
i figured i had to comment because everyone was telling me oh tim, youre going to love this book.
she went to the same assemblies as you, she was raised in a similar household, she did poetry slams as well.
But the most damaging thing I keep coming back to, the one that really made me say "Look I can't say this book is a good example of what ex-JWs are like" is where she confirms she was making up an accusation of her father molesting her to look cool. Now JWs have in print a place they can point to in order to confirm why the two witness rule is something that is OK for cases of molestation because the kid could be making it up. Which I hopefully don't have to point out to you just how damaging this is.
Also, I don't think this book is supposed to be an example of what ex-JW's are like, nor for that matter, do I think you can say ex-JW's are like anything. We are, each of us, individuals, are we not? Why are you trying to cram all ex-JW's into a box?
Oh, and the incident you are referring to, where Kyria has a thought, and then exclaims some vague thing at her father, is hardly the same as making a false accusation. She never actually made the accusation. Who was she looking cool to? It was a thought in her head. You've never had an inappropriate and/or crazy thought?
P.S. It's okay to not like something, simply because you don't. That's enough reason. But it sort of seems like you are trying to get us to not like the book too. That's weird.
has anyone read this book?.
i figured i had to comment because everyone was telling me oh tim, youre going to love this book.
she went to the same assemblies as you, she was raised in a similar household, she did poetry slams as well.
People need to stop with this "You don't relate because you don't know what it's like" stuff, I was a Jehovah's Witness too. As I said earlier in the thread I grew up two towns over from her, I was in a gifted program, my parents had a bad marriage, in fact I was the child of divorce who was quite literally made to choose in the courtroom between his parents.
No, Tuesday, I don't have to stop with this you don't relate. You don't. Did you get told your entire life that your opinion does not matter, that your purpose in life is to respect and submit to your husband? No, you did not. Boys and men in that religion are taught that they are above women. You don't relate. You don't relate. You don't have any clue what it was like to be a Jehovah's Witness girl, and nothing you can say will convice me otherwise.
And frankly, I don't care that you don't like the book. That's cool with me. I was thinking the thread title that included the word "discussion" meant I could give my opinions on the book. Maybe I was wrong.
I also hated Transformers.