JoinedPosts by LosingMyReligion
The new service meeting
by John Aquila ini wanted to relate an experience that happened this morning.
it is regarding the new format for the meeting on thursdays in my area.
its not word for word but im summarizing what i heard, the best i can remember.
It's frightening to see the lack of critical thinking on this forum by some members. Then again lack of critical thinking is one of the traits that helps becoming or staying religious. I really appreciate the effort some of you have done in this thread to point out the specific points in the OP that indicates that this is not a 100% non-fictional account. It is a great service to our former brothers and sisters who may still not have developed the critical thinking skill to question such ear-tickling stories. -
Stephen Lett: Crazy Old Kook or Just Really Bad Actor?
by Wild_Thing inso, i am reposting this video from wifibandit's thread since it is a bit off topic.
i watched this video and i have to say that this guy really creeps me out.
his slow and methodical gestures coupled with with his over-annuciation of every word makes him appear absolutely crazy!.
I honestly believe the more time the GB members spend in front of the camera, the more people are gonna wake up. Atleast in Europe, where most of the witnesses have been blissfully ignorant about who the GB actually is until the jw.org re-branding. In fact I spoke to a still in witness friend of mine recently and he couldn't name a single one of them by name when he was trying to explain who from the GB had made a talk on the recent assembly. The way they are exposing themselves in videos available worldwide is sure to make people stop and think about who the frick God supposedly has chosen to lead his "holy organisation". Time is on the truth's side - the real truth. -
The poor and deprived life of JW children.
by Esse quam videri ini find it hard to believe that adults on this forum make such a big deal about not celebrating birthdays, x-mas, easter, halloween, etc, etc, etc.
i grew up as a jw kid and it actually made me feel good, being different from the other kids in school.
we went to meetings.
Was I an unhappy kid because I did not celebrate all those x-mas, easter, birthdays,etc, etc, etc.? No, no and again no.
If you are an adult and feel you had a deprived childhood, grow up and get over it.Good for you! People are not all the same, so the experience you had doesn't reflect every other person growing up as a witness. Personally I always thought christmas seemed so cherful and fun, with the carols and holiday spirit that I secretly wished we could have celebrated it. I used to make christmas trees with my lego's and surround it with presents. I never told anyone or showed it to anyone because I knew they would not be happy with me. I think my ego could take a day each year with extra attention from my friends and family. After all, we are created in the image of a "worship me constantly" God aren't we? ;)
Getting JWs To Think By Using Their Own Tactics On Them.
by Island Man ini've been thinking that an effective way to expose the idiocy and vacuousness of jwism is to use it right back on them when they come to your door.
say you're a fader and you've moved to the territory of a different circuit where the jws there don't know your jw background.
when they come knocking at your door, just put on the jw mindset and pretend to yourself that the jws at the door are not jws but members of a "false religion.".
This sounds like a lot of fun! I actually think it might work, in the sense that it might get some of them to think a little. Especially the part about apostacy couldbe a home-run. Imagine if everyone should treat people who change religion like the witnesses do? If you are able to pull it of in a nice, non "better-then-you" way then they will absorb it and recognise your pattern of thought. I remember when I was pioneering I would always be fascinated whenever I met someone with real Bible knowledge in the door-to-door ministry who could show me something in the Bible instead of the other way around.
No, I don't think so.
Witnesses don't have prison camps, they don't have a "fair game" policy and they are just not so interesting and mysterious as the scientologists. The only thing that would make them interesting for the media and the general public is if the protection of sex offenders blew up in their face and got a lot of attention. For that to happen you need people who have been abused to come forward and you need someone (a media) to spread their story.
Unfortunately there is not enough of either at the time to garner any real awareness of Jehovas Witnesses. For most people they are just the weirdos who goes door-to-door and don't celebrate anything. Only witnesses and ex-witnesses care about them to put it blunt.
What is truth?
by Heisenberg inwell, i have been lurking on this site for several months and i recently decided to join as a member.
i have made several observations and would like to make a few comments.. first, i am perplexed by the attitude of many on this site that are either former or active (but apostate) jws.
they seem to have a strong hatred for the wts and also for rank and file jws.
I am astounded when I hear of former JWs that now celebrate Christmas. Are you kidding me? You want the truth but then go back to the deepest, darkest pit of deception. We all know Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus. Why would you trade one set of lies for another?
99,9% of people celebrating christmas do it not as a religious activity, but as a social activity. It's an excellent opportunity to come together with family and relatives and enjoy some time together in a pleasant setting. -
Hi! Long time lurker finally signing up!
by LosingMyReligion inok, so the time has finally come to register an account on this site.
not that i think i have much to contribute to the discussions here, but more out of a desire to show that yet another person has learned ttatt.
i am a fader, not discussing ttatt with anyone as i know the inevitable outcome it would have.
neverendingjourney -
Thank you! Do you have any documentaries you would recommend to explain these concepts in a way that makes it understandable for someone who is not well educated in science? I have found listening to Dawkins as an example to be sometimes difficult to understand as I am not familiar with all the things he is referring to.We all go through our own journey in discovering where we fall on these questions, but let me suggest that an unfiltered view of the universe actually reveals a considerable amount of evidence of a chaos, randomness and disorder. As witnesses we were selectively taught examples that might suggest design while ignoring everything else. There's a considerable amount of literature on this topic as well as good scientific documentaries if you, like me, prefer documentaries over books.
Best of luck to you.
Hi! Long time lurker finally signing up!
by LosingMyReligion inok, so the time has finally come to register an account on this site.
not that i think i have much to contribute to the discussions here, but more out of a desire to show that yet another person has learned ttatt.
i am a fader, not discussing ttatt with anyone as i know the inevitable outcome it would have.
Yes, actually when I was a teenager i considered REM as one of my favourite bands. I had a bad concience for liking the song "losing my religion" .
Are you an REM fan?
Is Watchtower's stance against education only for North American witnesses
by wannaexit ini was reading on a european ex jw forum where some feel that watchtower's railing against higher education is primarily for north america issue.
this is due that many in usa and canada leave home to leave on campus.
it was mentioned that many young european jw attend universities and its not frowned on.. i found this odd because i heard what morris and losch said about education in italy.
I think it's important to remember that Europe is a continent, and not a country or state (despite the attempts to create a united European Union). Within this continent you have a variety of countries, big and small, that have their own unique culture, history and morality. Therefore the witnesses in a scandinavian country can have a different view on beards then for an example the witnesses in a southern european country.
Regarding the Watchtower's stance on higher education we all have the same watchower study, the same assembly programs and the same dogma presented to us no matter if we live in North America, Europe or Africa. The only difference is how we react to it. If you compare the European continent to the American or African continent you will see a distinct difference in the number of confessed agnostics and atheists vs. "believers" in the general population, and this must affect the witnesses also. Therefore I would think that the more atheist or science-based your surroundings are the more prone you are to not be overly zealous in following every command from the Governing Body. Remember, most witnesses hate preaching and don't want to pioneer for a career. I know by my own experience how it is to force yourself to pioneer even though you hate it, just because you want to "please God". Most witnesses would take any opportunity to not preach and be occupied with something else, and going to school is one of the best and most readibly available way out of a life of preaching and working low-salary jobs.
Hi! Long time lurker finally signing up!
by LosingMyReligion inok, so the time has finally come to register an account on this site.
not that i think i have much to contribute to the discussions here, but more out of a desire to show that yet another person has learned ttatt.
i am a fader, not discussing ttatt with anyone as i know the inevitable outcome it would have.
Thanks for the warm welcome! You really have a great community going here, and I find it both educational and encouraging to be able to learn from everyone elses experiences and perspectives.
I appreciate all the kind words and friendly guidances as to further expand my horizon. :)