Good Morning:
If one Jehovah' Witness to participate in martial arts or dances sexys with clothes kolants, it can be dissociated, however, Your ancients had rented a Your temple (Kingdom'Hall)) that they considered \ “old \” in the Porto Feliz City, SP, Brazil ,for the same things and had not been dissociated and nor reprehended. It is not unjust this? Another example: If one t.J leaves for there nailing that” the end of the world comes in this weekend, the anciãos can until dissociating it”, however, “ faithfull and discreet slave” wrote book´s millions affirming that “the day of Jehovah and the end of the Christianity would be in the twenty century" (look KJ 200) and had not been dissociated. Spreading liar is crime, wise person? It is not unjust this. And You if ahead to silence of this everything, does not find that they will have that to give to accounts Jehovah for “connivance”? It will be that it is not because of that they forbid You Jehovah’ Witness to read or to write in the Internet ?