I feelya...I get incensed sometimes when I read posts on this site that make Jesus/evangelicalism/christian faith/ or whatever the best thing since the discovery of the "truth"....and it makes me hurl sometimes. Thats why I only post when i have something to say that I feel would be intresting for some out here like me..or I come out here to read what the latest on the JW world is since my family is all in. The thing is though the guy that influenced me to leave was Ray Franz and that man still finds reasons to believe in Jesus and God ect...since I think for myself I like to believe ppl can choose to believe what makes them comfortable..belief in a cow, a teapot orbiting the planet Jupiter, YHWH, jesus,,Dionysus, Black Jesus, Chinese Jesus, Italian Jesus, Hercules, Batman and Robin, Arnold SHwartzanegger, or the worship of the lead singer of the canadian rock group Rush ..Geddy Lee......WHO FRIGGIN CARES! Let ppl keep praying to whatever god they want and we can keep telling them how nutty it is to pray to an "invisible man" in the sky.
JoinedPosts by chrisjoel
JW religion is not all that bad really
by veen ini know we all have issues with the borg, but really i think there are far more despicable religions on the go, namely american style evangelical christianity.
i'm watching a film called 'jesus camp' as i type and all i can say is any of you idiots who post on here who say you left the jw's and have now found jesus are totally retarded.
you really need to get a grip on reality and stop needing religion as a crutch.
2 Scots "gobsmacked" at what they see.
by chrisjoel inhttp://www.ardrossanherald.com/articles/1/23461
Italian music to make my toes curl in delight
by LouBelle ingoing through pictures of rome, i put on one of my most favorite italian singers andrea bocelli.
his music lifts me, tugs at the heart and soul, a soothing voice.
eyes closed, a glass of red wine in hand, ah magic i tell you.
Questo pezzo di musica e di Gigi Dagostino a si chiama...."Gigi's Love or Volando"...ie..the background music is called Volando or Gigis Love....
A Question For Christians..what would you do if........
by chrisjoel ingiven the chance, if we made contact with an extraterrestial life form that came to dwell among us for even a short period of time, would you preach the gospel of jesus to it with a view to possibly baptizing the "alien" into christianity?
Deputy Dog
Lets turn this around. What if he came here to preach it to us. Do you think any more people would believe it?Hey Dog if an alien came to out planet I would be intrested in Anything he had to say!!! Lets see, he could say "My race had a hand in creating you guys" or "My race on my planet live and breath and exist in this way...." whatever. However, if that alien said "Jesus Christ is Lord and I have come to your planet to preach him to you ...." then id have to rethink some things. I highly doubt that he would know who Jesus is. I think anyone would be intrested in whatever he had to say but I still think Christian leaders of this world would try to salvage whatever they could from thier theology to prove anything they could faced with this new circumstance.
Their are "Christian Scientists" that face this question all the time. Brother Guy Consolmagno for example is a leading Vatican Scentist who says..." Do aliens need to be saved? Depends if they are subject to "original sin" or not. The traditional theology of original sin, tracing it back to the origins of the human race, says absolutely nothing about other entities, either way. Once we find other intelligences, we'll be in a better position to expand that theology"....You want to talk about stubborn Thats stubborn!The point im making with this question is that its going to be really hard for religion to die out. Christianity is faced with a growing amount of skepticism and a hypothetical situation such as I mentioned is my way of saying its going to stay around in some form or another for those who dont want it to die.EVEN IF AN ALEN came from another planet and showed us that he came to life on his planet just as we are on our planet and throughout the universes exist life, even then Christianity would die a slow death.
A Question For Christians..what would you do if........
by chrisjoel ingiven the chance, if we made contact with an extraterrestial life form that came to dwell among us for even a short period of time, would you preach the gospel of jesus to it with a view to possibly baptizing the "alien" into christianity?
The very nature of your question shows the JW mindset.
Why would you assume such a superior position that the alien needs you to teach it something?
I find one of the biggest problems with JWs is that they have mouths and no earsWhat??? anyways.. ...This agnostic isnt teaching anyone anything. Im simply saying given the nature of Christianity I could see Christian leaders forcing or othewise leading christianity upon OF ALL THINGS an intelligent being from another planet. ...so chill out already.
Whats wrong with obeying God?
by real one inmany who post here are always talking about they don't need god and that they don't believe in god and that he dosen't exist.
god does not ask us to do unreasonable things.
most of the things he ask us to do protects our lives.. why don't people get that?
I dont think there is Anything wrong with obeying God at all. I still obey my JW father whenever i can. Its just that in terms of "God " it Maybe that he is not what we thought He was.
Which is worse, Adam's sin, or God's reaction to his sin?
by Dirty Rat inwhen you look at all the pain and suffering in this world, and then wonder why god decided that mankind should pay for one man's sin, with interest on top of that, it's revolting.. no way can the added pain and suffering of billions of people equal the fault that adam did.. .
ps: this is jh .
HI ....Good to hear some logic from some ppl out here. This kind of reminds me of when in the Greek Scriptures, Paul i think it was said that God showed him creepy crawlies and he called them disgusting and unclean and then he was told stop calling disgusting what I call clean and ok that was about conversion stuff but principle is still evident.. no matter where you look in the Bible He seems to make the rules He seems to be able to make break bend any rule to HIS liking whenever he feels like it. He is God and its ok for him to do that but if WE did that ....Poof! your Dead!....Were not supposed to use our mental abilities to figure things out for ourselves and come to a logical conclusion ITS God that can and does that for us....well if thats the way it is then MAYBE ITS ALL MAKE- BELIEVE A folk story, myth, THe thing i find intresting is the amount of details that are missing from the initial story. In the begining God created the ....why not start by telling us about YOUR self? tell us where u came from right away, tell us all about yourself. But no all we get is an slip shod account of creation. ..AND personally for me as soon as I read (after being DFd.mind you) that GOD brought animals to Adam for him to choose a mate from it hit me..holy shit..this is MYTH!!!..how could he know the purpose for the earth if he didnt even know? who or what ?. to give Adam for a marriage mate.......so the whole adamic sin story is make believe for me.
A Question For Christians..what would you do if........
by chrisjoel ingiven the chance, if we made contact with an extraterrestial life form that came to dwell among us for even a short period of time, would you preach the gospel of jesus to it with a view to possibly baptizing the "alien" into christianity?
No, it most certainly does not. The "original sin" that we know from our Bible was committed by the first human being, Adam. It affects "all mankind," that is, all the descendents of Adam. An alien from another planet, although part of God's creation, would not be descended from Adam in any way, therefore his act of original sin would have no effect on the alien race.
Your comment is exactly what i would expect a person of the Christian persuasion to say. But who speaks for Christians in todays Society..the Pope, Evangelical leaders....ect...ect...In fact the Bible is plain old theology. Isnt it? A lot of theology that NO Doubt would try to be someway forced upon the visiting alien species. How? Some one would no doubt say that they need to be saved as well!!! Paul in Colossians 1 and Ephesians 1 make it clear that the resurrection of Christ applies to all creation (".everything in the heavens and everything on earth"). It is the definitive salvation event for the cosmos. Another bit of Biblical evidence is the opening of John's Gospel, who tells us that The Word was present from the beginning; it is part and parcel of the universe.The "Word" might be "spoken" to the rest of the intelligent universe and this event would mark new territory. Laugable, yes. But still, a very very real possibility for Christainity when and IF that day ever came to face our planet. -
A Question For Christians..what would you do if........
by chrisjoel ingiven the chance, if we made contact with an extraterrestial life form that came to dwell among us for even a short period of time, would you preach the gospel of jesus to it with a view to possibly baptizing the "alien" into christianity?
The issue is really Christian Salvation. Christians and the wide umbrella of belief in Christ that is known as "christianity" is heralded on our planet of being the only truth by which a human can be "saved", ie: through Christ as part of an organized religion or faith in Christ through an understanding of him. Since God created all creation and all creation is subject to HIM then Christians must hold that an alien intelligence(similar to ourselves) would be subject to original sin one way or another. There are many places in the Bible that say how all creation in heaven and on earth is subject to God....
Does that make sense? Can you imagine an "alien" who looks similar to us ie: humanoid looking, coming on our planet and somehow involving itself in the issue of original sin? I cant imagine that. And it makes sense to me to believe that there are civilizations out there among planets too distant from us to communicate with. Would they have their own version of evil or non sense theology ..probably so......we do! BTW (imagine IF the Bible actually said that other planets in the universes, or other intelligences existed apart from our own, and are subject to Christ as well....how foolhardy would that make the Bible seem! It would read like a book of science fiction....) ....hummm
A Question For Christians..what would you do if........
by chrisjoel ingiven the chance, if we made contact with an extraterrestial life form that came to dwell among us for even a short period of time, would you preach the gospel of jesus to it with a view to possibly baptizing the "alien" into christianity?
Given the chance, IF we made contact with an extraterrestial life form that came to dwell among us for even a short period of time, would you preach the Gospel of Jesus to it with a view to possibly baptizing the "alien" into Christianity?