If looking at bible prophecy, chronology, predicted signs and events and being mistaken on their fulfilment is a hanging offence as you all seem to be making it then no one would ever try and decipher Bible prophecy.
Seriously?" Being mistaken on their fullfilment?" " Trying to DECIPHER Bible Prophecy???? " ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Kicking out and Disfellowshipping anyone that says " hey look we were wrong lets come clean and admit it"
I would say your own words hang you, you would also IF you were being honest. BUT you are looking at it from the JW point of view ONLY.
HOW MANY ANTITYPES of bible charachters HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED to the Modern day JWs? How many prophecies have been assigned modern day fullfilment.(even parables where "fish caught in nets" are assigned its modern day equivilent fulfilment !!! ..... TOO MANY for me to get into. ....AT THE END of the day when an organization makes THOSE kinds of claims, then, when they say "only a few years, at most, remain in this system of things", well, you they kinda put themselves in the bullshit deptment. Wouldnt yOu saY??? BE HONEST! HONESTY IS WHY YOU BECAME A JW. IT SHOULD BE THE REASON YOU LEAVE JWs.