If there were 500 people in a pitch-black room, and one person lit a candle, then others would be able to see enough to find their own candles and light them. Very quickly the entire room would be lit, and no amount of darkness could ever extinguish the light. Substitute the "light" with "unconditional love", and that's how the world gets "lit".
Since the JW's have no unconditional love about them, the Watchtower is still in total darkness, which proves that there was never any light at all, and any "new light" is really more darkness (untruth) piled on top of darkness. There is no love in them, only fear, which is the opposite of love, darkness, the opposite of light.
Feigned, conditional love, such as the JW's exhibit, is the EXACT trademark of the Pharisees. In other words, they are hypocrites. That will not get you a ticket to paradise.
Ironic how people who think they are the most spiritual are the least spiritual. They stand at the gate, thinking they are the gatekeepers, and prevent everyone else from going in by judging them and misleading them.