Intelligent life outside earth? You mean someone put those amebas in the test tube?
Yep, pretty ridiculous....
little update about myself real quick: haven't posted in a while, got curious about what was on the boards, so i had to log on.
amazed i still remember my password.
a jw friend of mine (who is unaware i'm an atheist), and i were talking during lunch at school when he brings up scientology.
Intelligent life outside earth? You mean someone put those amebas in the test tube?
Yep, pretty ridiculous....
we all understand the justice argument against hell: the idea that god might decide that a wicked person's sins merit everlasting conscious punishment offends our sense of justice.. do even hitler's sins merit never-ending conscious punishment for all eternity?.
we know that the wtbts takes an annihilationist view of the "everlasting" punishment described by the bible.. they teach that there is no separate "soul" or "spirit" that survives physical death and that the ultimate fate of the unrepentant wicked is annihilation by jehovah.. let's assume for the sake of argument that they are right.. is this justice?.
over the years, the wtbts has flip-flopped on whether or not these wicked people will be resurrected for purposes of judgment or whether they simply will remain dead with no hope of any sort of resurrection.. let's look at various possibilities.
What would annihilating the wicked PROVE? All that would do is instill FEAR in the survivors, or for many Pharisees (who would never survive anyway), a feeling of "I was better than YOU". Or, "see what happens when you're not obedient". What a way to evolve!
Love has nothing to do with "obedience". It has to do with the desire to make others happy. It comes from the heart.
Since God desires no one to be destroyed, but ALL to attain to repentance, since WHEN does God not get what he desires?
i can't.. some bar-bet between jehovah and satan balanced against all the evil allowed just doesn't wash..
It never made sense to me either, until I realized that the Bible's creation story is false. Each of us are the "I AM" and we are co-creators . Everything we do contributes to the Book of Life or as the Hindus call it, the "Akash". Through free will we will eventually return to Oneness with God, where we will find it to be too serene and boring and we'll start the bullshit all over again.
i've been watching the bio channel lately and hearing people relate their stories of ghosts and the supernatural.. although i think some people do experience demonic presences, i think some people (for whatever reason) find it difficult to move on.
jws believe everything is caused by "demons," but there are many near death experiences where people clearly seem to see family members who have helped them and who have manifested themselves with feelings of peace and serenity.
since i don't believe that satan can duplicate these feelings of well being, i was wondering what you think of such manifestations, good or bad.. also, have you ever had any experiences, again, good or bad, in your lives?
Ghosts are residual conscious energy that's stuck in "limbo".
The Hindus call the spiritual life-force energy "prana". The Chinese call it the "chi". This is the "spirit" at Eccl. 12:7 that goes "back to the God who gave it" when the "silver cord" is loosed (verse 6) and the body dies. This is the energy that acupuncturists work with to keep it flowing freely throughout the body.
The chi energy has to go somewhere when the body dies. If a person experiences a sudden, traumatic loss of a loved one, then after they themselves die, their spirit may resist leaving the home, and so you get these Poltergeist hauntings. People hire shamans or "soul retreivers" to contact the spirit and let itknow that it can move on.
Contrary to popular JW folklore, none of this has anything to do with demons as outside entities, as they perceive them. The esoteric teaching of the Bible and all the major religions is that demons are internal just as God is, and those demons (egos) will "haunt" you (keep you alienated from God) until you dissolve them in the Lake of Fire.
genesis 6: 1, 2 - 1 when human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of god saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.. so angels are only attracted to female humans.. anyone else find this extremely telling?.
FlyingHighNow, look into something called a "Light Body".....
I'm on firefox and can't post links...
genesis 6: 1, 2 - 1 when human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of god saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.. so angels are only attracted to female humans.. anyone else find this extremely telling?.
Jesus said that in the resurrection, there is neither male nor female. Spirit creatures are a perfect balance of the male and female energy. But once again none of this makes sense without looking at it from a metaphysical standpoint. Jesus was able to do what he did because he had a wife.... Mary Magdalene. Try plugging in only one prong on your electrical appliances and see what happens.... nothing!
Google "Violet Flame" (Alchemy) if you want to know more.....
....or the origins of the Cross.....
i relate to your pain and suffering.
you remind me of the struggle i had for over a year, where i was pushing myself to go the meetings and even gave public talks because of friends and family, even when i knew it was all bullshit.
i was so sick to my stomach, that i literally felt like puking during the meetings.
Being out of the cult isn't the end of the danger to your sanity if you still have the slightest inclination that it might be the "truth". Only after you see it for what it is...a total scam and a fraud, just like the Bible it's based on...can you really start to recover and grow spiritually.
randy/dogpatch has posted some interesting material about troubles in the organization.
this info generated a lot of skepticism about the possibility of watchtower fragmentation.
frankly, it is very easy to be skeptical considering everything that ordinary witnesses are willing to believe or put up with.. i think it would be useful to realistically consider what sort of event(s) would bring the watchtower down or cause its fragmentation?
I agree with streets. If human consciousness brought down the Iron Curtain, then human consciousness + the Internet can certainly bring down the Tower.... the Web's only been around for fifteen years... for the most part growth has stopped in countries that are connected. Give it some more time and maybe a scientific "discovery" or two that wipes out the remaining shaky pillars that Christianity rests upon.
the evidence for some form of evolution -- and the age of earth and life upon it -- is mounting almost daily.
how long can the wts insulate its followers from the incontrovertible evidence without lapsing into total irrelevance?
what do you think?.
It doesn't matter how much evidence there is. Everything from the Encyclopedia Britannica to the Museum of Natural History to the History Channel is run by Satan the Devil, Adam ate a fruit 6,000 years ago, and we've all been screwed as a result. Satan even messes with carbon dating machines!
a long-awaited review by professor h. hunger, foremost authority on babylonian astronomical cuneiform tablets, of dr. r. furuli's assyrian, babylonian, and egyptian chronology.
volume ii of assyrian, babylonian, egyptian, and persian chronology compared with the chronology of the bible is now available to read for anyone who is interested.
you can find it at
The WT should just admit to the 587 date and invent a way to make 1934 the date of the Kingdom being established. Let's say changing the name to Jehovah's Witnesses in 1931 plus a time, times and half a time or something like that..... you know, there's ALWAYS new light...... and that would even buy them another 20 years of "generation".....