The reason I mentioned Matthew 6:19-21 was to show Janet that it was figurative.
The preceding chapter is speaking of a literal heaven.
What's your problem???
here i sit, doing my hubby's study again.
a little creative editing on the part of the revelation writers caught my eye.
we are studying the laodiceans this week.
The reason I mentioned Matthew 6:19-21 was to show Janet that it was figurative.
The preceding chapter is speaking of a literal heaven.
What's your problem???
i for one, would blindly trust just about anyone on this forum, just the fact of knowing that you already were a jw.. does this mean that jw's in general are better people or are we a very close bunch of people?.
TopHat: No, the expelled ones are welcome to return. They also know they must adhere to teachings of the Bible.
i for one, would blindly trust just about anyone on this forum, just the fact of knowing that you already were a jw.. does this mean that jw's in general are better people or are we a very close bunch of people?.
From your name I surmise you are still attending? That being the case, you know that all df'd and da'd ones are being welcomed back. Recent articles point to this as I'm sure you are aware.
i for one, would blindly trust just about anyone on this forum, just the fact of knowing that you already were a jw.. does this mean that jw's in general are better people or are we a very close bunch of people?.
trevor, you don't sound uptight at all. Just as long certain ones stay away from you. Well, feel free not to read any of my posts and that way we can keep our distance.
i for one, would blindly trust just about anyone on this forum, just the fact of knowing that you already were a jw.. does this mean that jw's in general are better people or are we a very close bunch of people?.
When any of us get our hackles up, we often hear what we want to hear. Is it at all possible you are slanting your version? The JWs I've ever known would NEVER say anything like what you've said.
I've had my share of bad experiences, both inside and outside the truth. In the past, I'd say exactly what someone said but with a few extra thoughts and claim it was exactly what I heard them say. In the end though, the truth always comes out.
i for one, would blindly trust just about anyone on this forum, just the fact of knowing that you already were a jw.. does this mean that jw's in general are better people or are we a very close bunch of people?.
I'm sorry you have the idea that JWs think so poorly of you. If only you knew, they want very much for you to do well. God does not want to see any destroyed. 2 Peter 3:9 and likewise neither do JWs.
The people I am talking about who have no interest in any religion are neighbors and co workers. Mainly, everyone just wants to get along and not be bothered by anything that is in any way controversial. Thus I say, as in the days of Noah.
i for one, would blindly trust just about anyone on this forum, just the fact of knowing that you already were a jw.. does this mean that jw's in general are better people or are we a very close bunch of people?.
TopHat: Most people I talk to have absolutely NO interest in the Bible, any religion and could care less what the will of God is. In the 20-40 age group, many have never been in a church (barring weddings and funerals). They are quite happy doing their own will.
i for one, would blindly trust just about anyone on this forum, just the fact of knowing that you already were a jw.. does this mean that jw's in general are better people or are we a very close bunch of people?.
JWs do not say people are evil and wicked. This system of things is.
Just as in the days of Noah. Most people then weren't wicked or evil. They lived ordinary lives. What they did not do was worship Jehovah. Mostly, today it is the same.
here i sit, doing my hubby's study again.
a little creative editing on the part of the revelation writers caught my eye.
we are studying the laodiceans this week.
If you read the paragraph in order, you missed the Scripture mentioned at Mat.6:19-21.
This brings it all into perspective.
Maybe if you let hubby do his own studying, he would progress better.
i for one, would blindly trust just about anyone on this forum, just the fact of knowing that you already were a jw.. does this mean that jw's in general are better people or are we a very close bunch of people?.
Having read quite a few threads on this site, I'd have to say JWs ARE generally better than most who post here.
This is the first I've seen any group get so uptight about their former friends. Does there actually come a time when you put a period on the past and move on?
As for the mental health issue mentioned in a few posts, I would suggest some of you get some help yourselves, never mind accusing others. But I suppose if any of you have mental problems, you know who to blame???