Brent ... you are the one who shot yourself in the foot with your 10 to 20 foot idea.
Now attack the messenger ... when you have nothing of value to add.
i work nights so when i get off i'll run by walmart to grab something to make for breakfast or just if i need something or whatever.
this morning at 6:55 (i know because i looked at my watch) a little black girl maybe 7 years old came up to me by herself to offer me a tract... i mean come on it's still full freaking dark out and this poor little kid is handing out tracts alone.
i asked her "where are your parents.
Brent ... you are the one who shot yourself in the foot with your 10 to 20 foot idea.
Now attack the messenger ... when you have nothing of value to add.
i work nights so when i get off i'll run by walmart to grab something to make for breakfast or just if i need something or whatever.
this morning at 6:55 (i know because i looked at my watch) a little black girl maybe 7 years old came up to me by herself to offer me a tract... i mean come on it's still full freaking dark out and this poor little kid is handing out tracts alone.
i asked her "where are your parents.
Why thank you purple sofa.
I'm guessing you look more like an old purple sofa than you look like your avatar.
Old and comfy .... Soft and lumpy ....
i work nights so when i get off i'll run by walmart to grab something to make for breakfast or just if i need something or whatever.
this morning at 6:55 (i know because i looked at my watch) a little black girl maybe 7 years old came up to me by herself to offer me a tract... i mean come on it's still full freaking dark out and this poor little kid is handing out tracts alone.
i asked her "where are your parents.
sirona ... are you for real?
We leave our kids with other adults all the time.
Your point of the other adults in conversation... could as easily be the parents in conversation.
Do you suggest that each and every child should always be in arms reach of their parents at all times?
If you think so there'd be a lot of grandparents, aunts, uncles and close friends disappointed.
i work nights so when i get off i'll run by walmart to grab something to make for breakfast or just if i need something or whatever.
this morning at 6:55 (i know because i looked at my watch) a little black girl maybe 7 years old came up to me by herself to offer me a tract... i mean come on it's still full freaking dark out and this poor little kid is handing out tracts alone.
i asked her "where are your parents.
Sirona ... how do we know there weren't other adults close by ... watching the little girl????
All this is on mrk's supposition ... ever consider he got things wrong????
My being or not being a parent does not change the facts or lack of in this case.
i work nights so when i get off i'll run by walmart to grab something to make for breakfast or just if i need something or whatever.
this morning at 6:55 (i know because i looked at my watch) a little black girl maybe 7 years old came up to me by herself to offer me a tract... i mean come on it's still full freaking dark out and this poor little kid is handing out tracts alone.
i asked her "where are your parents.
oompa ... you would actually suggest someone "beat the crap out of these people" .... without even knowing all the details????
This is so sad ..........
i work nights so when i get off i'll run by walmart to grab something to make for breakfast or just if i need something or whatever.
this morning at 6:55 (i know because i looked at my watch) a little black girl maybe 7 years old came up to me by herself to offer me a tract... i mean come on it's still full freaking dark out and this poor little kid is handing out tracts alone.
i asked her "where are your parents.
Then you just shot down the argument about the parents being so far away.
According to you, their daughter could have been snatched away even if they were within ten feet of her.
i work nights so when i get off i'll run by walmart to grab something to make for breakfast or just if i need something or whatever.
this morning at 6:55 (i know because i looked at my watch) a little black girl maybe 7 years old came up to me by herself to offer me a tract... i mean come on it's still full freaking dark out and this poor little kid is handing out tracts alone.
i asked her "where are your parents.
Most of you are posting negative comments with out knowing all the facts.
Just because she pointed out her parents quite a ways off, doesn't mean there weren't other adults near her, keeping an eye on her.
Not having all the info makes this topic redundant.
i work nights so when i get off i'll run by walmart to grab something to make for breakfast or just if i need something or whatever.
this morning at 6:55 (i know because i looked at my watch) a little black girl maybe 7 years old came up to me by herself to offer me a tract... i mean come on it's still full freaking dark out and this poor little kid is handing out tracts alone.
i asked her "where are your parents.
Actually, if the Walmart is part of a plaza, they do not control the parking lot .. case where I live.
My local Walmart does not post No Solisiting signs either.
I would not do what these parents did .. but quite honestly, we don't know all the facts. There may have been other adults very near to this little girl ... she only pointed out where her parents were because that is what she was asked.
Would we hear all this commotion if it had been a girl guide selling cookies?
i work nights so when i get off i'll run by walmart to grab something to make for breakfast or just if i need something or whatever.
this morning at 6:55 (i know because i looked at my watch) a little black girl maybe 7 years old came up to me by herself to offer me a tract... i mean come on it's still full freaking dark out and this poor little kid is handing out tracts alone.
i asked her "where are your parents.
Does Walmart have NO SOLISITING signs?
If they do, does that include the parking lot?
I often find flyers stuck under my wiper blades ... no biggy.
A lot of young mothers I know are dragging their tots to daycare at 5:30 or 6:00 a.m. each morning.
Should they be reported too?
this chart is out of date and i am wondering if anyone can find more contemporary statistics?.
i am wondering if there is some way possible for wbts to be billed for medical expenses caused by the psychological harm inflicted when dubs end up in dr. offices or hospital as a result of spiritual trauma and spiritual warfare?.
seems to me that we could make them take some responsibility.. (i am not providing the link because this is second-hand information).
avishai ... trauma and abuse can change the brain. That's been recognized by car accidents.
Birth trauma often causes cerebral palsy, which is a brain disorder ... due to lack of oxygen either before, during or after birth. There is no cure. The main and sad part of cp is that often the mental powers are normal or above but the body stiffens and is drawn inward. The opposite can happen and the muscles loosen.
These patients are not considered schizophrenic though.