2) About a third of the angels rebelled. They chose to follow Satan rather than obey God. Of course they saw the results of disobediance and still chose a bad coarse. They did what they did with full knowledge of the outcome ... as did Adam. (free choice)
This also shows a good argument against predestination.
5) No, spirit creatures cannot be good if they disobey God. They do often blind the hearts of unbelievers though.
6) Jehovah refused to answer Saul ... he did not provide the spirit medium.
7) False prophets are allowed in this time as was foretold. It is up to each of us to make the right decision and live with it. It is also a time of great ingathering of those who trust in Jehovah. His faithful followers will not be disappointed.
Got this out of order ... but questions 3,4 and 9 are irrelevent to me.
8) The path to life is narrow because only a small percentage of faithful man will endure. It takes much effort to gain the prize ... what better prize could there be?
10) Satan taunted Jehovah that Job only worshipped him because he had such a good life. Job's faithfulness is a fine example for all of us ... especially since Job did not know about the test he was under. Being enlightened now as to Satan's attacks, we are forewarned.