Hope you have a tough hide :)
I thought all the venom was reserved for me ... don't take this site too seriously ... Rosie
oh i just love reading stories like this.
jobless couple with 12 children are given a 500,000 homedan newling and daniel bates - more by this author last updated at 10:08am on 24th july 2007. comments (57).
it's the type of highly-desirable family home that is well beyond the reach of many middle-class professionals.
Hope you have a tough hide :)
I thought all the venom was reserved for me ... don't take this site too seriously ... Rosie
just thought i'd stick my head in to say hello, and how is everyone doing?!!
been going ok here, been a bit stressed with the job i'm doing, and seem to live for the weekends and a few beers.
was going to go to the convention in london this weekend at twickenham, but got sort of warned off it from my mum being as i'm in this new relationship wouldn't be "appropriate" as she said.
I lurked here for ages before posting. You are very familiar to me even though we've never posted at the same time. Hope you take no offence .. none meant .. but I faithfully watch Coronation Street .. here in Canader ... and well, you remind me of Sean. I adore the character so no harm meant :)
Hope you return someday ... Rosie.
Untill reading here, I had no idea there was a cash settlement. Haven't really looked into it much anyway. As was stated by earlier posters, most continue to donate as usual, feeling the Society will use the money as they see fit.
oh i just love reading stories like this.
jobless couple with 12 children are given a 500,000 homedan newling and daniel bates - more by this author last updated at 10:08am on 24th july 2007. comments (57).
it's the type of highly-desirable family home that is well beyond the reach of many middle-class professionals.
John Doe
You make some good points. I can imagine many women caught in the cycle of getting pregnant year after year would appreciate your proposal.
oh i just love reading stories like this.
jobless couple with 12 children are given a 500,000 homedan newling and daniel bates - more by this author last updated at 10:08am on 24th july 2007. comments (57).
it's the type of highly-desirable family home that is well beyond the reach of many middle-class professionals.
Do you agree with third term abortions? Most born now at that stage of gestation are able to survive.
oh i just love reading stories like this.
jobless couple with 12 children are given a 500,000 homedan newling and daniel bates - more by this author last updated at 10:08am on 24th july 2007. comments (57).
it's the type of highly-desirable family home that is well beyond the reach of many middle-class professionals.
If a person's recollection of earliest memory is at three years old ... by your standard that child could be done in at two years of age because it isn't a viable human yet.
oh i just love reading stories like this.
jobless couple with 12 children are given a 500,000 homedan newling and daniel bates - more by this author last updated at 10:08am on 24th july 2007. comments (57).
it's the type of highly-desirable family home that is well beyond the reach of many middle-class professionals.
If an unborn child is not considered a person, why are ones charged with double homicide if a pregnant woman is murdered?
this has been an interesting week.
early in the week my wife started corresponding with one of her old friends.
he is no longer a witness and while i'm not sure what the catalyst was they started talking about why he left the witnesses.
Mrs. Para ... if you end up reading this post, please, use caution while browsing here. They know what they are talking about ... lurkers usually end up anti-Witnesses. Is that what you want? I have personal reasons for being here that don't involve doctrinal beliefs. Let your browsing be with an eye of discretion ... take care.
oh i just love reading stories like this.
jobless couple with 12 children are given a 500,000 homedan newling and daniel bates - more by this author last updated at 10:08am on 24th july 2007. comments (57).
it's the type of highly-desirable family home that is well beyond the reach of many middle-class professionals.
The problem in England, as described by Gill is also found in Canada. Our population is aging and so few young ones to take their place ... thus supporting the future.
The answer our government has found is to allow much immigration. We soon will be the Bangladesh of the North. Nothing wrong with that ... they are a hard working, productive people.
this is my first post and might be my only post, not sure.
i've chosen to "come out" for a moment just to talk about the 30 minute change in the public talk on sundays.
my father and brother are both elders, this change was a blow to them they enjoy giving encouraging public talks to the friends.
Ophelia ... could you give me some examples of the changes that have bothered you? None of them bother me and I can't possibly understand why anyone would be so concerned. No offence and I truly would like to hear your concerns. Like other changes, we adjust to new things rather quickly and wonder what we worried about.