Actually, I was only interested in what 'shopaholic' had to say since we were discussing her story.
I'm sure the rest of you enjoyed jumping in ... I'll wait to see what 'shop' has to say.
it appears that inactive is living up to her name.
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
If you were able to walk away that easily. did you really have faith to begin with?
Did you ever consider contacting headquaters and asking what was up with these elders?
I don't understand someone being so easily put off and doing nothing about it ... if they figured they were in the right belief.
What do you do now?
Do you have any belief or faith?
p.s. you do have the ring of truth in your story ... inactive does not ...
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
why care about spiritual things?
i see most of all of you speak in different opinions of what is or may be true spiritual things (while a few ar just freezing cold or dead spiritualy), but i ask all of you, why even bother to care or pretend to care of spiritual things?.
so i started my new job last week as a decorator at a very upmarket furniture and decor store... i am on my feet for most of the day and i am really battling to cope with the tired legs and sore feet daily... for anyone that works on their feet all day, do you ever really get used to it, or do you just learn to ignore the pain?
what should i be doing to minimise the pain?
any tips and suggestion would be appreciated for this tired princess?.
It doesn't matter what your job title is or how upscale the local is ... better start looking after your feet!
Wear 'good' support hose ... if you don't you'll pay the price later ... big time.
Buy the best shoes they make. Best as in .. comfort and support.
You may not look as classy as you'd like but if you are good at your job ... who cares?
i have no problem being around gay people.
but bring it up a car group and omg its like the number 1 sin in the world.
it got to point where i wanted to stand up for them.
i got disfelowshiped when i divorced my husband and altho we both went on to have relationships with other people he didn't get disfelowshiped as he wasn't going to meetings.
we have since then got back together and i find it so frustrating that i still get treated like a leper being shunned by his family and all the other witnesses but he still gets invited to dinner and works with them.
i don't want to be best buddys with any of them i just hate it when they cross the road to avoid me .
i was just wondering.
is there some sort of doctrine, or belief, principle, rule or whatever, that says that jehovah's witnesses, when asked, must confirm that they're jehovah's witnesses?
(one possible basis for such a rule, that comes to mind, is the bit about peter denying jesus three times before the cock crowed.).
i was just wondering.
is there some sort of doctrine, or belief, principle, rule or whatever, that says that jehovah's witnesses, when asked, must confirm that they're jehovah's witnesses?
(one possible basis for such a rule, that comes to mind, is the bit about peter denying jesus three times before the cock crowed.).
i wonder if anyon on hre can give me some advice , my daughter was abused by an ex jw , it came out in court that he had abused other childrn when he was serving as a ministerial servant years earlier , the elders knw about those victims and never reported him to the police , the judge called it a coverup , there were no press in the room so it never made it in the papers which i was very angry about .
had they reported him years ago he would never have been able to abuse my daughter , and i want an apoligy , i have tried to discuss it with the elders but they all mak out they knew nothing , which makes m wonder who it was that reported the abuse to london hq bethel as that was said in court .
do you think if i wrot to them we would get an apology, his wife who used to be a close friend is supporting him, and his jw family , i feel devastated by this, the cps did not persue the 8 charges for my daughter due to lack of evidence , even though he took my daughter and another victim to the same place, which his wife must just think is a huge coincidence, they critise the catholics for keeping hush hush about abuse but do the same themselves , i wish i could talk to another mum of a child who was abused by a jw , i cant talk to the other mums involved in our case as i think they have been told not to talk to me , i am not a jw but am married to a disfellowshipped man .