I'm getting all the print related ads... Vista, Redbubble, Threadless etc. Comes in handy actually. The ads here lead me to 2 more printing services that I haven't signed up for yet. More sites to display my artwork on and (hopefully) make some dollars with.
JoinedPosts by brinjen
the mormons are advertising on here
by bigmac ini appreciate it probably wont be on everyones screen,---but i had to laugh when an advert for recruits to the mormons appeared at the top..
AUSTRALIA | TRANSCRIPT of Child Abuse Inquiry into Jehovah's Witnesses and Watchtower Society - April 2013
by jwleaks injw leaks has published the 17 page official transcript of the appearance by watchtower bible and tract society of australia and jehovah's witnesses before the "inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religious and other organisations" conducted on 11 april 2013 in victoria, australia.. http://jwleaks.org/australia/.
quote from rachel van witsen, legal counsel for watchtower bible and tract society of australia and jehovah's witnesses, in reply to who is responsible for reporting child abuse within the religion of jehovah's witnesses... .
ms van witsen at the moment, because there is no mandatory reporting for ministers of religion in victoria, then the victim, who has very often had their dignity removed, is then put in the drivers seat.. .
@mP... that's just it though. A lot of the rank & file actually believe those lies. It sounds though like more and more are beginning to ask questions though. They've covered up their cover ups so many times over the cracks are showing... hence the talks Splash has mentioned. I wonder what the long term damage will be... they may just cause their own demise yet.
AUSTRALIA | TRANSCRIPT of Child Abuse Inquiry into Jehovah's Witnesses and Watchtower Society - April 2013
by jwleaks injw leaks has published the 17 page official transcript of the appearance by watchtower bible and tract society of australia and jehovah's witnesses before the "inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religious and other organisations" conducted on 11 april 2013 in victoria, australia.. http://jwleaks.org/australia/.
quote from rachel van witsen, legal counsel for watchtower bible and tract society of australia and jehovah's witnesses, in reply to who is responsible for reporting child abuse within the religion of jehovah's witnesses... .
ms van witsen at the moment, because there is no mandatory reporting for ministers of religion in victoria, then the victim, who has very often had their dignity removed, is then put in the drivers seat.. .
Sounds like they are getting more desperate. They've had quite a bit of negative publicity... ok so most of the general public don't care about the JW's but it's still publicity. Combine that with the victim mentality they hold, stir in a bit of their usual paranoia and voila! Not surprised they're resorting to those kinds of talks Splash. They're in for a bad few years here in Oz... I think that is pretty much guaranteed.
I got told by a JW here in Victoria recently in the comments of an article relating to them about why they feel they don't have to comply with the Working With Children act here in Victoria and require their Elders and Ministerial Servants (at least) obtain a Working With Children card (compulsary for everyone else). The answer? I got the rant about how they have been persecuted before and don't trust the government to use that database against them. Should point out every religious organisation here is required to obtain these cards... not just them. Got me to thinking about why they are not so concerned when it comes to replying as to why they didn't vote (not compulary in Australia) to avoid having to pay the fine. Quite happy to proudly give the reason of being a Jehovah's Witness and 'no part of this world' .
What if the male became pregnant and not the woman.
by jam inhow would our world today be different if the males.
became pregnant.
let's suppose the creator (who ever.
" Well for a start, if males were the ones to fall pregnant, the condom would have been invented before the wheel.
Never a 'Like' button when you need one.
AUSTRALIA | TRANSCRIPT of Child Abuse Inquiry into Jehovah's Witnesses and Watchtower Society - April 2013
by jwleaks injw leaks has published the 17 page official transcript of the appearance by watchtower bible and tract society of australia and jehovah's witnesses before the "inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religious and other organisations" conducted on 11 april 2013 in victoria, australia.. http://jwleaks.org/australia/.
quote from rachel van witsen, legal counsel for watchtower bible and tract society of australia and jehovah's witnesses, in reply to who is responsible for reporting child abuse within the religion of jehovah's witnesses... .
ms van witsen at the moment, because there is no mandatory reporting for ministers of religion in victoria, then the victim, who has very often had their dignity removed, is then put in the drivers seat.. .
As long as they realise they are running a risk of being shunned by their family and friends... anyone is free to question the teachings.
AUSTRALIA | TRANSCRIPT of Child Abuse Inquiry into Jehovah's Witnesses and Watchtower Society - April 2013
by jwleaks injw leaks has published the 17 page official transcript of the appearance by watchtower bible and tract society of australia and jehovah's witnesses before the "inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religious and other organisations" conducted on 11 april 2013 in victoria, australia.. http://jwleaks.org/australia/.
quote from rachel van witsen, legal counsel for watchtower bible and tract society of australia and jehovah's witnesses, in reply to who is responsible for reporting child abuse within the religion of jehovah's witnesses... .
ms van witsen at the moment, because there is no mandatory reporting for ministers of religion in victoria, then the victim, who has very often had their dignity removed, is then put in the drivers seat.. .
Did anyone else notice how Mr O'Brien at the start of the hearing made it sound as though there were only 2 cases of abuse in the last 40 years in Victoria, then made many defences based on the claim of 'children not wanting their abuse to go public', then admitted he did not know of any children who have ever requested that in the first place....
He handed to the Inquiry a lot of reason to investigate further...
if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either
by biometrics infor even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.
(2 thess.
how many witlesses actually take this scripture to heart and apply it in their lives.
Jomavrick... computers, internet and cell phones are all pretty much essential tools for job search nowadays. Everyone expects you to be contactable at the drop of a hat. More and more employers are not accepting any resumes or even enquiries in person anymore. They simply direct any wishing to apply to 'go to their website and apply online'. It's also becoming more and more the most direct way to find out who is hiring in the first place.
if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either
by biometrics infor even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.
(2 thess.
how many witlesses actually take this scripture to heart and apply it in their lives.
I'm not sure how financially feasible it is to receive unemployment and pioneer at the same time anymore. The dole really isn't much at all... living off it myself and definitely not by choice, I am trying to obtain employment and am spending a lot of hours each doing so... on top of researching a few ideas to create employment for myself through my digital artwork... the artwork side takes up around 40 hours a week alone.
My point... you can't just claim unemployment and try for a couple of jobs a week anymore. Those days are gone. You need to prove that you are spending a reasonable amount of time trying to obtain work and doing pretty much anything within your reach. They won't settle for less anymore.
AUSTRALIA | TRANSCRIPT of Child Abuse Inquiry into Jehovah's Witnesses and Watchtower Society - April 2013
by jwleaks injw leaks has published the 17 page official transcript of the appearance by watchtower bible and tract society of australia and jehovah's witnesses before the "inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religious and other organisations" conducted on 11 april 2013 in victoria, australia.. http://jwleaks.org/australia/.
quote from rachel van witsen, legal counsel for watchtower bible and tract society of australia and jehovah's witnesses, in reply to who is responsible for reporting child abuse within the religion of jehovah's witnesses... .
ms van witsen at the moment, because there is no mandatory reporting for ministers of religion in victoria, then the victim, who has very often had their dignity removed, is then put in the drivers seat.. .
From the transcript... page 11
Mr McGUIRE — You said earlier that you do not feel that as ministers of religion it is mandatory to report child sexual abuse to police. Why not? Given that, you know, child rape is a heinous crime.
Mr T. O’BRIEN — Sorry, can you repeat the question? I am not following your line.
Mr McGUIRE — You said earlier that you do not feel that as ministers of religion it is mandatory to report child sexual abuse to police. What I am saying is: why not, given that child rape is a heinous crime?
Mr T. O’BRIEN — Yes, but it is the act of Parliament. It is not an act of our theocratic society. If Parliament legislated that ministers of religion in every case should mandatorily report to the police, we would cooperate.
Mr McGUIRE — You do not think that as a matter of course you should do it anyway?
Mr T. O’BRIEN — There are different issues, I guess, that come out with the victim. Why Parliament chose to follow the course they did — we are not sitting in judgment on that, but we know there would be victims who would rather not have the matter brought before the public forum, so rather than the minister take on that responsibility or that right from the person — — But having said that, as we said earlier, if they did choose to report it, we would support them fully.
Mr McGUIRE — I guess there is just a gap there that I am trying to work out in terms of why you do not think you should do it. Do you just support that this change should occur — that it should be made mandatory?
Mr T. O’BRIEN — Again, we do not want to presume to take the responsibility of Parliament.
Mr McGUIRE — I am happy for you to presume.
Mr T. O’BRIEN — If Parliament did do that, then we would support it, as we do in countries where it is mandatory. Unfailingly. We see benefits in it. We see, obviously the same as Parliament has to date, some drawbacks too.
Mr McGUIRE — Even though your church has congregations in all Australian states and territories, your guidelines are issued from New York and there is no specific advice to elders on local Victorian laws and mandated organisational responsibilities in respect to child protection. Why is this?
The grilling continues on page 12... they will be called again.
AUSTRALIA | TRANSCRIPT of Child Abuse Inquiry into Jehovah's Witnesses and Watchtower Society - April 2013
by jwleaks injw leaks has published the 17 page official transcript of the appearance by watchtower bible and tract society of australia and jehovah's witnesses before the "inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religious and other organisations" conducted on 11 april 2013 in victoria, australia.. http://jwleaks.org/australia/.
quote from rachel van witsen, legal counsel for watchtower bible and tract society of australia and jehovah's witnesses, in reply to who is responsible for reporting child abuse within the religion of jehovah's witnesses... .
ms van witsen at the moment, because there is no mandatory reporting for ministers of religion in victoria, then the victim, who has very often had their dignity removed, is then put in the drivers seat.. .
" I have a feeling these guys know something's up here. They ain't stupid. "
Inquiries are usually set up well with people known for their investigative skills and their talents for finding out the absolute truth. The National Royal Commission that is kicking underway will go even further. Those guys do not muck around and any little fib said to a Royal Commission makes the consequences of lying to the Supreme Court look small time. You can't use 'selective wording' in an effort to cover up the truth... they will find out if you do. The WTBTS is in for a run of a few bad years here in Australia... guaranteed.