Might also want to ask someone on the RC to ring the Bethel headquarters, pretending to be a concerned Brother or Sister. It's my understanding they're telling them the video is being tampered with. Yeah... live feed. Yet to hear of any technology that makes that possible.
JoinedPosts by brinjen
Contacted by Royal Commission today
by umbertoecho infirstly, thank you to anyone who is in support of this rc.
no one has shown anything but great interest and empathy for those who were abused.. i don't know who this simonsays character is though and i find him to be very rude and ignorant.
it takes all kinds to make the world go round i suppose.. today i was contacted by a staff member of the royal commission.
Update on Royal Commission
by umbertoecho inpaedophiles repeatedly promoted to positions of authority in jehovahs witness church royal commission told.
1 hour ago july 27, 2015 12:45pm.
counsel assisting the royal commission, angus stewart sc has told the royal commission that church elders could now face criminal charges.
These stats are very quickly gaining publicity. My Facebook feed is currently loaded with links to just about every mainstream newspaper in the country all discussing these very figures.
Devouring the Forbidden Fruit - Higher Education
by cappytan inwell, i told my wife over the weekend i was going to go back school to finish my degree.
she is 100% supportive of it!
apparently she doesn't think higher education is so evil either.. since my former major was computer programming and that was in the late 1990's, i was told i'd have to retake a bunch of classes since times have changed.
Congratulations on heading back to school. Going to Uni was the best decision I ever made.
I now have a law degree!
by digderidoo inhi guys, i don't really post on here much anymore, having been on here since 2001. this site helped me out in the early days and has been a great support system for all of my past jw issues.
like many others i was discouraged from an education so that i could window clean and pioneer in my youth during the 80's.
having spent many years post my jw exit in alcoholism and periods of drugs, i decided to clean myself up 7 years ago by attending aa, i was still a window cleaner ... at the time i wrote extensively on here about my issues.
Attending University myself. In my first year of gaining my Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts. Probably will do the Honors year as I'm jst loving it so far. Get to spend my days either producing art or discussing the greats that I adimire so much. I finally feel that I can make my own unique mark on the world.
**clinks glasses with digderidoo**
Christmas is WRONG!
by thesaint inyou all should be ashamed of your egotistical selves.
how can you leave god's organization to celebrate the work of satan the devil?
it just goes to show you how jehovah's christian witnesses are correct about how persons will leave the truth for their own selfish desires.. first off, christmas is a pagan holiday and it proves no spirit with the almighty jehovah and his son, the christ.
Christmas is WRONG!
by thesaint inyou all should be ashamed of your egotistical selves.
how can you leave god's organization to celebrate the work of satan the devil?
it just goes to show you how jehovah's christian witnesses are correct about how persons will leave the truth for their own selfish desires.. first off, christmas is a pagan holiday and it proves no spirit with the almighty jehovah and his son, the christ.
Why am I sensing satire here?
Catching Fire
by DS211 ini just watched catching fire with my wife and i loved it.
i felt i could relate to many characters..but what really built me up was the courage that katniss and her friends had to stand up even when lresent with harsh persecution.
i walkd away from it wanting to tell everyone all i knew about the wt.
Saw the Catching Fire movie last week. Have read all the books... love the whole series. (For anyone who is enjoying the movies but haven't read the books I highly recommend you do).
And I believe it will be 4 movies... from what I've heard they are splitting the final book into 2.
Wow... These Kids Are Amazing
by brinjen inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myklvygqac0.
there's hope for this world after all.
There's hope for this world after all.
HELP! I have a problem Sony Vegas Pro 12
by Voices inanyone experienced in sony vegas pro 12????????.
i have been looking through the various posts on director sites that i can't seem to post on, about the bluring problem that people are discussing, and none of them are what i'm experiecing.
i have used sony vega to upload stuff on youtube and it was no problem.
1920x1080x32 is a pretty high resolution and colour palette. Have you tried 16 or 24 bit colour instead? What is you bit rate set at? Variable? Constant?
The reason behind why the ex-JW community can never match Jehovah's Witnesses' success.
by Stand for Pure Worship inan average of five kingdom halls being constructed daily, almost 8 million brothers and sisters, dissemination of bible literature in 595 languages, 111,795 congregations worldwide, distribution of 179 million bibles available in 116 languages, 239 countries where jehovah's witnesses have a presence, etc.. need i go on?.
on the other hand........... crisis of conscience, freeminds, the awaa, jw.net, ummmmmm........hmmm........idk six screens or something?
not exactly working out for you guys.
Wow. More JW's than Scientolgists eh? Learn something new every day.
As for the original poster's argument... who here is trying to create a religion, corporation or compete with any pre-existing ones?
That's right... no one. We have better things to do with our time.