JoinedPosts by brinjen
AUSTRALIA: January 11, 2013 - Terms of Reference for Child Abuse Royal Commission
by jwleaks inletters patent.
elizabeth the second, by the grace of god queen of australia and her other realms and territories, head of the commonwealth:.
the honourable justice peter david mcclellan am,.
The Other Side of the Indian Rape Story
by fulltimestudent ini'm posting this story, not to defend an indefensible act, but to try to provide some balance.
the fact is that so many indians exist in a poverty so deep that it's difficult for westerners to even understand.
the youngest of the rapists in the now world known rape story, according to this uk, independent newspaper story, grew up in that world that seems hopeless.
Ethiopia is another example of a country with high poverty rates yet relatively low in violent crimes. From the research I've done, it seems the most likely crime you'll experience there is a sly pick pocketer.
I saw a documentary a few months back on the country. People who are working all day just to have a meal... and yet, the widest smiles on their faces.
My Husband Said "Victims Of Pedophiles Come Forward Soon, Not Fifteen Or Thirty Years Later!" Right?
by AuntConnie inmy husband had gotten into a fight with a couple of victims of different pedophiles, he said in all his years of elderhood, "men and women who were sexually assualted came forward when they were old enough, they did not wait for decades to report they were abused.
you must have some kind of false memory or you are just trying to bring shame to the congregations.
" what is the truth of this?.
Aunt Connie - None of what you have said here justifies your husband's actions... or yours for that matter. Why do the Watchtower Society continue to ignore the compulsary 'Working With Children' card that is required in state I currently live in? (Victoria, Australia). It's not like it can be classified as a political card... it is simply proof that you have passed a police check and have no history of child abuse. They refuse to comply with this law which has been in effect since 2005. They are (to my knowlege) the only organisation that is doing this.
The card... btw... is free to obtain if you are not going to be using it for a paid position. It's not at all hard to obtain (when you have no history of pedophillia in your police file) and the card lasts for 5 years. But... here we are more then seven years after this law was introduced and they are still failing to comply. Why?
The Other Side of the Indian Rape Story
by fulltimestudent ini'm posting this story, not to defend an indefensible act, but to try to provide some balance.
the fact is that so many indians exist in a poverty so deep that it's difficult for westerners to even understand.
the youngest of the rapists in the now world known rape story, according to this uk, independent newspaper story, grew up in that world that seems hopeless.
I'm curious as to why the author of the article in the OP chose to focus on poverty. Yes... I do realise India is not a rich country but is it an economics issue to begin with? In other words... is it only the poorest of India that are guilty of rape or is the problem more widespread?
prologos... I agree. Victims need help now now. I would like to see a change of attitude towards women as a more long term solution but of course that immediately begs the question... HOW?
Fundamental religion keeps rearing it's ugly head. Eve teasing, the body shutting down pregnancy when it's legitimite rape, shunning a victim for not screaming enough. Not to mention domestic violence, discrimination, the glass ceiling etc...
The Other Side of the Indian Rape Story
by fulltimestudent ini'm posting this story, not to defend an indefensible act, but to try to provide some balance.
the fact is that so many indians exist in a poverty so deep that it's difficult for westerners to even understand.
the youngest of the rapists in the now world known rape story, according to this uk, independent newspaper story, grew up in that world that seems hopeless.
prologos... are deterrants a suitable long term solution though?. Do they solve the problem or just succeed in creating a 'how not to get caught' culture?
The Other Side of the Indian Rape Story
by fulltimestudent ini'm posting this story, not to defend an indefensible act, but to try to provide some balance.
the fact is that so many indians exist in a poverty so deep that it's difficult for westerners to even understand.
the youngest of the rapists in the now world known rape story, according to this uk, independent newspaper story, grew up in that world that seems hopeless.
I'm not sure if a deterrent is an appropiate long term solution. To me... it would be better to locate the cause of the problem/s and see if there is a way to overcome them. I do understand where this article is coming from... I don't see it as trying to condone anything but I do believe they are looking from the wrong angle. Having said that, you're not going to know for sure which way is right until you've looked at all arguments and views.
The Other Side of the Indian Rape Story
by fulltimestudent ini'm posting this story, not to defend an indefensible act, but to try to provide some balance.
the fact is that so many indians exist in a poverty so deep that it's difficult for westerners to even understand.
the youngest of the rapists in the now world known rape story, according to this uk, independent newspaper story, grew up in that world that seems hopeless.
It's pretty much a given that whatever your political leanings are... whether you support a welfare system or not... most are going to agree that there is never an excuse for rape. Poverty and lack of sex of completely separate issues. Rape is a violent act, not sexual. There is some room there (in the way of finding a reason) with the underlying lack of respect for life... some. However, what of the millions of men who are living in poverty who do not rape? Seems pretty thin to me...
Aside from the rape epidemic, India appears to be a pretty violent place for a woman in general. Acid throwings, higher domestic violence, trafficking etc. Seems to me the real underlying problem is a lack of respect for women there... the article is looking from the wrong angle entirely.
My Husband Said "Victims Of Pedophiles Come Forward Soon, Not Fifteen Or Thirty Years Later!" Right?
by AuntConnie inmy husband had gotten into a fight with a couple of victims of different pedophiles, he said in all his years of elderhood, "men and women who were sexually assualted came forward when they were old enough, they did not wait for decades to report they were abused.
you must have some kind of false memory or you are just trying to bring shame to the congregations.
" what is the truth of this?.
If you're calling what he said lies then you're not fully believing it. Sounds to me like he is clutching at straws. A confessed pedophile but the victim is lying? Most abusers blame the abuse on the victim... many do not realise they were abused until years later. They often do believe it was their fault.
Bottom line, he is brainwashed... after all, abuse does not happen within Jehovah's org right? They prove that by sweeping it under the rug...
My Husband Said "Victims Of Pedophiles Come Forward Soon, Not Fifteen Or Thirty Years Later!" Right?
by AuntConnie inmy husband had gotten into a fight with a couple of victims of different pedophiles, he said in all his years of elderhood, "men and women who were sexually assualted came forward when they were old enough, they did not wait for decades to report they were abused.
you must have some kind of false memory or you are just trying to bring shame to the congregations.
" what is the truth of this?.
What SunnyDays said. ^^^^^
Im a non JW and i'm interested in a JW
by littlebigtown123 ini'm interested in this girl and shes a jw.
i went to the meetings and i was bored out of my mind.
i can see how the religion is very appealing to people.
First, welcome!
Now for the bad news... Jehovah's Witnesses have a strict policy of not dating anyone outside of their religion. They believe in a doomsday (or amageddon) which is happening very soon and they will be the only survivors.
When a Jehovah's Witness does date not only are restricted to other JW's but they need to be ready for marriage and can't have many ex's. If they make it to their third relationship... they are told they must make a decision and settle down soon. Dating really is supposed to lead to marriage but brings me to another point.
Marriage is a little different to them than it is to the rest of the world. As a woman, she is told to look for 'spiritual qualities'. In other words, a baptised "brother" who is looking for advancement within the congregation.
You mentioned you are aware we here refer to them as a cult. Believe me... it's not a word I personally take lightly. I grew up within this cult and can tell you personally that they are... they will make your life miserable.
If you were to study and become a Jehovah's Witness and she was to become interested in you again... let me give a brief rundown of what would then happen.
As you would be dating, people in your congregation would be expecting you to announce your engagement as soon as possible. When you go out of dates with her, you must not go alone... you have to take a chaperone with you. Sex before marriage is forbidden and punishable by disfelloshipping (what they call ex-communication). Bible studies count as dates btw.
If you were to marry her, even then there are restrictions to your sex life. Certain 'acts' such as oral sex are also forbidden (even between married couples) and the punishment is again disfellowshipping.
If someone is disfellowshipped, no one who is a Jehovah's Witness is allowed to so much as speak to that person. They must walk past them in the street as if they do not exist.
There is more (which I'm sure will be pointed out by many, many more who will post here). Please remember that pretty much everyone who does respond will be speaking from actual experience as a Jehovah's Witness and many of us (myself included) grew up within this cult. It is an educated of an opinion as you can get.
Still interested in her? Think about it... seriously.